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Multi-Monitor Support


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I'd really appreciate the ability to move some of the windows to a secondary monitor. Things like the chat window simply do not need to be taking up space on my only window to the action.


They are still trying to get the single monitor graphics and UI to be better. 1.2 makes improvements but there is still more work to be done.


So until they can get the game running smoothly and looking good for a single monitor I dont support them working on giving support for multi monitors.

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They could allow you to control a bundle of game features through an online browser app. Like simple management of inventories, and crew skills of all your alts, without having to log over constantly. If they put in a bunch of cosmetic game mechanics, you could use a browser on another monitor, or even another computer entirely.


You could keep all your characters crafting, and REing, and sorting the bags/banks of your toons in the browser. All the while, you could be running dailies, and hard modes in the monitor with the actual game.


To avoid mistaken crossover and confusion on the BioWare server, the browser could lock out any character that is actually logged into the game. You would only be able manage the companions/bags/banks of the alts that you are not playing at the moment. You would use the in game UI to manage the character you currently have in the game.

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I already have an ATI (AMD) video card with Hydravision and 3 24" flat panel monitors. I am not looking to extend the game onto all the monitors, I am looking to have some of the in-game windows (such as crew skills) be the kind of window that I can drag out onto the desktop of one of the other monitors. It would be great for keeping tabs on when guildies log in, getting the chat window out of the way without closing it, making sure that crew skill returns don't block any action, etc.
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