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So Georg says gear had too much accuracy


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but Georg mentioned that gear would have considerably less Accuracy come the new itemization for PvP gear in 1.2.


I've just had a look at the new BM gear and it's comparison to pre-1.2 BM items.


The mods still have a ton of Accuracy. Yes it's less than before, but only the equivalent of 1 or 2 pieces (50-100 rating).


I guess you are correct Georg, we all need to hit Tanks.... oh wait, most tank classes spec dps for PvP.



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Correct me if I'm wrong, but Georg mentioned that gear would have considerably less Accuracy come the new itemization for PvP gear in 1.2.


I've just had a look at the new BM gear and it's comparison to pre-1.2 BM items.


The mods still have a ton of Accuracy. Yes it's less than before, but only the equivalent of 1 or 2 pieces (50-100 rating).


I guess you are correct Georg, we all need to hit Tanks.... oh wait, most tank classes spec dps for PvP.




Do you want Georg to hold your hand while you go to the potty too?


They have to plan the gear for everyone(the generic/casual crowd). They can't automatically put in the most optimal mods in those gear slots I dont think. If they did, then it would take out a whole other level of skill/min-maxing that I actually enjoy in the game.


Just because the meta-game of warzones right now consist of tanks that use dps gear, doesn't mean it will always be that way.


Heck, I'm pretty sure that they said all the DR for the secondary stats were being re-worked. Do you know if the new gear will put people at the magical 97% mark?


In any case, I dont mind having to customize my gear. I actually prefer it.

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I kinda like the way they did it this time.


You'll still have to buy extra copies of gear to pull mods to put them in things, but this time there are desirable enhancements scattered around in all the war hero gear. I'm fine with having extra stuff to do to optimize.


You won't have to pull from lower level equiopment to get a desired mod anymore (like you do right now needing to pull lev 56 enhancements from champ gear if you want power/surge for your BM gear, since none of the BM gear has a power/surge enhancement in it innately).


This time all the combinations of enhancements that you could want are on different war hero items, so you can at least yank them from the same tier of item.

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Do you want Georg to hold your hand while you go to the potty too?


They have to plan the gear for everyone(the generic/casual crowd). They can't automatically put in the most optimal mods in those gear slots I dont think. If they did, then it would take out a whole other level of skill/min-maxing that I actually enjoy in the game.


Just because the meta-game of warzones right now consist of tanks that use dps gear, doesn't mean it will always be that way.


Heck, I'm pretty sure that they said all the DR for the secondary stats were being re-worked. Do you know if the new gear will put people at the magical 97% mark?


In any case, I dont mind having to customize my gear. I actually prefer it.




A better way for the OP to think of it is that if you do play the mod swap game, you'll be that much more ahead of the other lv50's with equal gear. I mean, really... what else is there to do after you had full gear w/ optimized stats handed to you?

Edited by therouterninja
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Trust me to find the 3 people in this game that actually like the piss poor itemization system.


My point is, why did Georg mention that the current Itemization was incorrect, that they didn't really want us to have to over-grind for the right mods and then state that 1.2 will fix it, and then go and only make minor changes? Here you have the best possible scenario to put right one of the major "mistakes" from launch and he doesn't do it.


Why is having to grind multiple versions of the same item, so you can get better mods fun? Rather than it being a mechanism to hide the fact that this game has nothing to offer once a very limited endgame and associated top tier loot acquisition has been completed?

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Do you want Georg to hold your hand while you go to the potty too?


They have to plan the gear for everyone(the generic/casual crowd). They can't automatically put in the most optimal mods in those gear slots I dont think. If they did, then it would take out a whole other level of skill/min-maxing that I actually enjoy in the game.


Just because the meta-game of warzones right now consist of tanks that use dps gear, doesn't mean it will always be that way.


Heck, I'm pretty sure that they said all the DR for the secondary stats were being re-worked. Do you know if the new gear will put people at the magical 97% mark?


In any case, I dont mind having to customize my gear. I actually prefer it.


Someone needs to hold Georges hand while he makes changes and developes the game. Bioware has dug a hole they will not get out of. Once patch goes live and the complaining really starts and we have meters to prove it. The only answer for them to be is change it all back and eat the foot they put in their mouth with 1.2.

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I guess you are correct Georg, we all need to hit Tanks.... oh wait, most tank classes spec dps for PvP.




WRONG....It should read most tanks GEAR DPS...


and you need around 92% acc so what is on the new gear is about right.

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WRONG....It should read most tanks GEAR DPS...


and you need around 92% acc so what is on the new gear is about right.


Most Powertechs/Vanguards spec Pyro/Assault.

Most Juggernauts/Guardians spec Rage/Focus


Assassins and Shadows are the only classes that can play PvP adequately in Tank spec and gear, and that's because of their uber build that most people still can't believe hasn't been nerfed.


You only need Accuracy for white damage attacks. 92% is roughly 60 Accuracy rating. The new BM gear has between 204-408 Accuracy rating.


So apart from all those mistakes, you are spot on. :p

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Most Powertechs/Vanguards spec Pyro/Assault.

Most Juggernauts/Guardians spec Rage/Focus


Assassins and Shadows are the only classes that can play PvP adequately in Tank spec and gear, and that's because of their uber build that most people still can't believe hasn't been nerfed.


You only need Accuracy for white damage attacks. 92% is roughly 60 Accuracy rating. The new BM gear has between 204-408 Accuracy rating.


So apart from all those mistakes, you are spot on. :p


As a Sentinel almost all of my direct damage is white damage. The only force damage I do of substance is my burns.

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Why should I have to buy EXTRA gear from OTHER classes to get the proper mods?


What sense does that make?


I didn't mind much before, but since things got readjusted and PT armor still get hosed i am a bit peeved...

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Most Powertechs/Vanguards spec Pyro/Assault.

Most Juggernauts/Guardians spec Rage/Focus


Assassins and Shadows are the only classes that can play PvP adequately in Tank spec and gear, and that's because of their uber build that most people still can't believe hasn't been nerfed.


You only need Accuracy for white damage attacks. 92% is roughly 60 Accuracy rating. The new BM gear has between 204-408 Accuracy rating.


So apart from all those mistakes, you are spot on. :p


O sorry....lol I play a shadow.


FAIL on my part!

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