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Just some facts about female gamers


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5. Women have bewbies. We gals know this, generally having two of them. In some games, the devs make bewbies so big they need crutches to hold them up.


Well as much as I agree, I mean they make lightsaber sticks rather large too, maybe they need to scale down alot of things.

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Most women I've met over the years in games expect something or don't tell anyone that they are, in fact, females.


I'm a guy and I don't treat women any different, nor do I care *at all* about your gender. Some are pleasantly surprised and the drama queens get upset about it /shrug.


Why am I posting this? To let all you women playing know, that there are people, like me, who simply do not care one way or the other nor do I expect anything more or less from you. Enjoy gaming, I know I do. :)

Edited by Jandi
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Most women I've met over the years in games expect something or don't tell anyone that they are, in fact, females.

I'm happy if people treat me like another gamer. I'm not sure what women are 'expecting' in game--or guys for that matter--but I expect to play the game and have a lot of fun, regardless of the gender on the other side of the monitor. :)


I don't generally tell someone I'm female because it honestly doesn't matter to me whether the gamer is male or female--as long as everyone games respectfully and has a good time, that's the important thing. It's not that I'm hiding it, it just never occurs to me to say "hey, I'm FEMALE!!"


So I have 2 X chromosomes. Big fat hairy deal. :)

Edited by JaeOnasi
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its nice to see this thread is still going.


. . .


signed attention seeking forum poster who can't game at times so uses the boards for entertainment.


Well, you've gotten my attention, at least, and once more, for the sake of making the conversation even more awkward, as I am a socially awkward male . . . wanna go out sometime?

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I as female gamer still wonder why some people still feel the urge to make these kinda threads.


Majority of the female gamers dont feel the need to go "im female, lets make a thread about female gamers". We're gamers like everyone else and making a threads like these is pointless.


If there are boys having issues with female gamers, ow look ignore function. There's no need for again another thread with "so called female gamer facts". We're not a rare species nor do we need a thread to point out we're not so rare.


Dont take this as offensive but making threads like these is what making some male gamers being reluctant towards the female gaming community and go like : *Ow look another female that wants attention".


99% of the players I meet ingame will never know whom plays the char and I might hope you dont go like "hi im female" to every person you meet ingame...they should not care so should not even need that info. Only people that know what I am is guild/friends. I could not care less about other gamers, they dont need to know what I am, where I am from, etc etc. The only thing they need to know is how I play no matter what's in between my legs.


This. Female gamers aren't rare, unique snowflakes in the gaming world. Some are dramatic, some are cool. Some are good, some are terrible. They're everywhere and they play every class. I mean...

Edited by Dettie
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Some of the best players I had had the pleasure to team up with were women!

They do not seem to get all nerd raged and foul up near as much as that kid down the street.


Glad to see and play with all of you and hope to see far more in games.


Good luck and if you ever need a hand let me know.


Dog out .......

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I will say this funny still see serious folks posting about how threads like this are "unnecessary" or that I am calling attention to myself. Id refer them to earlier post that basically say no duh about the attention thing but why bother. People are allowed their opinions.


That's not what I was saying at all.


What I was referring to was the "special snowflake" mentality that many women have today. I see that as a result of being raised in a time when society has placated to women in the extreme, not unlike we did with boys in the, "James Dean" era. Even slightly worse allowing the selection of equality like the entrees at a buffet.


In short, the absurdity in the belief that they are so special that in every circumstance where they participate the entity should open its arms wide, embrace them, listen to their story and examine their feelings.


In my opinion, no one is battling with women's equality beyond women themselves and perhaps that goal will be achieved when we cease to see these types of essays, in jest or otherwise. In short, part of being equal is embracing the fact that no one cares....just as it is with men. ;p

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I'm happy if people treat me like another gamer. I'm not sure what women are 'expecting' in game--or guys for that matter--but I expect to play the game and have a lot of fun, regardless of the gender on the other side of the monitor. :)


I don't generally tell someone I'm female because it honestly doesn't matter to me whether the gamer is male or female--as long as everyone games respectfully and has a good time, that's the important thing. It's not that I'm hiding it, it just never occurs to me to say "hey, I'm FEMALE!!"


