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Legacy is the framework for the coming cash shop


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You're a fool if you ever think that they would just shut down such an expensive game.


You're a fool if you think they won't.


They shut the game down they instantly lose all potential profit.




They make it F2P and they could potentially triple their profit.(See Age of Conan and LOTRO. Both experienced this)


Or it could backfire and they lose money.


They WILL make it F2P if they feel they would make more money doing so.


Do I think that will happen? Not for many many years, if at all. Do I think its possible though? Definitely.


I doubt they will make it F2P, ever.


The reason SWG didnt go F2P is because they wanted all the Star Wars fans to migrate to this game, rather than playing SWGs.


No, it's because Lucas Arts said "No more licensing deal for you!".


Seriously. No licensing deal, no game.

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The Legacy System doesn't actually do what you seem to think it does, and I think Lucas Arts would say "Hell no" and there's possibly wording in the licensing agreement restricting the game from being a F2P cash shop game as that might actually hurt the SW IP.




One should refrain from expecting something to be the second coming of the Messiah (metaphorically speaking) as it's generally going to end up disappointing the unrealistically high expectations one builds up.


This is why i feel sorry for GW2.

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While I'm not sure I agree with the OP, I'm not sure what your point is either. Are we playing a game or a potential game right now?


if you enjoy the cynasim then by all means keep buying into the TOR is fail crowd, there are more then a few of you. You can't force a company to take advantage of what's there. Bioware however with 1.2 and what is coming in 1.3 IS. That is the potential they are.........seriously I have to actually explain this............what happened to common sense.

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WoW isn't F2P and the CS at this point is, as far as I know, just cosmetic items. If you want to see what effect a CS has on a F2P game, go look at the current F2P games that have been out for awhile. Most or a lot have items that affect gameplay and, in some cases, have become "must haves" or staples for being competitive. This is because the source of the games revenue stream comes solely from the CS, and they want players to buy the items so they put items in the CS that improve the player's character or ability to win or survive longer.


Since WoW isn't a F2P game, the CS won't/shouldn't have an effect on the players who don't buy anything from it (outside of complaining about the looks of the shiney pony).




Seriously, so much ignorance about the cash shop mechanic in the F2P games.

WoW DOES NOT have cash shop, it has some stupid (generally ugly) mounts and ingame pets that u can buy. Thats all. Nothing that affect ur game experiance at all.


Go check games like Shaiya, 4story, Allods - a pure pay to win BS :) These are f2p games with actual cash shop.


PS: I wish this game never became F2P. Never ever.

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if you enjoy the cynasim then by all means keep buying into the TOR is fail crowd, there are more then a few of you. You can't force a company to take advantage of what's there. Bioware however with 1.2 and what is coming in 1.3 IS. That is the potential they are.........seriously I have to actually explain this............what happened to common sense.


So you're saying the legacy system is good not because of any features it offers right now, but because it has the potential to be good with future features? The implication, then, would be that its current form just isn't good.

Edited by Dezzi
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Seriously, so much ignorance about the cash shop mechanic in the F2P games.

WoW DOES NOT have cash shop, it has some stupid (generally ugly) mounts and ingame pets that u can buy. Thats all. Nothing that affect ur game experiance at all.


Go check games like Shaiya, 4story, Allods - a pure pay to win BS :) These are f2p games with actual cash shop.


PS: I wish this game never became F2P. Never ever.


There are plenty of hybrid models from the past two years that are in between the examples you just listed. It's working for other games but yeah, it's technically not F2P when there are still subscribers paying for premium options.

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After exploring the new legacy system on test (it's meh, my sub is up in 2 weeks, not resubbing) it is plainly obvious how the Legacy System will be tied into a cash shop down the road. Earn things through in game money, legacy points, or cash shop.


It's actually a devious design that should make them tons of money






They wont even comment to anyone on a 1.2 release date....


Its all a lie.....like the cake....1.2 is a lie

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After exploring the new legacy system on test (it's meh, my sub is up in 2 weeks, not resubbing) it is plainly obvious how the Legacy System will be tied into a cash shop down the road. Earn things through in game money, legacy points, or cash shop.


It's actually a devious design that should make them tons of money


Source please.

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A cash shop now would just destroy their remaining sub numbers. Theyre not doing anywhere near good enough to even risk something like that ATM.


It is totally possible they'll go F2P though. I mean, usually the subs need to be <250k for that to happen but ... we're dealing with EA here. Hell, they may just shut down and cut their losses out of the blue.


Warhammer is still Pay to play and they have like 50k subs total?

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You know, all my friends call me cynical, but you need to take the tin foil hat off.


While the op may be overreacting, it's silly to think that mmo entities never consider how to get extra cash out of their product. Especially when considering things like MTs

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I hate to break it to you this way, but your sub is not up in 2 weeks. Based on your post history, you received the game from Amazon on Dec, 17th. On Feb. 12th you stated you made the mistake of selecting the 6 month sub plan.


You have several months not weeks left on your subscription.


I love you :)


To whoever called Varnoc a stalker, I prefer to call it verifying the credibility of the OP. :)


I think if one wants to have influence and start (useful) discussions on the game forum, it's pretty reasonable for us to want the OP to be credible with his claims.

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Did anyone expect them not to eventually add microtransactions?


For things like paid server transfers which are optional and not in line with recommended ones to balance server populations etc, I did and still do, but I would hope they can do it for free, but restrict how many you can have.


A SHOP where you buy things like toys, other Bioware games and merchandise like souveniers etc, I can definitely see that. Anything that gives an advantage in-game? I hope not. Remember, after Blizzard Store introduced the first in-game mount, mounts still cost a fair bit of gold. So they had to drop the cost of mounts from vendors to pretty much free (like 8 gold for the first mounts) to take away the advantage it gave.


Microtransactions like EQ? Oh I hope not. That's one of the biggest reasons that game failed. Free? Of course. But, a bag will cost. That pretty race? That will cost. And while you're there, buy some vouchers/whatever it was, those gold token things - coz you'll never know when you'll need them. People hated that they never knew up-front how much the game would cost. BF is up for consideration for microtransactions. $1 to reload is a good idea, it's not gouging, it's charging according to EA. I hope Bioware has some very strong and effective business/lawyer type people to deal with EA.

Edited by Darnu
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I love you :)


To whoever called Varnoc a stalker, I prefer to call it verifying the credibility of the OP. :)


I think if one wants to have influence and start (useful) discussions on the game forum, it's pretty reasonable for us to want the OP to be credible with his claims.


Hot dang, that is a WIN.

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