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Live the Ship Droid Experience!


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This was too funny. I kinda wish that it was in the game now. It really makes you appreciate what our ship droids do for us on a daily bases. Those Ships don't clean themselves you know.


Oh, and I really think that they should make Super Star Wars. Truly EPIC

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Ok. Point me to another mmo who makes a joke about bogus features in an upcoming content patch. I'll wait.


Do you know how to use Google? Apparently not.






And many, many, many (repeat 100 times) more. (In many cases, the original joke pages were taken down to avoid confusing advanced intellects such as yourself after the holiday has passed, but you can see the articles other sites wrote about them, and the dates on them, etc.)


So, rather than take 10 seconds to google something like "MMORPG April Fools", you:

a)Made a moronic assumption based on self-created ignorance.

b)When called on your moronic assumption, rather than doing the research and then apologizing,you instead resorted to "Nuh uh! Prove it!"


Well, this is a holiday dedicated to your kind, so, you might as well revel in the festivities.

Edited by LizardSF
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i just read the title and i was like "april fools please" i love how mmo are always doing april fools even though they have tones of work to do for example 1.2 patch or fixing bugs or balancing the game for example empire side have the edge on the republic or the fact that certain classes are obviously overpowered and others really weak
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While most of the joke is Fozzy Bear-esque cringe worthy, you have to admit "I will remember this performance" was hilarious. Though how would a driod do that? Edited by Spearis
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