So I have 2 X chromosomes. Big fat hairy deal. :)


We have a winner folks. Thank you Jae.


Witness evolution, the future of womanhood. Embrace the horror. LOL

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I don't think gambling is your thing.


I game since 1997 and so far have never been treated as if I'm a total different species. The difference is, I don't act like a total different species.


Sure there might be some exceptions but I've seen loads of girls qq-ing that they are being harassed but it are the same girls making "smexy" pictures and link them ingame, the same girls going "I'm a girl, so men should treat me as one" and the same girls aiming for attention from men ingame and go mad when they meet a bad apple.


Not all females are like this but the woman who cry the hardest about being harassed are mostly the ones seeking the attention in the first place.


And maybe you should try not assuming that women who get harassed in gaming are attention whores?

Because god forbid, a woman respond honestly to a question about gender when they're surrounded by jerkish types?

Or you know, it's totally the woman's fault for having a high-pitched voice in games with voice-chat.

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And maybe you should try not assuming that women who get harassed in gaming are attention whores?

Because god forbid, a woman respond honestly to a question about gender when they're surrounded by jerkish types?

Or you know, it's totally the woman's fault for having a high-pitched voice in games with voice-chat.



Perhaps you should learn to read. I never said woman whom are harassed are attention whores.

Edited by Kirameki
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Perhaps you should learn to read. I never said woman whom are harassed are attention whores.


You certainly implied it:

"Sure there might be some exceptions but I've seen loads of girls qq-ing that they are being harassed but it are the same girls making "smexy" pictures and link them ingame, the same girls going "I'm a girl, so men should treat me as one" and the same girls aiming for attention from men ingame and go mad when they meet a bad apple."


Anyways, my point is that there's a stark difference between yelling, "LAWL, Ima girl so give me stuffz!!" and not hiding the fact that you're female when you're asked. Part of the fun of gaming is NOT having to hide who you are. If you feel like you have to hide some part of yourself to be accepted, then something is wrong in the community.

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Female gamer, single, cute, happy with life, but gamed all my life and will continue to do so since I prefer to actively participate in my entertainment than just watch it.


No special attention needed, just be a good group player, play hard, have fun and let the gender BS die and be taken on who you are, how you play and the fun you have and can share with others.



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You certainly implied it:

"Sure there might be some exceptions but I've seen loads of girls qq-ing that they are being harassed but it are the same girls making "smexy" pictures and link them ingame, the same girls going "I'm a girl, so men should treat me as one" and the same girls aiming for attention from men ingame and go mad when they meet a bad apple."


Anyways, my point is that there's a stark difference between yelling, "LAWL, Ima girl so give me stuffz!!" and not hiding the fact that you're female when you're asked. Part of the fun of gaming is NOT having to hide who you are. If you feel like you have to hide some part of yourself to be accepted, then something is wrong in the community.


You still lack reading I see ...


About your last part, agree with that but majority of the woman don't hide what they are. They simply don't have issues with men because they act normal, they act just like every other gamer. They want to have fun and they surround themselves with likeminded people. I play since 1997 and I dont have the need to "hide" my gender because and this is what I meant with attention seeking "I don't say to strangers I'm a girl". You dont see male gamers go "hi I'm a dude".

When some stranger asks if i'm a girl I dont answer. Not because I want to hide, it's because I don't answer to stranger. Dont care what the question is.

When I pug people dont need to know my gender.

When I game people dont need to know my gender.

When I'am in a guild people dont need to know my gender from day one. (and by the time they know they know whom I am as gamer so they dont go *omg it's a girl, go away*)


Quote from you :Anyways, my point is that there's a stark difference between yelling, "LAWL, Ima girl so give me stuffz!!" and not hiding the fact that you're female when you're asked.

