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My name is: Klamydia


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Well, this is a topic about OOC names and RP names.


EDIT: Please, excuse my english, as I'm not from an english speaking country. Thanks.


My name in the server Lord Calipho (edit: Jen'Jidai was written by error) is Klamydia, a pure evil Sith Inquisitor, a guild about RP and PVP. Our ambientation is a guild just for Sith classes, thought to be a place to learn your class in a nice environment, with an OOC guild chat, a jerarchy based on alignment, and a deep thirst of jedi blood.


Well, today, 4 guys tried to 'teach' me about the convenience of my name on the Empire of an RP server, as it looks as an OOC Name.


It's absolutely NOT an OOC name. It's threatening, simply. For a Twilek female lost on the dark side. And every time anyone whispers me, warning me about it's convenience or 'acceptability', you give me a reason to preserve it. Because you feel threatened. That's the magic of it. I can remember you all the name of Darth Plagueis, with a disease name on it. Darth Sidious doesn't sound like a healthy name though, huh? And, going to other universes, Dr Putricide doesn't have a name inviting you to take tea with butter cookies, either.


I agree with my 'detractors' that a name like AIDS or Cancer would be much more threatening, even insulting and bothering, and I don't use them anyways, so don't use them against me. Klamydia is definitely not a killer disease like those.

And also, did you know it's a flower name?


Maybe there's like a 'thin line' between the convenience of disease names on evil characters, I agree. But do you think I trespassed it?


Thanks for your comments :)


Good luck!

Edited by GamusinoAtomico
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Well, this is a topic about OOC names and RP names.

My name in the server Jen'Jidai is Klamydia, a pure evil Sith Inquisitor who leads a guild called Sith Disease, a guild about RP and PVP. Our ambientation is a guild just for Sith classes, thought to be a place to learn your class in a nice environment, with an OOC guild chat, a jerarchy based on alignment, and a deep thirst of jedi blood.


Well, today, 4 guys tried to 'teach' me about the convenience of my name on the Empire of an RP server, as it looks as an OOC Name.


It's absolutely NOT an OOC name. It's threatening, simply. For a Twilek female lost on the dark side. And every time anyone whispers me, warning me about it's convenience or 'acceptability', you give me a reason to preserve it. Because you feel threatened. That's the magic of it. I can remember you all the name of Darth Plagueis, with a disease name on it. Darth Sidious doesn't sound like a healthy name though, huh? And, going to other universes, Dr Putricide doesn't have a name inviting you to take tea with butter cookies, either.


I agree with my 'detractors' that a name like AIDS or Cancer would be much more threatening, even insulting and bothering, and I don't use them anyways, so don't use them against me. Klamydia is definitely not a killer disease like those.

And also, did you know it's a flower name?


Maybe there's like a 'thin line' between the convenience of disease names on evil characters, I agree. But do you think I trespassed it?


Thanks for your comments :)


Good luck!


It may be offensive to a few, but if it was a not allowed name, would the game allowed you to choose it?

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It may be offensive to a few, but if it was a not allowed name, would the game allowed you to choose it?

I saw Tarkin running around, so I was actually really surprised the blacklist for names isn't stricter than it is.


To answer the OP, I might giggle to myself but it doesn't matter to me what you name yourself. Offensive? No.


On the other hand, you're flagging yourself as a non-roleplayer (no matter your justification), so that's worth noting. I've had great experiences with roleplayers with terrible names in PLENTY of MMOs, so you just have work harder to break down that barrier (or enjoy the self-established seclusion).

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Normally when I see someone with a name like yours my first thought is that they're lazy and disrespectful of others' immersion by choosing an eye-catching "gamer" name.


But then I think about how Tippet and Lucas used the species name "Mon Calamari" and I realize I don't have much to stand on in that argument. :)

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I know a woman named Clamydia IRL...


I weep for the future.


I did report some jerk with the name Pooptard last night. I honestly have no idea why peoplw would name tbeir character that. It's crude and ridiculous. All I can think is it's some 12 year old male whose mummy and daddy don't keep an eye on whilst they play.

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You can't kill Klamydia with penicillin, you're thinking of her sister Sithphilis.




Har har har.


Mah bad. =)


And I freely admit to not being up on how to cure Sith Transmitted Diseases.


/suspicious glance @ ShardTosk

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Well, I write here again just to say that, finally, ticket bored guys won.


Some bored guy reported my name and some Bioware guy agreed, so riht now, my name is Klamidia, and the game is deeply bugged.


I created a guild, and now I can't do anything with it.


I also had quests, none of them finishable right now.


I was on my ship when I logged out, and now I can't leave the Sith Inquisitor Hangar on any planet, because 'this is Imperial area', when I'm a Sith Inquisitor.


Yeah Digi Deluxe, I got.

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I just want to say thank you to the OP for the creative way of spelling names that aren't allowed that caused a perfectly legit name I want to be flagged as having sexual conotations (this is the reason that was told to me by the devs when I asked why the name I've been using in Star Wars for over 10 years on and offline games (like the west end and d20 rpgs) is not allowed. After much deliberation with other players we figured the only way it could would be if it was outside the ball park on a limb related to a word I'm not going to post.


Thank you so much. Please, continue to think of new ways to spell offensive or not appropriate names and such so that they will continue to tighten the naming filters sensitivity.

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What's wrong with Klamydia? Just because it SOUNDS like chlamydia doesn't mean that's what the char's name is advertising.


Christ on a Bike. I'm going to create a character and called it Adolf. let's see how long that lasts.

