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How many people are waiting on 1.2 to return to this game?


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I haven't logged into this game for about a month and I am still paying my Subscription fees. I have been patiently waiting for 1.2 but tbh I am starting to get impatient.


The way I feel is 1.2 will either make or break this game for me, and if it flops I will unsubscribe, if it is good I will go back to playing this game 24/7.


How many people feel this way?

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I can barely make myself play atm. I'm hanging on by the fingernails out of hope. The content is so easy that it gets consumed too fast and people get bored.


My suggestion is a new random flashpoint setup where we get a group go to a guy and get a random FP with random layout and random enemy sets. Have them drop all level specific OJ gear with random looks.


That would keep me playing while they roll out new 'real' content.

Edited by K_Schrimer
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Well I'm still playing but I have hit a wall. I hope 1.2 rejuvenates me somewhat. The fact is that this game is still very new. I've played a lot, getting through content pretty fast. I don't blame BW b/c I chose to zip through the content. I'll probably cut back on play time but keep my sub ftm.
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This video pretty much says what is on my mind and I'm obviously not the only one that feels this way. This is the "General Discussion" forum and threads still get closed for people speaking their minds and it's pretty sad tbh.


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I looked at the patch notes and decided to unsubscribe.


Pretty much this, Legacy should have been in at launch for one. and for two its fluff content that shouldn't have been the spotlight for a patch also the lack of bug fixes and implementing of graphic options.

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This video pretty much says what is on my mind and I'm obviously not the only one that feels this way. This is the "General Discussion" forum and threads still get closed for people speaking their minds and it's pretty sad tbh.



No, they get closed because people seem to have a fetish about making 50 topics where 1 topic will do just fine. Post in existing ones.

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I didn't "quit", but I haven't played in awhile.

Yet, I have 6 month sub still going.


I'm pretty sure once 1.2 comes I'll play more. I'm still kind of upset my char wasn't transferred over to the PTS or I'd be test like a mother.

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No, they get closed because people seem to have a fetish about making 50 topics where 1 topic will do just fine. Post in existing ones.


No, they get closed cause the mods don't have a clue how to moderate a forum properly. If there's 50 topics on the same subject, that's valuable data, and should tell BW something about what the community cares about. And if its so important to not open more than one topic about the same subject, maybe the mods need to add a sticky of "frequently discussed" links for us to use.


But I digress. Back to the op's topic- I've recently unsubbed. I'll come back when they decide to migrate servers or allow transfers, or update the way shards work so we have a semblance of life in the game.


- does 1.2 offer server transfer?

- does 1.2 offer better level design, or more backtracking during class quests?

- will 1.2 fix the resource nodes? I thought they were fixed, now there's another relapse

- will 1.2 fix the "frozen corpse mobs?"

- will 1.2 creeate seamless transitions between areas of larger zones, instead of getting the "fatigue death"? Just talking about Tatooine, how hard is it to create some dunes you can zip through? Throw in some mobs, a few nodes. If you want immersive, let's get immersive.

- will 1.2 overhaul the GTN? Its useable, but it's a mess. How about indexing the database of items, it might help with search development.

- will 1.2 allow us to quick travel back to our ships?


Yeah, I've read 1.2 notes. I know what's there and not there. So, to sum up, patch 1.2 is not the dream come true. Its adding features and fixes that should've been there from the start, not improving level design, optimizing features, and adding tons of content.

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Haven't logged in for over 3 weeks now . Every time I think about playing I always seem to find something else to do. I don't know why, I actually think it's a good game for what it is but it hasn't grabbed me somehow unlike previous MMO's I have played.


But yeah I will be try 1.2, looks like some nice changes. Also I have a 6 month sub so got to make use of it or it's a waste of money :)

Edited by Cordelia
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No, they get closed cause the mods don't have a clue how to moderate a forum properly. If there's 50 topics on the same subject, that's valuable data, and should tell BW something about what the community cares about. And if its so important to not open more than one topic about the same subject, maybe the mods need to add a sticky of "frequently discussed" links for us to use.


