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Just some facts about female gamers


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Pull up a chair and relax, let me tell yall a story.


The story takes place WAY in the past, oh about 6 or so years ago, in another galaxy far far away.


A tale of danger and excitement. It was also a story of hero's and those of the lesser quality.


Throughout the galaxy there were places of such wonder and light, as well as, places of pure evil and certain death. Only the strong of the strong would look to go to such dark and dangerous places. Only within themselves could they know why they would gamble with their very lives but it was not uncommon to see large groups of brave souls looking to take on the darkness.


It was on one such adventure that perhaps, even if it was just a tiny bit, the world changed for some. It took some heros by surprise, others by a soft confidence, and some still with a sense of distain.


This adventure was to travel deep into the death planet of Dathomir. The hunt was lairs of the might Rancor and all of those in party knew that without a good group, they would not make it out alive.


(in SWG, back when Dath was NO JOKE!)


A strong group of 10 brave souls took to the dark, evil lands but before hand made it clear that the one female traveling with the group (how they knew she was the only female, I am not sure) would not recieve any special treatment and might not even have any healing wasted on her.


She took this all in stride and only smiled. No one in the group said much more as they all rode out to the danger zone. Once arriving, the fight started quickly and was handled with ease, but that was a small lair of 3 Rancor.


With overconfidence, the group "leader", the very person who mentioned that the female was getting nothing special, decided to engage in a larger spawn of Rancor. What started as a 3-1 player to beast ratio quickly changed to the creatures advantage as the group pulled in spawns from nearby lairs.


Now the pace of combat was fast. Chat went from laughs and jokes to shouts of heal and help me.


One by one group members would fall. Not to lessen the professions in the mix, as the fights did take out a number of Rancor along the way, but in the end there was one lone player standing and fighting.


This one lone player was a master of a mixed profession and very strong. Teras Kasi was the profession, mastered due to opening a holocron, in an effort to unlock Jedi.


This lone player, who managed to kill off the remaining Rancor and move away from spawns that were not part of the attack, was the female who was surely expected to fail.


The female returned to the starport and saw many of the group members after that had cloned. With another smile, she left the planet and knew that she had proven herself without saying a word.


That was a fun day for me!:D

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Well, yes, sure. Trash talk happens, and it can be extremely funny. Just make your trash talk about the way the person plays, not their gender.


When a male gamer Fails Epically, you don't automatically go "oh, that's because boys suck mightily at this. They should give up and make me a sandwich, and I shall tell them so." You're more likely to go "What, were you in a coma, you moron? Where were my heals?" or "What part of Tanking don't you get, you coward? " or "Hey, next time you say you're DPS, put down the feather and try using a WEAPON."


But a lot of gamers (not all!), when a female gamer Fails Epically, waste no time in telling that gamer that that they have no business being in the game (or any game) in the first place, are fat/ugly/sexually over-or-underactive/representative of their entire gender, and more and more often, need to be sexually assaulted for their own good. It's no longer about the game, or the playing - far too often, it becomes about the person. It's lazy, as trash talk, and it's sexist.


So, to sum up - heck yeah! Bring the trash talk, honey - I'm pretty sure my vocab is up to it! But make it about my gaming, not about me.


If someone trash talks to me, the person goes straight to my ignore list, regardless of whether they attack my sanity, intellect, skill - or gender. I really don't care what particular feature of me they're attacking, it's all the same to me. Trash talkers are the worst morons gaming has to offer, period. As in 100% of them, no exceptions.

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If someone trash talks to me, the person goes straight to my ignore list, regardless of whether they attack my sanity, intellect, skill - or gender. I really don't care what particular feature of me they're attacking, it's all the same to me. Trash talkers are the worst morons gaming has to offer, period. As in 100% of them, no exceptions.


Wow - you've only just met me and you're calling me a moron. Way to show zero tolerance for trash talk.

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My husband showed me this thread. I met him in EQ2 when I was a 21-year-old college gal and he was a 25-year-old infantryman. I have an older brother and have been gaming with him since I was about 5.