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I have a char called chockesondick.. I wanted to play fast and that's the first thing that came to mind. Don't play it anymore since the server I played it on was way to full so I left for a lower populated one.


Got some loughs out of it tho :).

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Ok let's see...


First of all, if they insist on making me rename the character, I will call her Klamynia, Klamidia, or anything else. And I don't think they need that filter for my name. In my old WoW server there was an undead mage called Zyrrosis. He was just HATED by all allies, with reason as he was a known camper/ganker, and the name made a lot of it. He admitted, and felt proud of it.


1 thing is that it's a STD (it's not exact, as it's the bacteria name, not the disease itself). It's also a flower, but I have to admit I wasn't thinking on that flower when creating the character. I was thinking of the bacteria, of course.


People use 'omg a STD' against me, without realizing that having chlamydia is something that passes, it has it's treatment (as a friend has just told me), and it's NOT mortal in any of it's possible cases. So please: STD is not just AIDS. It's just a temporary disease.


Do you know the reason of all this debate: misinformation. If all the people were following the many campaigns against STD's, using condoms to avoid these diseases, none of this would be happening. But there's maybe too much cool people in this world, and the gum is just old fashioned.


In fact, a guy came to me and asked why all this debate in the guild chat. He didn't know what chlamydia is, and I explained it, and also explained that having a safe sexual life assures you to never get chlamydia. Later, he congratulated me for the name choice, and for the information.


I really think that a Sith named Klamydia can inspire your imagination. Just let it fly and avoid sexual interpretations, as those are only in your head, not everybody's heads.


See you in game!


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Do you know the reason of all this debate: misinformation.

Do you actually think that? If that's the case, you should definitely re-read the thread. I get the impression from your responses that you're either attempting to troll for rage reactions (since these are the only ones you're responding to), or that you have some point to make about safe sex and you're just going about it in a weird way.


I really think that a Sith named Klamydia can inspire your imagination. Just let it fly and avoid sexual interpretations, as those are only in your head, not everybody's heads.

It's a deliberately chosen homonym of a plain English word with no alternative definition.


"My name is Viagrah, but avoid interpretations regarding erectile dysfunction medication, as those are only in your head!"



I'm not from an english speaking country.

OHHHHHHHHH. Now this makes sense. Well, in that case, let me explain something: in English-speaking countries, naming a character after a sexually-transmitted disease (lethal or otherwise) says to other players "I am either juvenile or simply immature (probably both), and have no interest in roleplaying or treating this game seriously in any way."

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OHHHHHHHHH. Now this makes sense. Well, in that case, let me explain something: in English-speaking countries, naming a character after a sexually-transmitted disease (lethal or otherwise) says to other players "I am either juvenile or simply immature (probably both), and have no interest in roleplaying or treating this game seriously in any way."


Then the problem should be in the english speaking countries. And yes, I really think this is caused by misinformation.


LATE ADD (EDIT): Also, maybe you should not talk too generally about english speaking people and countries, as I have many english and american friends who just love this name for a sith. (And they agree: there's too misinformation on those matters on their countries)


Maybe juvenile and immature is what it means for you. I could guess that flashbackJon comes from a fan of Lost who just cannot separate universes. I don't judge people by their names. That's the difference, so I'd never think so about you, because I don't need to. You're simply Flashbackjon, a cute name. Ok.


I ask for opinions, not judgements. Chlamydia is not going to disappear blaming me. It will disappear if you all practice safe sex.


And, leaving it clear, I really appreciate the nice words to me in this topic. They are few, but really inspirational.


Thanks all for your agree/disagree words.

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And yes, I really think this is caused by misinformation.

There is no misinformation here. While you did apparently have a guildmate unaware of the meaning, he was not misinformed.


Then the problem should be in the english speaking countries. ... Maybe that's what it means for you. I could guess that flashbackJon comes from a fan of Lost who just cannot separate universes. I don't judge people by their names. That's the difference, so I'd never think so about you, because I don't need to. You're simply Flashbackjon, a cute name. Ok.


I ask for opinions, not judgements.

Well, that's good, because you didn't get any from me. I have certainly not judged you based on your name in any way. It's entirely possible that you are feeling judged, because of assumptions you've made (and the incidents leading up to this thread), but I assure you my opinion of you is based purely on our discussion so far.


I'm merely describing the understanding. Your behavior appears to be identical to the behavior of immature people (even though it is not actually), with which all people (but especially MMO players) are familiar. If you're aware of this, and continue anyway, you accept that this is the sort of image you will project to other people, even though you wish it were different. This does not, of course, waive your right to complain or say whatever you want about the issue.


You'll note that the comparison to my forum username is disingenuous as (a) I didn't name a character this, and (b) if I had, the meaning still would not be clear, whereas your character's name has only one meaning in English, and falls into a pattern of behavior almost exclusively tied to a specific demographic (immature internet trolls).


The name does not imply threat (and is not comparable in that regard to Plagueis, Sidious, or Putricide), it implies promiscuity and carelessness in modern-day connotation. These are not my assumptions, this is the well-documented public image of persons who have chlamydia (hence the huuuuuuuuuge stigma, inappropriate as it is), which is a fairly short jump (albeit, still a jump) to the logical assumption that naming one's character that might produce the same reactions.


LATE ADD (EDIT): Also, maybe you should not talk too generally about english speaking people and countries, as I have many english and american friends who just love this name for a sith. (And they agree: there's too misinformation on those matters on their countries)

I'm sure there are a huge number of people that love the name! The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, you'll notice my point does not in any way address people who you interact with on a regular basis.

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