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Duty, Honour, Love: Quinn Romance Appreciation Thread


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I love pretty much all the love interests I've met except Jorgan, but that's not what I'm here to talk about, I'm here to talk about Quinn.


He's aware that he's not even close to your power, he knows at a drop of a hat you could crush his throat without a second thought, but still he loves you, and feels no shred of jealousy. In fact he is awed, and that's something I can't get over. Most Imperial underlings I assume would resent the power the Sith have over them, but Quinn isn't that type at all.


Quinn is a bit of fresh air while still being an atypical Imperial. You don't expect his honourable tendencies amongst his unscrupulous actions (he will, at the drop of a hat, do anything it takes to serve the Empire), he talks about his previous leader, Moff...Dracen? I don't remember his name, but never do you get a real feeling of resentment. The feeling I got from him was that while he still felt perhaps a small amount of anger towards the events that took place, all in all he's moved on from that and accepted his lot in life. Now that he has freedom again however, he's willing to see possibilities that he never dreamed, possibilities like you.


That's just the feeling I get from Quinn, that before you came to Balmorra he had lost his drive, he had been dealt a poor hand and thought that was the end of the matter, but fate dealt him his wild card.


And what a wild card it is, Quinn obviously doesn't know how to deal with women, I would assume that his number of serious relationships before the Sith Warrior is about 0. He's conflicted with protocol and his feelings, perhaps for the first time in his life, and the voice acting carries this across superbly.


I'm going to kiss you now, my Lord


I haven't gotten very far with the romance, no where near the end bit which I have heard enough spoilers about and won't trouble people with them. I am actually excited to follow this relationship, unlike the only other character I've gotten up to level 44 - my trooper who I stopped playing when the Jorgan romance activated. That felt forced, that felt terrible, it made me lose all my interest in my trooper. I'm now waiting for same gender relationships to kick in so that I can romance Dorn.


Maybe I just like British accents? Oh well, there's something about Quinn that makes my heart melt, and really I couldn't care what it is really.



So apart from me rambling, I'd just like to know if anyone else felt the same about Quinn :D

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Okay I'm a guy and I have no interest in romancing Quinn, but somehow I still agree with every word you wrote. I loved him as a character from the moment we started working together. I deeply enjoy the combination of honor, duty, and awe as you put it.


Now, I still have to say Mako is the "sexiest" (blonde mako with make up on) but I don't really have a choice there, I'm not a fan of Mako's personality and she felt conflicted in her personality the more we did together. She also never really came around to the darkside even tho she had a darkside portrait choice showing all the time.


There is no conflict with Quinn, he is what he is and he knows it - He seeks to serve the best he can in his capacity and was only beaten down and stationed in the boonies by making what he felt was the best choice for the empire. he suffered due to politics for doing what he felt was the right thing, that's deeply respectable. Better yet, the player gets to give his life purpose once more and "resurrect" this great imperial officer and strategist. He also reacts immensely well with my conversation choices, I have never had a companion build so much affection quite so fast. I suppose its because he admires ruthless efficiency, sheer power, and effective murdering, so long as its for the greater good of the Empire


My vote goes to Quinn for my favorite companion by far up to this point, Great post!!

Edited by Prolyfic
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Why exactly?


Probably the same reason a good portion of SW do: beacuse of the events that transpire later on in the storyline. If you've read the spoilers then you already know which event I'm referencing.


Not that I'm saying I'd toss Quinn out an airlock myself but I'm finding that for the most part you either detest him or like him, there doesn't seem to be a middle ground. I lean heavily towards the later group and find him a great companion to have for my neutral-light leaning pro-Empire SW, whereas my RL partner absolutely hates Quinn.

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Probably the same reason a good portion of SW do: beacuse of the events that transpire later on in the storyline. If you've read the spoilers then you already know which event I'm referencing.


Not that I'm saying I'd toss Quinn out an airlock myself but I'm finding that for the most part you either detest him or like him, there doesn't seem to be a middle ground. I lean heavily towards the later group and find him a great companion to have for my neutral-light leaning pro-Empire SW, whereas my RL partner absolutely hates Quinn.


I just don't understand the shock around it, since it makes complete sense to me >_> I know, most people go 'Oh, but my love should conquer all!' but that's just not how it works.


Yeah, it seems with most of the LI companions there's not much middle ground, because the LIs are so fleshed out to appeal to particular types of people, since you can't exactly make a LI that appeals to everyone. For example, Corso Riggs is loved by many women for his kind and chivalrous nature, however anyone who feels that his kind of chivalry is sexist soon find Corso to be just a big blot on the landscape.


