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Matrix Cube or Relentless Winds


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I have full BM/Rakata except the chest being 25 Armoring + 56 crit/surge modded. I picked up the Relentless Winds a while ago and been using it since on both PVE and PVP. But obviously, the Matrix Cube gives better overall stats, has anyone really tested out which gives better DPS?


I'm sorta skeptical about the Relentless Winds since it's kinentic damage. And also, am I gimping myself by using the Rakata Relic of Imperiling Serenity with it for PVE? I like the perm stats of +37 pwr and +28 str on my critted version better than the proc of the Boundless Ages...

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There was some discussion over on sithwarrior.com but I don't think anything conclusive was ever derived.


From what I remember I think it was concluded that the proc relic is better on bosses where you don't have to move out of the way too much. Foreman, the KP droid, Karagga etc. While the on use relic was better on fights like soa etc.


That being said the matrix cube proved to be just as much if not more dps than each of those relics so theory was to always have the matrix cube then swap out the proc/on use relics as needed.


Again though this is all theory and could change with 1.2 and combat logs.


For PVP I always use the on use relics simply because of the expertise.

Edited by Foxcolt
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I would recommend using the matrix cube for sure, Ive always found the proc relics to be very underwhelming and i would rather use an activation relic to boost my DPS when needed. When used in combination with inspiration you can do some crazy damage for 15-20 seconds.


Its hard to tell exactly what the difference in overall DPS is like but having the ability to "superboost" your DPS for 20 seconds is priceless on some bosses (Soa, fabricator droid for example)


So matrix cube + activation relic with power is what im using and wouldnt even think of changing :)

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I assume you are talking about the relics with proc dmg vs matrix cube.


The proc relic by far here's why:

- 30% chance to proc, but can only proc every 3 gcds (4.5secs). It can also proc from dots and offhand attacks. While ur on the target the chance for it not to proc every 4.5 seconds is less than 2%.

- The dmg gets crit bonus, crit modifier bonus and power bonus.


Figure out your 3 gcd rotation, how much does the str bonus effect dmg every attack, how much dmg increase does it give in 3 gcds, and compare this number with the proc dmg (factor in crits & modifiers) . The difference is huge.

Edited by muradi
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I assume you are talking about the relics with proc dmg vs matrix cube.


The proc relic by far here's why:

- 30% chance to proc, but can only proc every 3 gcds (4.5secs). It can also proc from dots and offhand attacks. While ur on the target the chance for it not to proc every 4.5 seconds is less than 2%.

- The dmg gets crit bonus, crit modifier bonus and power bonus.


Figure out your 3 gcd rotation, how much does the str bonus effect dmg every attack, how much dmg increase does it give in 3 gcds, and compare this number with the proc dmg (factor in crits & modifiers) . The difference is huge.


how is it less than 2% chance to not proc?

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I went Biochem and crafted the Rakata power adrenal. With that in mind I use the Matrix Cube and Relentless Winds.


I tend to pop the adrenal right at the start against bosses so that it's off cd during what I have come to call the BOOMERANG SPAM phase (boss health < 20%) due to the amount of flying lightsabers that suddenly appear (we have two guardians as tanks - one switches to dps gear when only 1 tank is actually needed).


I find that the proc happens near constantly - certainly within 1 or 2 gcd's due to the sheer amount of hits I put out during combat - if the constant waterfall of numbers sliding around is any indication.


During that last part of the fight, Inspiration -> Valorous Call -> Zen -> Adrenal is pretty much godmode as far as dps is concerned. I've seen some bosses lose 10-15% of their health within that 15 seconds easily (some even died outright! *cough* trashbot *cough*) when my Inspiration includes myself, a couple of gunslingers and a commando similarly blowing all their cd's during the BOOMERANG SPAM phase.


I don't feel that I lose all that much situational firepower by dropping a crit or power relic and the proc relic certainly proves its worth over the course of a fight - even on traditionally melee unfriendly ones like Soa aren't too bad if your tactics and movement are spot on.

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For PvE, Relentless Winds, for most of the reasons stated above.


For PvP, I prefer an on-use Power Relic for on-demand burst. Relentless Winds will likely put out more damage throughout a Warzone, since you won't always use the on-use every time it's on CD, but more damage doesn't mean more utility. Being able to burst down a target that much faster can make a big difference in both solo and group encounters.

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I use Plasma Burst Device and BM Power Relic. I also play watchman spec.


For pve.. would recommend the Proc relic I have. It's elemental damage and bypasses armor. The Kinetic and Energy ones don't. I'm sure they probably round off about the same.


Plasma Burst Device has 30% chance to do 168 damage. Now each time it proc's it always does that damage.


Bonus Damage does not modify the proc damage. The only thing I have found to increase the damage is Juyo form. Each stack increases all damage by 2%. At 5 stacks the proc is 185 damage w/o a crit. I haven't done testing to see if the critical modifier plays a part. It probably does because I've seen it crit for a little under 400 damage.


Now for the matrix cube which gives 58 strength and 24 crit. Each point of str gives .2 bonus dmg so thats 11.6 bonus damage to all attacks. Not sure how much that figures in.


I've only done a little bit of testing with it. Don't really pay attention much when we are in HM Op's. I'm sure Inspiration increases the damage of the relic.


If anyone would happen to play the Watchman spec and have the Kinetic or Energy Proc relics test there's on any mob. I just wanna know what damage it does at 5 stacks of Juyo form. Not crit's. Also not sure if there are damage reduction differences from HM bosses or regular trash.

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I've got both of the proc relics as well as the matrix cube. Am artificer as well, so also have two augmented rakata relics.


Personnally i use one of my rakata ones & the matrix cube, since i just feel that my damage output would be lower without the base stats of the matrix cube.


Specced watchman so there's a lot of numbers flying around on my screen, but i'll try to get some research done on this.

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there was a rumor that a crit proc of the relic returns health (with Zeal), Confirmed?


Other than armor is there any diffirence between the types of damaga (aka elemental or internal) ?


Im using two proc relics (internal and kinetic) and thy do tend to proc at the same times so u can assume the 4,5 limitation is for the same relics.

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If you use one "on use" relic. Why not 2? I.e. BM power and champion power relics.


just feel that the proc relic surpasses the champ pwr relic.


I usually get my BM pwr relic off 2 times per boss. Im also a Biochem and have the re-usable Rakata Power relic. 1st time about 10 seconds after pull, 2nd time after 20% to use dispatch with Inspiration + BM power relic + Rakata Power Adenal..

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