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Voidstar situation with few players


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So, I was in an voidstar match. Playing in Republic side.

The game started with 4 reps against 8 imps. The 120 sec countdown started.


Although we knew we where going to lose, we kept fighting (actually, 1 left, leaving just 3 reps). Two minutes of pain is bearable.


Obviously, after 100 seconds, the empire had already capped almost all doors. But its ok, we knew we where not going to win and the match was almost over anyway.


In the last 5 seconds, 4 reps joined the battle and the countdown was aborted...


My reaction -> http://t.qkme.me/35onan.jpg


This is just not fair.


I don't mind losing a fair game. I don't mind losing playing with 1 less on my side (endured that many times while the bug that allowed more then 8 players on a wz ops was on). But this situation was ridiculous, to allow the match to continue was really unfair.


The match shouldn't have started to begin with!!!


This felt really worst because I was tired and just fighting to earn my daily and go to sleep.


This is really going to be worse when 1.2 comes out (not the daily part). Because the reward gap between the winner and the loser is bigger (it pains to give free rewards to an unfair fight). You won't be able to rage quit the match without being penalized. You won't be able to just stand up and go to the window scream out your frustration (AFKers kick). You will have to keep playing for the next 8 minutes, knowing you are just giving free rewards to the enemy. And be happy about it.


The countdown should be 10 seconds and be done with it!


Edit: thanks!

Edited by EdAraujo
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this has happened to me sooooooooo many time... i hate it.


it only really matters when you're defending first, which always seems to be the case when your team is short players.


Also just as bad is have 4 players, then 4 more join 30 seconds before the match starts and they don't make the first door timer because of the stupid speeder bike. How is that speeder ride not being removed in the patch!?!?! It might be the stupidest part of the entire game.

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Also just as bad is have 4 players, then 4 more join 30 seconds before the match starts and they don't make the first door timer because of the stupid speeder bike. How is that speeder ride not being removed in the patch!?!?! It might be the stupidest part of the entire game.


So freak'n true!

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I get the fact that they want us to feel as we are moving out from the datacore area to the outer area to take up defensive positions but I do agree that it is stupid to place the defending team at a disadvantage at the start due to this especially when teams are evenly matched competitively.


There should at least be some failsafe that stops that sequence at 15 secs before game starts. Oh, and when we reach the first area can we please just do a U-turn into the start area? All those S-turns make me dizzy and is a waste of speeder fuel. Go green?


Making me wait 10 mins to enter a WZ only to have it end in 2 mins is stupid. WZ's should be laddered so that it only allows equal number of players at the same time... If 4 republic players are waiting for a queue along with 8 Imps it should only allow 4 of those Imps in and only allow the remainder in as republic slots are filled. This obviously should apply in the reverse scenario too :)

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What happened tonight was arguably worse...


Same situation 4 Rep v 8 Imp, we were defending first round.

The Imperials managed to access the datacore within the 120 seconds for warzone shutdown... 115ish possibly more.


Anyone guess what happens next? Round 2; with a new shutdown timer!


As much as a vote to kick players may have it's merits. A vote to forfeit, or not accept new players would be much more useful.

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this has happened to me sooooooooo many time... i hate it.


it only really matters when you're defending first, which always seems to be the case when your team is short players.


Also just as bad is have 4 players, then 4 more join 30 seconds before the match starts and they don't make the first door timer because of the stupid speeder bike. How is that speeder ride not being removed in the patch!?!?! It might be the stupidest part of the entire game.


I thought that ride was being removed?

I haven't played much on PTS, but I could swear that I read that in some of the notes. Might be wrong tho.


It needs to be removed either way. It's ridiculous.

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Agree, these games shouldn't start unless there are equal (or one off) on the teams.


This has happened to me a few times. One of the odd ones we had is in Hutt Ball we were winning 4-0, then in the last 2 minutes of play we lost 4 or 5 players! The Imps came back and scored 4, then the game ended and we were defeated!

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