Baaack on topic however, as a Quinn lover who doesn't know many people IRL who play OR, I find it hard to understand the haters, simply because the plot 'hole' that people hate so much makes so much sense to me... maybe I'm just easily pleased or an idiot...or more likely both, but yeah. I just want to get the point of view of people who hate him so that I can understand I guess.

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Actually I never wanted him on the ship to begin with. The 'event' that happens later was something I knew would happen when I first met him. I mean it was pretty clear I had no patience with him during Balmorra so when he decides he wants to be assigned to my ship there was little doubt as to the reason why. He makes no secret of his loyalty to Baras.


My only real issue with him is that I can't refuse his transfer request. I'd throw him out the aforementioned airlock, but I'd have done it while still in the starport. I'm nice that way.


But the wife loves him, so I understand firsthand the divide on the character. ;)

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Actually I never wanted him on the ship to begin with. The 'event' that happens later was something I knew would happen when I first met him. I mean it was pretty clear I had no patience with him during Balmorra so when he decides he wants to be assigned to my ship there was little doubt as to the reason why. He makes no secret of his loyalty to Baras.


My only real issue with him is that I can't refuse his transfer request. I'd throw him out the aforementioned airlock, but I'd have done it while still in the starport. I'm nice that way.


But the wife loves him, so I understand firsthand the divide on the character. ;)


I didn't realise at first, but I knew he was a liability, all you'd have to do was convince him an action was good for the Empire and you could get him to kill his own mother. However I found that fact so obvious I didn't even pay attention to it until I got spoilers.


I completely understand that view though, his transfer to the ship does seem a bit incongruous, and I'd actually like to see more options in the game to refuse certain companions. but then that might unbalance the game.


I heard that originally you could kill him off however so many idiots complained that 'WHAT? Killing him actually KILLS HIM???" that they took the option out. I think a lot of people would be happier if that option had just been kept in the game....

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I didn't realise at first, but I knew he was a liability, all you'd have to do was convince him an action was good for the Empire and you could get him to kill his own mother. However I found that fact so obvious I didn't even pay attention to it until I got spoilers.


I completely understand that view though, his transfer to the ship does seem a bit incongruous, and I'd actually like to see more options in the game to refuse certain companions. but then that might unbalance the game.


I heard that originally you could kill him off however so many idiots complained that 'WHAT? Killing him actually KILLS HIM???" that they took the option out. I think a lot of people would be happier if that option had just been kept in the game....


Yeah, I'm really glad they took out the perma-death option out of the game, mostly because of how I ended up playing my FemWar. Though really, if the game gives you two light-side options to the one dark, I think the devs are trying to tell you something.


I know, most people go 'Oh, but my love should conquer all!' but that's just not how it works.


Except in SW, we already know this isn't necessarily true, given what happens in the prequels (shudder). I knew going into it he was going to do, and this was primarily due to the whole thing I had where I'd go and explore companions on youtube just to decide which class to play next.


I still found him completely endearing though. definately ranks as one of my favourite companions so far, but I want resolution!

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Yeah, I'm really glad they took out the perma-death option out of the game, mostly because of how I ended up playing my FemWar. Though really, if the game gives you two light-side options to the one dark, I think the devs are trying to tell you something.


Though that said there are a whole crapload of dark side options that get to a point of outrageous, like some of the things you can do to Vette if you feel like it are... well, sickening. I think the Devs have done a pretty good job on the whole with Light/Dark balance. >_> However this is slightly off topic.


Except in SW, we already know this isn't necessarily true, given what happens in the prequels (shudder). I knew going into it he was going to do, and this was primarily due to the whole thing I had where I'd go and explore companions on youtube just to decide which class to play next.


I still found him completely endearing though. definately ranks as one of my favourite companions so far, but I want resolution!


The prequels don't exist in my corner of the universe, just like there's only three Indiana Jones movies. I refuse to acknowledge certain movies as canon when their existence brings nothing to the series. But um, yeah now I'm going off topic again!


It seems sad that spoilers for Quinn's storyline are rife on the web, I'm sure if more people got to it without knowing before hand (I mean, suspecting is one thing, but knowing for certain is a game changer I've found) they might see it with very different eyes. Throughout the game Quinn is shown to be a man of principles that he will not break for anything. He doesn't care if sticking to those principles ruins him, however it does give him a fundamental weakness, as I've discussed before. Um, oh right, I digress.