When some stranger ask if I'm a girl I dont answer. It's a stranger. They dont have to know. Nothing to do with hiding my gender.

If by all means you spout to pugs, randoms or whatever you're a girl then in some way you did seek the attention. There is no reason to let anyone know what gender you are. No reason at all. This has nothing to do with "having to hide that you're female". They simply dont need to know.

Of all the females I've seen over the years that did compain about being harassed are simply the ones that pointed the attention towards them. They went into a pug, "hi im a girl, if I make mistakes sorry". They went joining a pug TS and went "Hi yes I sound like a girl because I am one". The males in the parties did not care if they were woman, they ditched the woman because they pointed out they were woman even before someone made a comment.

Edited by Kirameki
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Something I noticed recently regarding all this gubbins.


When you see twitter accounts or peoples descriptions of themselves you may see things like "girl gamer" I have to say this term actually bothers me. Let me explain.


If you meet someone in public and they asked your hobbies, you girls wouldn't say girl gamer would you? As they can clearly see you are a girl.

Now over the internet, people can't always tell, for various reasons. If you identify yourself as a "girl gamer", they way I see it, you wan't to make it known you are a girl, therefore wanting attention from it.

Otherwise why say it at all? It seems like you are wanting something special for being a girl that plays games.

I don't go round the internet calling myself a guy gamer. I realise that is a lot more the accepted "social norm" so to speak, but still. This is what bothers me at the moment.

It seems like some people want a prize because of their gender in correlation with their hobbies.

If you tell people you are a girl for no reason, of course people will think you are attention wh***ng. And rightfully so, why drop that in otherwise?


If you play games, you are a gamer. Not a girl gamer, not a guy gamer. Just a gamer. (word has lost all meaning)


Morgan Freeman was asked a while back how he think we can stop racism. he replied; "We can stop talking about it."

Same applies here I think. Want to be treated the same? Stop making any king of issue about it. get harrased through no fault of your own? Use the ignore function.

Make a big deal about being a girl and it's all on you.

But really, who gives a f***? Just another person behind a screen somewhere in the world.

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You still lack reading I see ...


About your last part, agree with that but majority of the woman don't hide what they are. They simply don't have issues with men because they act normal, they act just like every other gamer. They want to have fun and they surround themselves with likeminded people. I play since 1997 and I dont have the need to "hide" my gender because and this is what I meant with attention seeking "I don't say to strangers I'm a girl". You dont see male gamers go "hi I'm a dude".

When some stranger asks if i'm a girl I dont answer. Not because I want to hide, it's because I don't answer to stranger. Dont care what the question is.

When I pug people dont need to know my gender.

When I game people dont need to know my gender.

When I'am in a guild people dont need to know my gender from day one. (and by the time they know they know whom I am as gamer so they dont go *omg it's a girl, go away*)



When some stranger aks if I'm a girl I dont answer. It's a stranger. They dont have to know.

If by all means you spout to pugs, randoms or whatever you're a girl then in some way you did seek the attention. There is no reason to let anyone know what gender you are. No reason at all. This has nothing to do with "having to hide that you're female". They simply dont need to know.

Of all the females I've seen over the years that did compain about being harassed are simply the ones that pointed the attention towards them. They went into a pug, "hi im a girl, if I make mistakes sorry". They went joining a pug TS and went "Hi yes I sound like a girl because I am one". The males in the parties did not care if they were woman, they ditched the woman because they pointed out they were woman even before someone made a comment.


How do I "lack reading"?

I'm specifically talking about women who get harassed who don't yell to the world, "look at me, I'm a girl!!" first thing. You're the one who keeps insisting repeatedly that women only get harassed if they're seeking attention in the first place. We're talking about two totally different groups.


On an entirely different note, thanks for having the link to that large server merge thread in your sig. I'm definitely keeping it in mind for my next alt.

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