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Rift-like world PvE in SWToR


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Guys, wouldn't it be awesome if SWToR has world PvE like Rift does? I mean dynamic invasions, rifts and footholds (all can be easily introduced into SW universe, like some Mandalorians/Pirate/Whatever ship landed on the planet (rift), they built some fortifications/camps (footholds) and send their recon groups to some Imp/Rep objects (invasions)? Because it seems to me that implementation of something like this in the game like SWToR would work even better than in the Rift. It would make us to return to low level planets, having some extensive communication with other players of all levels, make the world really living and not so very static it is now (without even a zone phasing).


So, what do you think?

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Guys, wouldn't it be awesome if SWToR has world PvE like Rift does? I mean dynamic invasions, rifts and footholds (all can be easily introduced into SW universe, like some Mandalorians/Pirate/Whatever ship landed on the planet (rift), they built some fortifications/camps (footholds) and send their recon groups to some Imp/Rep objects (invasions)? Because it seems to me that implementation of something like this in the game like SWToR would work even better than in the Rift. It would make us to return to low level planets, having some extensive communication with other players of all levels, make the world really living and not so very static it is now (without even a zone phasing).


So, what do you think?


Y'know, I'm not usually a fan of "but that other game had _____" but in this case, I agree. That was a lot of fun over there in Rift.

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Very... constructive.


It's a simple answer. Why should I waste 20 minutes typing out a long post of why you should play RIFT if you want RIFT?


Plus, there is a high chance you wouldn't even read the post anyway, as it seems that people no longer bother to read anything longer than a twitter post.

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I would like it, and I think it was mentioned during the Guild Summit that they work on dynamic events (but not on what scale we can expect it to be, doubt it will be close to what RIFT is or what GW2 tries, but I hope to they at least some of this is SWTOR too, especially since most of the open world just doesn't feel alive).
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You are assuming everyone likes the random 'Rift' function in that game.


Not everyone does like it.


Well, that was the point of making such thread on the game forums in the first place - to know how my fellow swtorers feel about it, so I'm not assuming anything. That's why I put a "So, what do you think?" sentence in the end of my post :)

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I would like it, and I think it was mentioned during the Guild Summit that they work on dynamic events (but not on what scale we can expect it to be, doubt it will be close to what RIFT is or what GW2 tries, but I hope to they at least some of this is SWTOR too, especially since most of the open world just doesn't feel alive).


Wow, that's great to know they're actually thinking about it.

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Guys, wouldn't it be awesome if SWToR has world PvE like Rift does? I mean dynamic invasions, rifts and footholds (all can be easily introduced into SW universe, like some Mandalorians/Pirate/Whatever ship landed on the planet (rift), they built some fortifications/camps (footholds) and send their recon groups to some Imp/Rep objects (invasions)? Because it seems to me that implementation of something like this in the game like SWToR would work even better than in the Rift. It would make us to return to low level planets, having some extensive communication with other players of all levels, make the world really living and not so very static it is now (without even a zone phasing).


So, what do you think?


It would be, I made this feedback numberous times before beta and during closed beta as the "invasion" angle would work amazingly well with Republic invasions and imp invasion forces.


And it would promote community and interaction outside the confines of forced grouping/forced guilding.


It was the one thing Rift got perfect and I really expected game slike TOR and GW2 to pick up on it and carry it forward.


But hey, we get more warzones and raids ! yeah team! :rolleyes:

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i think the term you are looking for is invasion, and yes they could be good but they wouldnt work in the format that swtor is created, a better system would be the social evolving quests that were in warhammer.


where there is a set area and within that area a rolling stamped of mobs until a boss and after complete a chest drop with level relevent gear handed out automatically based on what you did and how much you did and xp granted also upon these results.


With this set up they can be timed to spawn, be random events within the area and the area doesnt have to be huge.

Edited by Shingara
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While I agree that the "rifts" were a fun and interesting aspect of that game, I doubt they would be easy to implement. Trion build their game engine around the concept of the rifts and strain on the server they can cause. Biowares engine can barely handle what they have in it now.
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I kind of like this. My opinion is that "invasions" of low level planets would be a perfect way to create some meaningful world PvP. One faction gets a call to "man the dropships" and invade another faction's area, and are given objectives to take. The other faction is told of the incoming invasion, and asked to help repel the invaders by defending objectives, etc.