But I digress. Back to the op's topic- I've recently unsubbed. I'll come back when they decide to migrate servers or allow transfers, or update the way shards work so we have a semblance of life in the game.


- does 1.2 offer server transfer?

- does 1.2 offer better level design, or more backtracking during class quests?

- will 1.2 fix the resource nodes? I thought they were fixed, now there's another relapse

- will 1.2 fix the "frozen corpse mobs?"

- will 1.2 creeate seamless transitions between areas of larger zones, instead of getting the "fatigue death"? Just talking about Tatooine, how hard is it to create some dunes you can zip through? Throw in some mobs, a few nodes. If you want immersive, let's get immersive.

- will 1.2 overhaul the GTN? Its useable, but it's a mess. How about indexing the database of items, it might help with search development.

- will 1.2 allow us to quick travel back to our ships?


Yeah, I've read 1.2 notes. I know what's there and not there. So, to sum up, patch 1.2 is not the dream come true. Its adding features and fixes that should've been there from the start, not improving level design, optimizing features, and adding tons of content.


That just falls on death ears, people who disagree with you are happy no matter what with the games state so they don't care about your suggestions.

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I am still playing, but I doubt you will get a good idea, of the numbers of people waiting, I think when allot of people take a break, that includes less forum time as well, maybe a check back once or twice a week, at least that's what i do..
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Nope. This game is a disappointment to me and 1.2 will not be enough to bring me back. The features of Patch 1.2 (and much, much more) should have been available at launch so that players could have fully utilized the legacy system.
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I haven't logged into this game for about a month and I am still paying my Subscription fees. I have been patiently waiting for 1.2 but tbh I am starting to get impatient.


The way I feel is 1.2 will either make or break this game for me, and if it flops I will unsubscribe, if it is good I will go back to playing this game 24/7.


How many people feel this way?


The way I see it, is there are a lot of people not playing atm, but still holding their subs. 1.2 will not flop, I am willing to bet on that. Just like with major changes in WoW, watch how flooded some of the servers will be when 1.2 goes live. Then, it will slowly die down until the next major patch comes out. Population moves in surges. Right now, SWTOR is too new to have the population as stable as WoW. Give it time and be patient with the patches and content. Bioware will get it right, at least in my humble opinion.

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Like 2 weeks ago, I would have said that a lot are eagerly awaiting new content and Legacy features but now? It will be too late. Too many guilds have gone inactive, too many people have gone from "Hope it comes soon" to "You know what? I don't care anymore". The sad part is that I knew back in January, when we cleared EV on hard, that without content that keeps raiders raiding, the game will fall apart and got flamed for it.


I'll stick around till 1.2 or the 20th when my sub is up, whichever comes first.

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Like 2 weeks ago, I would have said that a lot are eagerly awaiting new content and Legacy features but now? It will be too late. Too many guilds have gone inactive, too many people have gone from "Hope it comes soon" to "You know what? I don't care anymore". The sad part is that I knew back in January, when we cleared EV on hard, that without content that keeps raiders raiding, the game will fall apart and got flamed for it.


I'll stick around till 1.2 or the 20th when my sub is up, whichever comes first.




I wish I disagreed with you.


There is so potential with this game. But it released in December, its now April and still we're waiting on the golden patch. I've defended BW along the way, but my server is dying. I don't care what their numbers say. There was 35 people on the fleet this pass Saturday.


Fleet. Weekend. 35 people. !!


I'm hoping that 1.2 works, that all the folks we've lost return and that it indeed revitalizes the game. Because, no matter how much I like it, an MMO without people to play with is not a product I'm paying for.

Edited by Sowwy
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Like 2 weeks ago, I would have said that a lot are eagerly awaiting new content and Legacy features but now? It will be too late. Too many guilds have gone inactive, too many people have gone from "Hope it comes soon" to "You know what? I don't care anymore". The sad part is that I knew back in January, when we cleared EV on hard, that without content that keeps raiders raiding, the game will fall apart and got flamed for it.


I'll stick around till 1.2 or the 20th when my sub is up, whichever comes first.


^^ This. Im in the same boat right now.

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