Well, the choice that was taken out of the game, I heard gave more resolution, but since I haven't gotten to that point in the game itself I can't really comment on whether it feels resolved or not. I'll be sure to post with my opinion when I do, and it'll probably be as rambling as this!

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Quinn is awesome, can't wait for an expansion so we can continue conquering the galaxy together. I didn't get any romance with him though since my marawrder is male, but still, he's the perfect companion for a lawful evil Sith Warrior. :p
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Quinn is awesome, can't wait for an expansion so we can continue conquering the galaxy together. I didn't get any romance with him though since my marawrder is male, but still, he's the perfect companion for a lawful evil Sith Warrior. :p


I can hardly wait either, and I haven't even finished the romance yet! I'm just so excited about the possibilities that Quinn brings to the table. So many people are willing to ignore Quinn altogether - but as soon as I talked to the Moff that's on Quinn's tail I was utterly sold.



He thinks that my name and rank is Admiral Malcontent...


That was his first command, before I was even born.


That's ancient history, before he was born.


I have no idea what that is.



I couldn't stop laughing, the lines were so well delivered...

Edited by Wisp_of_Reality
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Hate? No hate here. I think for some it's a meta game decision, I know for my warrior, she took the option to force choke him to give an outlet for her frustration and moved on, admittedly, if that option still killed him I probably wouldn't have taken it,


Some of the dialogue I found barely acknowledge where you were in the companion quests, especially if you had romanced him. For most it was likely that the female warrior may have already been married to him by that point and it really could have used more dialogue or another companion quest to perhaps resolve it. That and Baras makes NO MENTION of what happens with Quinn standing there on the ship during a holocall. It's almost as if the whole betrayal happened in a bubble or something.


My issuses are more with the resolution of the incident or lack of, especially since I ran around everywhere with Quinn once I acquired him as a companion. There is oppurtunity for Quinn to redeem himself but it's like he doesn't get that chance or for the warrior and Quinn to have a conversation that alludes to the betrayl and you can either forgive him or not etc if you drag him around everywhere. Just my thought on that matter.

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Okay, just finished the bit that everyone is talking about, and honestly it seems to be a loose end.


I'm not going to go into detail, I don't like dropping spoilers but for me this bit isn't resolved and does seem like a bit of a plot hole, in a sense that the resolution isn't satisfying or believable.


However it still doesn't explain why everyone wants to punt him out the airlock. Since it still feels exactly like I expected it to feel.. perhaps a better dialogue would make it feel complete, but this hasn't effected my view on his character or the romance at all. I'm still a bit confused about all this, well since it isn't hate, I'll say anger.

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I think there is alot they could have done, but perhaps they didn't realize people would get through all the content as quickly as they did. I am hoping that soon they continue some more companion development and do something to address that issue. I really enjoyed Quinn's romance on my SW like I enjoyed the Andronikos one on my SI. They both worked nicely with the ways I played my 2 characters. Working on my IA now and hoping that one is enjoyable as well.
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Yeah, the issue with Quinn's..."event"...is not so much that it happens, but *how* it happens, and the lack of resolution afterwards.


Especially when he's married to the SW at the time. It really, really feels jarring, and leaves you wondering if your marriage is a sham and if the romance ever meant anything at all. His dialogue in that scene is just terrible, if you're on a romance path.

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my biggest issue with it is that the dark side choice and the lgiht side choice are really similar, yeah you hurt him a little but in the end its basically "i forgive you quinn"


i play a full dark side marauder, now based off that, no F'in way would i let someone betray me and live.


Now to make it workable maybe some form of mental torture? maybe using that ravager we all had to go get on him? Something to torture him into extreme pain and forsaking all ties to baras would be more believable than *choke* ok quinn, i wont kill you but im watching you...


i also wanted to rip quinns head off after the events but i cant see a way to give us a new healer if we did infact kill off quinn

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i also wanted to rip quinns head off after the events but i cant see a way to give us a new healer if we did infact kill off quinn


Ship Droid heals. :-P


To the OP- Quinn and I have a Bromance going on right now. This guy is pretty awesome.

Now that I just finished CH1 and got Jaesa I'm torn at who to run with, since I duo with the wife who is a Sorcerer. Having him as back up heals allowed the wife to DPS more.


But, from an RP standpoint, Quinn is like an emotional anchor to my Sith. Kinda like a conscience. I know he won't let me go kill EVERY innocent person in the room- just maybe one or two to get the point across.


Of course, having read this thread, I see now why he wasn't as enthusiastic as I was when I told him my plans to take Darth Baras' spot. LOL

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