I usually don't make "I wish this was in the game" posts, but in this case, I couldn't resist.

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Guys, wouldn't it be awesome if SWToR has world PvE like Rift does? I mean dynamic invasions, rifts and footholds (all can be easily introduced into SW universe, like some Mandalorians/Pirate/Whatever ship landed on the planet (rift), they built some fortifications/camps (footholds) and send their recon groups to some Imp/Rep objects (invasions)? Because it seems to me that implementation of something like this in the game like SWToR would work even better than in the Rift. It would make us to return to low level planets, having some extensive communication with other players of all levels, make the world really living and not so very static it is now (without even a zone phasing).


So, what do you think?


They said in the summit they are working on dynamic/world events.

Who knows maybe the devs will be playing the NPCs that invade. Perhaps they might even recruit players under a NDA to participate as the attacking force. Who knows.


But before stuff like that I want to have imperial walkers (Player controlled) and Snow speeders. Perhaps a HOTH type invasion open world event. Perhaps with the new calender feature we all could get a MSG in BIG BOLD RED TXT.





Who knows what they got up there sleaves.

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What do I think? Neutral. Not opposed, can see an up-side but I'm not going to push the issue. They really would need global chat channels, porting abilities etc for it to work. And in order to not hurt the experience for players in the area at that time the invasions would need to be contained to a particular area. My understanding is the Rift invasion happens depending on how many players are on, in the area and appropriate level, is that right?


In all honesty, I'm at the point of thinking ANYTHING they can do to get players together is a good thing, but that doesn't mean the devs should and just go with anything willy-nilly. And a dynamic world? Makes sense. Story-wise, it does make sense. We are at war, but so far an unofficial one, but it is still war. BUT, I kind of see it now - 2 months after they are implemented, the novelty has worn off and an invasion is announced. I don't think too many people would care, and drop everything they're doing and go running.


As big events, like once a month running for a few days, or something like that, or every couple of months running for a week at a time? I can definitely see that being a good thing.

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I was actually thinking that invasions are the one thing in Rift I really miss. You always had something to do because of it, and made grouping (even if it was only for a few minutes) easy. This game badly needs reasons for players to group up on the fly.


While I wouldn't want to see a identical copy paste system from Rift onto TOR, it would be a welcome addition and would regularly give people something to do solo or as a group.

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Badly needed, any type of dynamic event system in PVE. The worlds feel dead, nothing you do matters, worlds don't change with any missions you do, not that I'm suggesting phasing, but it's downright boring and lifeless with no interaction and everyone going about their own story driven way. There has to be something dynamic that happens that gives these Republic and Imperial forces a reason to still be there.
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I know I would love to see more worlds featured in the game soon. There's already a thread where you can discuss, list and vote which planets and moons you'd like to explorable in the game:


I hope they will not limit dynamic events to just one world, but do that on almost every planet and moon in the game...

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It's a simple answer. Why should I waste 20 minutes typing out a long post of why you should play RIFT if you want RIFT?


Plus, there is a high chance you wouldn't even read the post anyway, as it seems that people no longer bother to read anything longer than a twitter post.


The OP doesn't want to Play RIFT they like 1 aspect of RIFT and wish to see something like it in this game, again your comment wasn't constructive or helpful at all.


Now Back on point, i support dynamic events like RIFT had.

Edited by deags
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Badly needed, any type of dynamic event system in PVE. The worlds feel dead, nothing you do matters, worlds don't change with any missions you do, not that I'm suggesting phasing, but it's downright boring and lifeless with no interaction and everyone going about their own story driven way. There has to be something dynamic that happens that gives these Republic and Imperial forces a reason to still be there.


I agree anything that will get me off the fleet and to the other planets would be welcome. Good or bad at this point...

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The OP doesn't want to Play RIFT they like 1 aspect of RIFT and wish to see something like it in this game, again your comment wasn't constructive or helpful at all.


Because it was bare bones. You like RIFT, go play RIFT. Especially since the one thing he likes about the game is the core thing about it. It was their main hook. It's their thing. That's like saying Warcraft should make full voice over storylines like SWTOR. Why rip off OUR thing? Warcraft has their thing, we have ours, RIFT has theirs. You want that one thing, play that game.


Plus, as stated earlier, while fun at first, it gets very old very fast. No thank you.

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