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Do you care about the "looks" of the 1.2 armor?


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A lot has been said about the "stats" of the new armor, and mods, etc... But what about the look?!?! I've bashed PvPers in the past by saying "if it was an actual circus clown suit they would wear it if it gave them the best stats". Now, more then ever, I hope I'm proved wrong.


I mean seriously, do these armor sets even remotely remind you of Star Wars?!?!:

1.2 New Armors: Looks and Stats


Ok, I understand that we WILL have to wear this, but I need to know, if only for my own sanity, do any of you want to wear this?

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I think claiming something doesn't "look StarWars" is over used and not really meaningful at all. The movies are separated from the time this game takes place by many thousands of years. As long as it's not generic fanstasy rips I don't think anyone can claim something isn't starwars especially since they started making starwars comics.
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The armor designer is just pathetic to be honest. The armor looks silly, has no purpose and there is no concept of form following function. Its just random stuff placed around and calling it a day. Lets make big blades stick out! "totally! thats such a great idea! But we should add blades to the blades as well"


Ive just honestly never seen such bad design good god! There is no feeling of "hey im getting better and looking more ****** as time goes on". Nope, instead you just look dumber and dumber and they utterly cheese the gear by just doing a texture swap. Its like really?? JUST a texture swap?

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The armor designer is just pathetic to be honest. The armor looks silly, has no purpose and there is no concept of form following function. Its just random stuff placed around and calling it a day. Lets make big blades stick out! "totally! thats such a great idea! But we should add blades to the blades as well"


Ive just honestly never seen such bad design good god! There is no feeling of "hey im getting better and looking more ****** as time goes on". Nope, instead you just look dumber and dumber and they utterly cheese the gear by just doing a texture swap. Its like really?? JUST a texture swap?

The current level 1-35 armor (at least for a Trooper) was ok. I actually enjoyed going from padded jackets, to armored jackets, to armor, and then even like the Championship PvP armor actually looked cool.


As for "a Star Wars look", the simplest way to look at it is if in the "Deceived" trailer (which most people I know loved) you had the Sith and Jedi dressed in the 1.2 armor, fighting this epic fight, I think people would have lost respect for the game right off the bat. I know this "3000" years before ANH, but there is established looks from books, comics, etc.


To me the troopers look like something out of a bad $2 Japanese TV show form the 80s.. As for all the glowstick classes, I actual feel bad for them. The Imps have it the worst, they look like Las Vegas show girls...

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The current level 1-35 armor (at least for a Trooper) was ok. I actually enjoyed going from padded jackets, to armored jackets, to armor, and then even like the Championship PvP armor actually looked cool.


As for "a Star Wars look", the simplest way to look at it is if in the "Deceived" trailer (which most people I know loved) you had the Sith and Jedi dressed in the 1.2 armor, fighting this epic fight, I think people would have lost respect for the game right off the bat. I know this "3000" years before ANH, but there is established looks from books, comics, etc.


To me the troopers look like something out of a bad $2 Japanese TV show form the 80s.. As for all the glowstick classes, I actual feel bad for them. The Imps have it the worst, they look like Las Vegas show girls...


Sadly as a Guardian all my armor looked the same from 1-50 basically. I went from wearing cloth pants and a shirt, to cloth skirt and vest, to cloth robe, and then cloth robe with hood. Ooooo Aaaaaahh. I also had the same visor that Jordie wore in Star Trek for 30 levels! They kept upgrading with stats sure, but only the darn colors would change lol



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Orange Augment gear, besides the augment bonus, and the removable mods from end-game gear, at least offers us some customization now.


And I think the horrible looking 1.2 gear is exactly that - horrible. That's why even the devs have said they want some ideas and inspiration for future gear. I guess they realized, just because their art team likes it, if everyone else hates it..


I feel it shouldn't come as a surprise in a Star Wars game that feeling "star wars-ish" is vaguely important.


The game already uses TONS of themes that wouldn't have even existed, but are from the movies, to add a bit of "connection" between to tie the theme together. Making this gear just seems like a crazy decision.


Thankfully no one will be wearing it anyways.

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To be perfectly honest, other than Smuggler, Consular and maybe Trooper - all other armor sets in this game from level 50 content, be it pvp/pve are not just ugly, they're embarrassing.


Nothing about any level 50 BH set says, Boba Fett to me. Now I'm not calling for the designer to be fired or anything, but seriously. Level 1-49 gear should not look more iconic than any level 50 gear.

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You can remove the armor enhancements and put them in a custom armor you like. As far as I know the set bonus stays on the augments and you can look however you like. So if you haven't done so already, best start collecting your favorite moddable gear or befriend an armorsmith/synthweaver.
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SW outfits are half clown clothes anyway- so it does fit the lore.



Doesn't mean it's not awful looking though.


Thankfully, it matters none- my favourite set is the level 15 orange crafted robes- so I'll be wearing them.


hopefully this is why forums and community are for.

thank god not everyone thinks and acts like you, otherwise we would have been still living in cages and hunting with rocks, "coze that is the way we like it"

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