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I'm not impressed, here's why:


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So I got this snippy answer from customer service to post my "suggestions" here.

I will do that!


Here's the reason why your game is epic fail and why I want my money back:


- You have little content, and what you have is repetitive, as in - every planet is a repeat of the last. The missions are always the same, the bonus missions also, I feel like falling asleep at the keyboard.

- Holocron puzzles. These are just plain insulting. You want me to run along ledges, jump onto boxes and pipes (and fall off when the animation isnt right) when I play a bounty hunter with a friggin rocketpack on my back? That IS insulting. Any BH in the movies (or jedi/sith with force jump) would have made short business of said holocron, why can't I?

- Get rid of EA, nobody likes them.

- The legacy system, from what I have heard, is nothing but a pile of rubbish with moneysinks. Nothing in there with actual meaning or worth.


I know the game is new, and thus "not polished compared to other MMOs" but that's really not a good excuse. Those "other MMOs" are your competition, if you can't stand up to them then you're in big bantha poodoo. You need to fix prevailent bugs which are ruining endgame content (making the 50's leave), spruce up the mid-content (seriously.. why do I feel like I am doing Alderaan all over when visiting Hoth?? Not to mention Balmorra..), why does the game feel like a drudge and a timesink other than having fun?? My server has turned from heavy to superlight. 50 people in fleet... all afk. And that's on a good day.


I gave you 3 months payment. I recon I won't see hide nor hair of the legacy system "live" before my time is up. Too bad for you, cause I'm definately not resubbing because "it comes after the 3 month payment".

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Stopped reading after there. If you aren't going to do the research and look up the stuff yourself then I could care less what your biased uneducated opinion is.


Likewise, if someone is looking for "meaning and worth" in a video game, they really shouldn't be playing them.

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Yeah, I stopped reading where you started complaining about content that isn't even in the game yet. I think you need to switch off the computer and do something else for a while. Maybe take a walk in the sunshine.
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Yeah, I stopped reading where you started complaining about content that isn't even in the game yet. I think you need to switch off the computer and do something else for a while. Maybe take a walk in the sunshine.



He would complain that it is too bright... or too hot... or too.... sunny. He is one of those people that if you handed him a crisp hundred dollar bill, he would complain about the year or serial number on it. Maybe that it is not the right colour of green. These kind of people jump from game to game looking for the "right" game, they will never find it, and will end up a bitter shell eating cat food in a box under a bridge with the other trolls.

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It sounds like you don't like this game. Good to know, there is someone on this Earth of ours that does not feel this game is worth his money. Excellent for you! I suggest you spend your money in a place that will give you good value, and have a terrific day!
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- You have little content, and what you have is repetitive, as in - every planet is a repeat of the last. The missions are always the same, the bonus missions also, I feel like falling asleep at the keyboard.

So, name me another MMO that has super-deluxe varied quests that never ever feel like you're doing the same quest again? For that matter, one that also gives different intent and feel to the quest thanks to people telling you their plight.

Further more, if you can name such an awesome MMO, why aren't you playing it instead of TOR?


- Holocron puzzles. These are just plain insulting. You want me to run along ledges, jump onto boxes and pipes (and fall off when the animation isnt right) when I play a bounty hunter with a friggin rocketpack on my back? That IS insulting. Any BH in the movies (or jedi/sith with force jump) would have made short business of said holocron, why can't I?
So that it's a challenge for everyone? It would be pretty unfair if Smugglers, troopers and Agents had to go through the vast platforming puzzles while Jedi and Bounty Hunters could just leap or fly up to them.


- Get rid of EA, nobody likes them.
What are you, twelve? A company co-owned by Bono (of U2 fame) sold Bioware to EA a number of years ago, Bioware is currently EA's property, they can't just step out of that business arrangement. You could always blame Bono for the current situation, though.



I know the game is new, and thus "not polished compared to other MMOs" but that's really not a good excuse.
How is it not an excuse? WoW had eight years on top of its original development time of about 4-5 years to get the level of content it has today. You want Bioware to produce in five years what Blizzard has made in thirteen years? That's a bit of an unreasonable request isn't it? And for that matter, at launch TOR was a very polished product compared to many other MMOs at launch. So yet again, I feel you're being unreasonable.
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yeah, I like to complain when I feel ripped off and betrayed by a game company, paying for doing beta testing on a half motivated, half innovative, half finished game.



Your sig clearly indicates (also noticed you changed it from the previous mess) that you want a sandbox game complete with player housing and free form space combat/trading at launch. I am not a fanboy of this game, I too can see its shortcomings, but at no point in the build up to release did I think sandbox, free roam space combat or housing was going to be included at launch. You had high expectations and now feel "betrayed and ripped off" this is your fault not theirs.


Personally I'm annoyed at myself for breaking my own rules of: 1.) wait 6 months to a year before buying a game. Then I get to play with a few content/bug patches behind it 2.) responding to posts like yours

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yeah, I like to complain when I feel ripped off and betrayed by a game company, paying for doing beta testing on a half motivated, half innovative, half finished game.



~~Gee, where have I heard all of this before...? Oh, right, every video game message board for the last three years.

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