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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your solo rating will tell all


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I wonder how people will view the rating system in 1.2 when it comes to "rating" players. If someone is a highly rated group player and low rated solo player do you assume his friends are good and he is not good or is he just unlucky in (solo) random rated groups.


How much of a factor will luck be in solo rated. Especially when people get 100's of matches in, shouldn't it average out.


The solo rating is going to be very interesting. I think it will also tell alot about class balance. Meaning, if the top 10 guardians are overall in the top 20 whereas the top 10 Vanguards are in the top 20-40 it will say something about the difference your class can make on a match. (Those classes were just an example) It would also be telling if they gave out other stats such as rating by WZ. Imagine if the top 20 Voidstar players are all class _______.

Edited by richardya
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A person with a high solo rating will have a high group rating too unless he's not interested in group play, since you got to win to get higher rating and if you can reliably win teaming up with random people, presumably you can't do worse teaming up with good players unless you believe someone is just extremely lucky.
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A person with a high solo rating will have a high group rating too unless he's not interested in group play, since you got to win to get higher rating and if you can reliably win teaming up with random people, presumably you can't do worse teaming up with good players unless you believe someone is just extremely lucky.


Not really, if your team isn't good. Most people in groups will be Q'ing with the same team, so if you play with your guildmates or spouse or friend and they are not good you will not have a high group rating. Whereas when you solo Q, you may be very high rated if you are plain old good.

Edited by richardya
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It will only work that way if both ratings are updated every time you play, and I don't think that's the case (please correct me if I am wrong here). If you only get group rating when you queue with premade and only get solo rating when you queue solo, I think some folks will only have group rating, some will only have solo rating, and some will have both. In other words, it will be meaningless as a metric - somebody with high group rating and low solo rating just might be playing with premade all the time and hardly ever queue solo.
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Solo rating won't tell us anything no matter what the scenario.

High rating/Low rating -- Totally depends on what PUGs are in your group, player has no control over this.


Yes, but, relatively speaking, everyone joining solo queues will be on equal footing. Over time, this should allow one to extrapolate meaning from individual ratings.

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Let's not overlook the fact that many people will 'solo' queue at the same time as their friends/guild to still end up with 50%+ of a team together. Solo rankings aren't going to mean much, really, unless everyone was randomly matched with their entire team and opposition for mataches and couldn't control it by choosing when to queue. i.e., only if you have an arranged match schedule where everyone has to play everyone would you get truly meaningful rankings.
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Regarding rating, is it really figured only through your win/loss ratio and who you won and lost against?


Seems I remember a dev quote talking about your performance relative to your team, that implied that there was more to it than just wins/losses.

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Solo queue at off-hours along with your team. Chances are you get in together. Considering how low the pvp'ing populations are on some servers, the solo ratings will be dominated by people timing their queues and cherry picking queue times. I play on 2 servers and on one of them there is often only 1 or 2 level 50 WZs going at a time, if there's one at all.
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Solo rating won't tell us anything no matter what the scenario.

High rating/Low rating -- Totally depends on what PUGs are in your group, player has no control over this.


This is not even close to reality. It will be mess now, during preseason because of no cross-server queue, but it is a pre-season after all.


With cross server queue there will be a lot of players available for matchmaking. System will chose those who has rating similar to yours. And now, if you win, you will gain raiting and in next games you will face (on average) better players. If you lose, you will lose rating and face (on average) worse players next game. Of course some individual matches will be won/lost because of luck/other factors, like DC or something, but after many games it should equalize.


And then you will reach a point when your real rating (ie. your skills) will match your in-game rating. You will then on average win around 50% of matches (depends how much system will penalize loses). If your skills will improve, you will slowly move to higher ranking.


This system is working well in League of Legends for example, best group players in the world tend to have highest solo ratings too:)


To the OP: if someone has high group rating and low solo rating with more than few games solo, I guess he has really good group but himself is not very good or is a great player, but not overall great, he is just great in 1 specific aspect of pvp or 1 specific strategy - this one his group is using. He may use some kind of specialistic build that works great in his party, but is hard to fit into PUG or something like this.


1 thing is certain - possible future tournaments will be won by people with highest group rating, but best players in the world will be those with highest solo rating (nothing new, I know;))


PS. To above posters - you know it will be a preseason, yes? You know, testing period, for fun and getting war hero gear. Real rating and real competition will start with cross-server queue and I bet they will not put solo players against premades then. And even in preason you will not fight against 8 person group as solo player (BW specificaly said that they will fill groups with solo players only against group of 4 and less players).

Edited by Kaarsa
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Seriously? I didn't know that.


"The Ranked Warzone matchmaking system will match full groups of eight against one another, solo players against one another, players with similar ratings, etc. However, in order to ensure that players won’t have to wait too long for a match to occur, the system will become more ‘flexible’ over time. Solo and group queued players might be pulled together after a while if needed to launch a match. If a match cannot be made for extended periods of time, then Normal and Rank queued players (except those who queued as a group of five or more) might be pulled together to launch a ‘mixed’ match. Players will always be notified when a mixed match is made on the Warzone enter prompt. The rewards received in mixed matches will be based on how the player queued (type of commendations, rating adjustment if any, etc.).


We know that the flexible matchmaking and mixed matches are not ideal. They are only in until cross-server queuing is available and are the primary reason Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2 are Pre-Season, along with the opportunity to collect data and refine various systems in preparation for Season One. "




not that bad IMO, as long as this is somehow factored into the ratings.

Edited by Khoraji
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preseason ratings are going to be a joke no matter what without cross server rated queues and the fact that full 8 man rated teams are going to take turns wiping the floor with regular queued PUG WZers on low pop servers.


AND they'll get full rated benefits from it. Rated comms and rated ranking....

Edited by Daxun
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I wonder how healing will be taken into account. Seems like the rankings are leaning toward kill heavy. Spamming Affliction gets me some high kill counts (when I'm on good teams).


Either way it'll be interesting.


Healers will probably have pretty high kill counts. Especially AOE heals pretty much gurantees you piggy back on 90% of your teams kills.

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I wonder how healing will be taken into account. Seems like the rankings are leaning toward kill heavy. Spamming Affliction gets me some high kill counts (when I'm on good teams).


Either way it'll be interesting.


theyve already changed it to where healers get credit for kills.

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If I lose in pvp, it is because the other class is op.

If I win in pvp, it is because I have great skill.


If my premade loses a warzone, the other team used hacks.

If my premade wins a warzone it is because of our superior skill and intelligence.


If you have a low personal rating, it is the pugs fault.

If you have a high personal rating, it is your great skill.


Why would you think this would ever, ever change?

Edited by Ravenolf
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Yes, but, relatively speaking, everyone joining solo queues will be on equal footing. Over time, this should allow one to extrapolate meaning from individual ratings.


It really depends how they measure and how things factor. Which is no doubt the reason they are doing a pre season before kicking off for real.


A measurement system is only as good as the ruler. We haven't seen the ruler yet so we can't tell you how relevant's it's measurement system is.


Done badly it could even reward selfish decisions.

Edited by Arrys
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