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Stop Typing and Pay Attention!!!


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Left you mean east..Right think you mean west..I hate people that call out left and right PLEASE!! learn how to call out inc properly in the first place...


actually, as someone who plays toons from both factions, right and left are the easiest way to call out incomings in civil war


left, is left from where you get dropped off from and is usually the node your faction claims first, right obviously is the opposite node. if you play both factions and use east/west its easy to become confused and call the wrong node. in voidstar east/west is the best bet, but for civil war left and right is best.

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I honestly don't see the dire need for constant communication in civil war. I mean, the place is the size of a small playground. When I'm ops leader I keep my mouth shut, and people generally know what to do, where to go. Every order given is simply one more chance at miscommunication, confusion and mistakes. Keep it simple, Sammy.


Sometimes people whine that I don't "lead", but really, I'm not interested. It isn't hard to do. Hell, you do it enough and you don't ever need to talk in any WZ. Huttball just becomes "ok, got it" "ok go to mid" and just real simple, sparse comms. People who just start "organizing" and barking orders aren't helping any.


all thats required, are incoming calls (including numbers) from the least defended node and maybe the occasional assurance that, that node is safe. its not much but that communication is pretty vital to winning is this wz.

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left, is left from where you get dropped off from and is usually the node your faction claims first, right obviously is the opposite node. if you play both factions and use east/west its easy to become confused and call the wrong node. in voidstar east/west is the best bet, but for civil war left and right is best.


Wait, what? How could you get confused with east/west, regardless of your faction?

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Wait, what? How could you get confused with east/west, regardless of your faction?


because if you go into a match where you start facing south, after youve been playing a match where you were facing north its easy to forget and call out the direction from the previous games, whereas left and right are the same regardless of faction.


its easily done, ive done it a few times, which is why i stick with left/right now.

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all thats required, are incoming calls (including numbers) from the least defended node and maybe the occasional assurance that, that node is safe. its not much but that communication is pretty vital to winning is this wz.


Even then, all you have to do really is walk up a ramp and look-see what's going on. Or camp a side-node and watch the map. Meh, I guess I just don't see much depth to the whole she-bang. When our guild is PvP'ing w/Vent, about 95 percent of the "communication" going on has nothing to do with the match. We're talking about builds, or stories or anything really. Every once in a while there's a, "Oh come over here plz" but really, Vent is for BS'ing around with buddies while clicking away.

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And this is why Marcos are needed for conversations, far easier to them have some pre loaded you can hit.


I find L2 or M3 easiest and quickest way to communicate, unless looking at the map and watching your own team being pulled away from their defence position only for the opposition to cap it.


Then it's





Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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People rage often without knowing what they're talking about. They also usually start it.


Just ignore em, no logic will ever make them see the light of day. They'd rather debate with you on the exact hue of the sky rather then continue playing.

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Left you mean east..Right think you mean west..I hate people that call out left and right PLEASE!! learn how to call out inc properly in the first place...


i hate scrubs that hate

they usually start typing in a middle of a WZ

and of course

they usually suck or leave because they cant get carried

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I all "defend this objective" war zones the rule is this:


If there are more green names around you than there are red names chances are high that you are in the wrong spot.




Such a novelty, but very true:rolleyes:. This is rule one of being good at WZ IMO..

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It really boils down to a couple things...


1)Most players honestly expect to win every warzone.


2)Failing #1, it is obviously the fault of the rest of the team because there is no way the opposing team could possibly win with superior tactics and teamwork, that and most people who honestly believe #1, also believe that they never make mistakes and are superior in every way/shape and form to other players.


You must be joking. :p. I expect to win every warzone and everyone should. Going into competition already thinking oh I might lose is stupid.


I assume I'm going to win anything I ever do. That's the attitude people should have. Obviously my thoughts change as the game progresses but I have never started a game and not thought my team is going to win.


Saying anyone who thinks that also thinks they never make mistakes or are better then anyone else is plain wrong. Those are 2 separate things. I call those people dick heads.


I also agree with Op and disagree. Saying your alone is not asking for help and people do need to pay more attention to ops chat.

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Thank you for coming to my defense on this. It is not "my fault" for not calling it out. Every second I waste typing is a sec lost defending, buffing, etc...


Ok i see the problem.


You have to type "inc right" while they are incoming. Not as they are stunning you and capping. If youre paying attention you should have plenty of time.


It was the fault of all parties involved in your example tho. Yourself included. Just bad communication all around.

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You can solo defend a node. Saying you are the only one there is not telling people the situation. How difficult is it to type "inc right" as soon as you see them coming?


As for the second one, my bad, I misread it as Voidstar for some reason. In any case, why someone with Force Speed wouldn't go for the cap is beyond me. With Force Speed on left node and proper LoS, Imps can't stop you from capping.


Actually pretty much any shadow can always stop you with a sentinel for speed at the start. Speed, force sprint, you can get their while they are at ~4 seconds. Do this all the time. Just pop resilience when you see the guy coming to slow you down.

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communication is the most important aspect of PvP. Sadly, being able to communicate effectively means being a competent enough player to see things coming, such as calling out incs as soon as they are visible to the towers. The one thing i see a great lack of in warzones is situational awareness, people tunnel visioning on a kill or a DPS rotation and losing touch with what is going on in the general vicinity. Far too many times I've seen a single competent healer keep everyone's attention as a stealth caps right behind them (because i do it) and I find it hard to comprehend. . .
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Seemingly for me, really difficult. By the time I get the message out, I've been chain stunned and am about to die. :D


I think that the problem is the shift from normal typing to the hand position I use for "WASD" (shifted left one key). That and the stupid adrenaline.


