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How many people are waiting on 1.2 to return to this game?


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This video pretty much says what is on my mind and I'm obviously not the only one that feels this way. This is the "General Discussion" forum and threads still get closed for people speaking their minds and it's pretty sad tbh.



just listened to this thing, complete BS, the guy dont have a clue what he is talking about, before posting junk on YouTube he should atleast check his facts first.

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I haven't logged into this game for about a month and I am still paying my Subscription fees. I have been patiently waiting for 1.2 but tbh I am starting to get impatient.


The way I feel is 1.2 will either make or break this game for me, and if it flops I will unsubscribe, if it is good I will go back to playing this game 24/7.


How many people feel this way?


I have to admit I am waiting too. I got FF13-2 finished the story now replaying the parts i missed. I really hope 1.2 has that come back and playme feeling.

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Got 50 two weeks ago. Played through all of the operations. Got full Columni. Got Battlemaster.

Now I'm I'm back on WoW.

Only reason I'm still subbed to SWTOR is to blow through 16 man ops in 2 hours on Tuesdays with my guild.


SWTOR just doesn't have anything that makes me want to come back outside of raid time.

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My server is dead. I unsubbed a month ago. Only reason I prowl the forums now is in hopes of some future merge or transfer options. I may return when its available. 1.2 isn't enough to make me come back to a non-existent community. Its fluff and will probably take like 3 or 4 days to get through.


But by the time transfers and merges come around I will most likely be playing D3 or Guild Wars 2, and if they have me hooked before this game offers some way to get me off a dead server then I doubt I'll be returning especially when its not free to play.

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Well, of my guild of over 50 players it's me as only regular player & 3 very casual others even logging in anymore.


1.2 will not bring those players back. Only tons more raiding content might, my 6 month sub runs out in July & I've cancelled the recurring on it, I'll decide whether to resub or not then.


Server populations need to be addressed asap.

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1.2 really isn't adding anything of priority.

There is more important functions to be added than the legacy system and all that jazz.


I'd much rather have an LFG, which in my eyes is top priority.


If they got rid of the legacy system from 1.2 and replaced it with an LFG, and possible server merges, then i'd be content, but nothing interests me at all about 1.2 apart from maybe guild banks which should have been in there at launch as with many other things.


I'm subbed untill mid May.

I'm not willing to add anymore time to the game until merges and LFG start to appear.

My whole guild has gone and its just me.

40-60 people in fleet at weekends.


Its all a bit of a joke to be honest.

How they can not merge servers yet i really dont understand.


I'm hoping 1.2 comes out this month so i can have a go on it, but to be honest i dont really care, it really isnt adding anything that the majority of players actually want.

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me, just stopped and will not run it until 1.2

grinded full bm, all PVP commendations on max + 8 battlemaster.

I am not interested in any PVE raid end game content, there is simple nothing to do for me in the game

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I had to tell the last 2 remaining guildies who were still playing to find another more active guild as everyone had left already and honestly if i had known the game wouldn't last more than 2 months of interest then I wouldn't have made a guild to sart with :(


I hung on a month of subs longer than i played in hope of 1.2 coming in march but since it slipped i stopped paying.


I douvt I'll be back any time soon but it was great while it lasted.

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I am waiting for 1.2 to carry on playing for the following reasons:


1.) My server (The Shadow Runner - EU PVP) is dead. Hoping that 1.2 brings some peeps back but I doubt it... so onto option 2


2.) Due to above reason, I need to re-roll to a more active server (Tomb of Freedon Nadd looks like the only really busy EU server). But waiting on 1.2 in the hope that the UI changes + improved gfx on characters + more musical prompts makes it a fresh experience for my 3rd re-roll as a Jedi Consular (gonna play him less of a goody two shoes this time).


Thats my two bits.

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I looked at the patch notes and decided to unsubscribe.


I just love people like this. "BLAH BLAH in 1.2 patch SUCKS, I QUIT."


"Umm, did you actually go to the test server and TRY it?"


"No, but I'm pro and I can tell it's going to suck!"



Good riddance.....

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How many people are too busy playing the game to come to the forums and answer this question? Most of the people I talk to in game never come to the forums because all people do is whine.


I would say about in my guild of about 90, maybe three come to the forums due to the negetivity that is present. Oh and we get on average 30-40% weekly night by night attendence with a spike to about 5-70% depending on the weekend. And we are a republic guild.

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Somewhat still playing, I run the ilum dailies on my 2 50's in the morning while drinking my coffee. But other then that i'm just waiting for 1.2.


you drink coffee for 4 hours? yikes. maybe you should switch to crack. it's faster.

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As much as I like this game and want it to succeed there are some things that are bothering me. I love PVE and I like PVP. I do a lot of PVP, but it's not the main thing I want to do (more of a side thing).


