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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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Everyone above level 40 should get instant access to his server. No just joking.


It's just frustrating that changing the server isn't really an option if you are already fairly high in level and don't want to do it all over again.


Please Bioware either clone the servers or give us a free transfer from full server to others. I mean I haven't even gotten a guild yet so no social ties to the server yet but I'm stuck with it non the less.

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I dont think "more servers" is going to solve it as there are many still at low to medium population, the problem is that people alredy started playing pre launch and now its out, their friends join the same server and make it full and build queues on it.


either offer free transfers, increase the capacity of servers, or offer a grace period.. there are many things they could do but none have been done yet.. ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away will not work, and they could also lose players beacuse of this, thats money lost.. if they need to justify the costs of bigger servers or whatever

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Of course they knew this would happen. But the "official" explanation doesn't explain it. There's something happening behind the scenes that they aren't telling us and it's probably financial.


Its financial? EA has money. They have already made money off the game. Its not financial. Its a lack of planning. Obviously there will be problems on launch week, but there are things that could have easily been avoided. This being one of them.

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In the early access we had no problems at all with DC, not one single time.


Today both me and my wife been DC 5 times, and when we hurry to reenter we get in que. One time we were lucky due to timing, and got in as number 19 only.. but the others are around 3-400+ that is 20-30 min every time we DC. I know we are not the only ones having this issue on our server, and I can see it is hard to fix with a grace period if you have multiple DC from a server at once.


The more important question for me is: Why do we get so many DC now, and not in EGA?


With the game going live officially, we will most likely get more people and not less, so our 3-500 que avg. will just grow, not fall. With DC issues on top of that, we can spend 2½-3 hours in que to play 3 hours.


I hope for a swift solution to these problems, as it will be quite challenging in the long run when people do more flashpoints, and especially ops.

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Absolutely agreed. It just can't be, that if the game gives you an error (like a 9000), which is the GAME's fault, NOT the player's and NOT your computer's, and after that you have to wait for HOURS again to get back in. There's simply NO reason to justify that!
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I suggest you give free transfers for people on servers affected by queues at peak times, and start to spread the load. Better to have every server at 75% capacity, than half your servers having people needing to queue and the other half being at 25%
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Its financial? EA has money. They have already made money off the game. Its not financial. Its a lack of planning. Obviously there will be problems on launch week, but there are things that could have easily been avoided. This being one of them.


There's no WAY they didn't realize this would happen. They are MMO players as well, they know what happens during a launch. It's got to be something else.

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I suggest you give free transfers for people on servers affected by queues at peak times, and start to spread the load. Better to have every server at 75% capacity, than half your servers having people needing to queue and the other half being at 25%


100% agree

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Estimate: ~ 30 servers with ~ 800 queue. ~ 1 hour waiting time per user in queue.

~ 240 watt hour avg. power consumption in 3D rendered queue. ~ 0,20€ per kwh.


Wasting (30 * 800) 24000 human lived hours using up a total of (24000 x 240) 5760 kwh.


So we end up at paying additional 1152€ / 1506$ and producing 3398kg co2 intoxicating our planet.


Per hour. Thanks BW.

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Estimate: ~ 30 servers with ~ 800 queue. ~ 1 hour waiting time per user in queue.

~ 240 watt hour avg. power consumption in 3D rendered queue. ~ 0,20€ per kwh.


Wasting (30 * 800) 24000 human lived hours using up a total of (24000 x 240) 5760 kwh.


So we end up at paying additional 1152€ / 1506$ and producing 3398kg co2 intoxicating our planet.


Per hour. Thanks BW.


I like this

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This is the worst thing about the game at the moment. Queues are fine and predictable but getting dc'd for 30 secs after queuing for over 2 hours and then having to re-queue really is a joke. Edited by ZURDLOL
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Queuing for 2 hours is not acceptable sorry. Neither is being DC'ed and not having your spot saved for at least 10 minutes.


While I do agree with this statement, I still dont believe its a financial problem that they are unable to fix this or increase server capacity.

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Now i've been patient, however i must admit this is getting a bit frustrating. Finally managed to get into the game after a very long queue, played 1 warzone and got an error code. And now i'm back at 1100 queue..i mean, come on.
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Seriously *** is up with this. Not a single crash/disconnect since day one of early start and today I get dropped from server a bunch of times - right out into a 50 minutes+ que.. 50 bloody minutes ..


i've got the same, i played all 7 days of early access with 0 disconnects on any of the days, yet today i have gotten over the span of 4 hours 5-6 disconnects with a queue afterwards.

this needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Now i've been patient, however i must admit this is getting a bit frustrating. Finally managed to get into the game after a very long queue, played 1 warzone and got an error code. And now i'm back at 1100 queue..i mean, come on.


Exactly this just happened to me as well, in the middle of huttball about 10minutes after i logged in, after waiting nearly an hour in queue. Currently back in said queue, waiting another hour....

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Exactly this just happened to me as well, in the middle of huttball about 10minutes after i logged in, after waiting nearly an hour in queue. Currently back in said queue, waiting another hour....


happened to me in Hutball aswell, my story sounds very similar to yours. 1+ hour queue, 10 min in game and back into the queue...

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Bioware, this needs fixing, as of yesterday!


Seriously, the game is defective, and common decency would be a grace period.


I paid a heap for the CE, and I am already annoyed that this issue has not been responded to in any way besides the "we will monitor" post. - That is simply not good enough.


The game has cost a fortune to make, the advertisments another fortune.


So you decided the one place to save money was on the hardware you use to run the game???


If this problem persists, then TOR is dead within 12 months... Nobody in their right mind will pay a subscription fee to sit in a queue.


I know I won't - If the problem is not fixed by January 19th, my money goes elsewhere.

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Yes que times are long on many servers and yes BW should give a grace period but this will not be done today and I would be really surprised if it is done this week. BW is redirecting threads to this one so they are fully aware of the impact that this is having on the population. We have all been here before on many MMO's during launch week. Let's see how BW handles it!!


I play The Fatman server so I know everyone's pain here. Level 22 Sorc and i do not want to start over again but if I must then I will so that I can play a a really awesome game.

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