I would much rather you get chain-stunned and die if it means that you call inc as soon as you see a single red name. Unless it's a stealther, you will see them coming w/ plenty of time to type 7 letters.


I used to try to fight them off and call incs when I thought the node was safe enough for me to type out "inc west"; this is bad playing. The chances of you dying before this can happen are MUCH higher than the chances of you dying because you typed the inc before engaging the enemy.


The only difference is that the first way, you are dead, and help arrives too late. At least if you type first, you are dead, but help can arrive in time to defend the node.

Edited by Varicite
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Put on Blast = someone telling the whole world you suck and how much you suck in very unkind words.


No, its not the worst thing, just irritating and uncalled for, too much epeen and "i'm so leet", and too little "benefit of the doubt" or "what the hell happen on that". A simple, dude you got to call that out would have been sufficient, but considering the situation, I still would have beef with that, just on a more constructive level....


So in other words, even if he wasnt ***-blasting u or w/e, you STILL would have been too stubborn to admit your share of the blame. That stubborness is keeping you from improving. Just man up, see that you didnt do everything you could have to defend, and learn for next time.


Its not all about you. In a pressure situation you need to be specific with your communication. People arent just sitting on their asses reading ops chat. They are in the action. They wont come to help unless you specifically tell them you need it. Youre being willfully blind to human behavior.

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when u play PUG always always expect the worst


and limit urself to the minimum text or people will just ignore you i honestly don't read who write too much while i fight


if there is a RIGHT 3 or MID 4 or LEFT 1 i read


if someone start telling me his life "i am lonely at left but i see some shadow approaching can't say the number right now but it seems dangerouse please someone came help me"


i think he is chit chatting with a friend and ignore it all the way




for the second example i do exactly the same i always cut to the center of left BUT i make it super clear in the 1.30 minuts before while i wait the BIKE



if nobody say his name or volonteer no matter my plan i go cap and hope someone is smart enough to do what i was suppose to do


always expect the worst from pug

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In CW:



me"Hey, 3 guys incoming, I am alone defending, help"

me"guys, vanished, won't survive long, help"


2mn later, me dying... turret taken by my opponents...


random"f*** you idiot why didn't you tell WHICH point was taken???????!!!elevenone!:!!"




Well, we were holding only one point...

Edited by Bocherel
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i just love when ops leader says "All go Left"

and they run Right instead


I'm that guy. But only because I know that 80% of the time, when they say "2 left, rest mid", we will fail at mid and then get 2-capped and never get a turret back.


If I go right w/ my fiance (dual Assassins), it's usually an 80% chance that we will take the west turret from the 1-2 people they sent there and the 2 who went left will cap theirs, leading our team to a reluctant victory. If it's only 1 person guarding that right turret, it's a guaranteed cap thanks to CC.


Sure, this is bad playing, and I won't do it at 50, but in 10-49 bracket, second-guessing my team has become almost a necessity if I want to win.

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Example 1: Alderaan; we got two turrets, score 450-370..


1. Type: "4 imps middle.."

2. Action: Everyone except me run middle.

3. Type: "Hey guys I am by myself @ right, so."

4. Action: Two BM imps (one notorious Jugg imp too)come right

5. Action: Try to hold out until calvary comes.

6. Action: Death, but no calvary, lose right turret

7. Type: "Man you are bad."

8. Type: "Did I type in chinese when I said I was by myself?"

9. Type: "You got to ""call"" it out"

10. Type: "W.T.F., didn't I say I was by myself before anyone even showed up? Sorry I was too busy trying to stay alive until the calvary arrived"


This one was legitimately your fault. You said you were by yourself, but not that anyone was incoming. I regularly guard nodes by myself, all you have to do is say "inc right/left/mid." If someone only said they were by themselves in my warzone, I would assume that they wouldn't like to be alone, and I would finish killing the imp(s) that I was killing and then go stand guard with them. However, if they said I'm by myself and I have two inc (or simply, help right), then I would have CC'd my target, or vanished and ran to help as quickly as possible.

Edited by Niaoru
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You can always tell if you are in a good pug or not - When first joining and getting ready for the match to start, just say "hi" (pretty universally understood greeting) in group chat and see how many replies you get. If none, your fooked lolz
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Communication is not a big deal if people understand the process of elimination.


Let's say your Op leader says 2 west rest all mid in Alderran, and you're a Tankasin (I picked a convenient choice, though it's certainly not unreasonable to assume one exists). Now at this point nobody really knows who's going where, but if you just force speed as soon as you get off speeder toward west, chances are nobody else can be in front of you.


At this point people should see that one guy is going that way so at most one more guy follow him and then everyone else heads toward middle.


Now sometimes 5 guys follow you anyway but in that case communication probably would not have helped.


If someone says '4 inc snow' and 4 guys are ahead of you heading there, you probably should stay behind unless you've reason to think your 4 guys won't be enough to defend (perfectly possible).


If you don't want to think too hard, pick the fastest class (Assassin). You'll be the first person to get to somewhere so usually it can't be your fault. It's the slowpokes that have to think about which side they're supposed to be.

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