I am getting kind of bored with 1.2 around the corner. There are some PVP things I can still get, but with the change looming, hoping for an RNG token is just not fun.


And in 1.2 everything feels like it's gonna be a huge GRIND and RNG fest. Grinding to craft 2-3 new sets of Orange gear for both my specs (PVE-Tank, PVE-DPS and PVP). Grinding out the new dailies for abysmal 5 stats upgrades on my relics!! PVP will still be horribad having to hope you get 4 other competent people in your grouped (for the love of god let us queue with 8 FFS!). I hope the PVE improves immensely and is exceptionally difficult on heroic/NMM because 4 bosses will not last at all for most decent guilds, then it seems it will be another 2-3 month for more improvement on that front again.


I am also worried about the legacy system and the unlocks you get. Not the powers, but the stat boosts you get from your other 50s and finishing their companion stories. I saw that you get stats boots on all your characters from a video. So to stay competitive I'd have to level up the 3 other classes? Is there any more info on that?


I love the game, but I am worried for it. All the PVPers are either looking at Tera or Guild Wars 2. I might try out both, keeping out of the hype as much as I can, but yeah Guild Wars 2 won't satisfy my PVE taste I know for sure.

Edited by TheOnyxHero
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The way I see it, is there are a lot of people not playing atm, but still holding their subs. 1.2 will not flop, I am willing to bet on that. Just like with major changes in WoW, watch how flooded some of the servers will be when 1.2 goes live. Then, it will slowly die down until the next major patch comes out. Population moves in surges. Right now, SWTOR is too new to have the population as stable as WoW. Give it time and be patient with the patches and content. Bioware will get it right, at least in my humble opinion.


Agree 100% .

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I've never been much of an altoholic; I can only really focus on one character at a time. Sadly, that character is a Pureblood Bounty Hunter, and I can't play him until Legacy, so anything else I do just feels like a waste of time. Even if legacy was nothing more than UI customization, gear coloring, and Legacy races, I'd be more than happy with it.
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I just love people like this. "BLAH BLAH in 1.2 patch SUCKS, I QUIT."


"Umm, did you actually go to the test server and TRY it?"


"No, but I'm pro and I can tell it's going to suck!"



Good riddance.....


Why do you need to try it if you can read the notes and not see anything that is a priority for you begin addressed?

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I have been somewhat holding off to see what it's like. Getting into a large casual guild that runs FPs a lot is a pain for me because I don't notice which guilds are large and active. I just see lots of little guilds of 10 or less people.
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Still playing, still having fun and will be having more fun post 1.2. Of course, I'm an altaholic and I still haven't reached 50 on a single toon, but I have unlocked my legacy.


I classify myself as a casual gamer, even if I do log on most days. It's only for an hour or two, but I do log on. Some days I do nothing but gathering/crafting with one of my alts. Other days I'll run a couple of space missions or PvP a bit. When I know I can dedicate 2 or more hours to the game, I'll complete quests/class missions.


I honestly understand why people who blew through the game to 50 in the first few weeks can be bored, but that's their problem, not BioWare's. Everyone in my guild is having fun still, we are still engaged, enjoying PvP, FPs and Ops.


Those people who do not like this game will move on to another game, blow through the content and be unhappy with that game too. Nothing will ever satisfy them because they are expecting more from the game than the game was designed to deliver. Whose fault is that?

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We are hanging on by threads, I am trying to remain dedicated to this game but it appears every time I read more into 1.2 it's like it just won't be all it's cracked up to be.


We are losing community on a massive scale, half my guild were all sharing scrolls of resurrection in WoW and started installing. It's just a matter of time before we are depleted.....AGAIN.


I know people are saying there are 1.7 mil subscribers but I honestly think it's because people who quit are too lazy to cancel or bought too much game time up front.


The population is on a major decline, it's downright terrible on my server... I think there are more people on some random BF3 server than mine in this game. :(


The way the dev's ignore the server xfer/merge topic has me so angry I almost want to see this game fail to teach them (AGAIN) that incompetence should not be accepted.

Edited by Kurfer
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Ill be with this game for a long time to come, with or without 1.2. I actually like the game despite its faults nor am I in desperate need for all the WoW features. Game has just as much end game as any other MMO has had and is currently adding more. It took WoW over 6 months to go from MC/Ony to BWL ... so cry me a river spoiled hardcores.
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Ive been away from the game and recently returned to it. Reading from 1.2 made me consider quitting instead of returning, but after couple days I figured the nerfs are not enough to make me quit. The game is great even if Bioware pretty often tries my patience.


I am waiting for the crafting changes and the armoring change that would allow me to customize my looks better. The sorcerer changes were pretty depressing to balance it out..


Im also interested in continuation of class stories and slightly in the legacy system.

Edited by Karkais
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