The thing that bugs me the most is that in recent gaming years it seems like male gamers are now even less inclined to believe we exist than they were 7 years ago...or if we do we're all ogres lol. When I first started mmo's I didn't feel like I had to explain I was a girl, it seemed people assumed. Maybe that's unique to me, maybe it's the other way around for some, but now that I'm in star wars it seems like everyone calls me "dude" and "buddy" which frankly I don't mind because that means if I ever screw up in front of them they won't attribute it to me being a female lol. I try to be a great player and pvper, but like females in other situations, if we ever mess up we sometimes worry we let down the whole gender in that situation. It's funny that it applies to games for me, but it does sometimes.

Overall, I just like playing, being left alone unless I'm on a team. If I see one of the many bikini clad dancers scattered across the galaxy I only really notice them if my husband is there too lol. I think that mimics real life as well. When it's just me, I could care less, I just want to play. I do make my characters sexy too. She wears clothes though, I don't need to be naked, but I take time to make my characters cute/pretty in universal ways. I don't use default models.

The beauty factor is just a sidenote, even though we're discussing it. Most of us just want to kill things once we've made our toons.

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Wow - you've only just met me and you're calling me a moron. Way to show zero tolerance for trash talk.


She has a point. Trash talk has no legitimate purpose whatsoever, and instantly shows the lack of maturity of the one doing the 'talking'. Best to keep things classy.

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She has a point. Trash talk has no legitimate purpose whatsoever, and instantly shows the lack of maturity of the one doing the 'talking'. Best to keep things classy.


Yes, please keep things classy. don't fight ladies, at least let me get the mud ring ready:D


Sorry, couldn't resist. no offense meant, just having some fun, takin the piss if you will.:D

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She has a point. Trash talk has no legitimate purpose whatsoever, and instantly shows the lack of maturity of the one doing the 'talking'. Best to keep things classy.


As you choose, obviously. You have a perfect right to play in the way you wish, and to make sure your gaming environment is safe and fun. But you don't get to denigrate people who play a different way, and more than I would have the right to denigrate your choices.


Here's my take on it, presented to give a context to what I mean by trash talk, and how it's used in-game around my way: I play almost exclusively with people I at least know the faces of IRL. This helps avoid the anonymous-creep syndrome of random abusers for all concerned, and it's an extension of a social life with includes ongoing and strenuous exchanges of opinion. Roleplaying - meaning, being in character and never dropping it in game - is one of the ways we choose to have fun. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but we like it.


I currently have a Sith sorcerer who I'm basing on a cross between a Valkyrie and a Death Eater. If you have a derpy moment, and we all do, Brunhilda Voldemort (not her real name ... although ...) is not going to say "oh well, there, there, never mind, let's try again." She's going to give you a vigorous vocal critique, and possibly some very pointed suggestions of technique changes you might like to try. She's not going to attack the person behind the character, but the character itself. I should say that I get as good as I give (because, oh, many are my moments of derp), and that if ever a line is crossed, the whole group tends to call out bad behaviour. It is, after all, only a game, and no-ne's IRL feelings should be hurt.


It adds to the experience. For us anyhow. Let me reiterate: if it isn't fun for you, you have an absolute right not to tolerate it. But people who do tolerate it aren't necessarily morons, or immature, or lacking in class. They just play differently.

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She has a point. Trash talk has no legitimate purpose whatsoever, and instantly shows the lack of maturity of the one doing the 'talking'. Best to keep things classy.


Actually, Obi-Wan used trash talk quite a few times in duels to make his opponent mad and sloppy. :) But then, he mastered Soresu's sub-Form called Trollesu. :D

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three facts.....


there is no females on the interwebz....


most male gamers just want to show off there 133t haxxor skills........


not all male gamers are 300lbs and live in there parents basement eating hotpockeets......



Welcome to SWTOR! lol

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She's not going to attack the person behind the character, but the character itself.


That's RP, not trash-talk. Which is obviously fine to do, as long as it's in-character. I (the player) would surely tolerate rude language in a pure RP situation. My character might draw lightsabre on you, though, since she doesn't really appreciate being trash-talked to either (and has quite the temper). :p


What I said above still stands for OOC trash talk, though. I do have a zero tolerance policy for that.

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There's a huge difference between trash talking your friends and trash talking strangers. Your friends know you and know your sense of humor; strangers do not. Most trash talk between strangers goes way too far, in my opinion, regardless of gender.
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Here's a fact about real gamers:


They don't care what gender you are.


Seriously, why does it matter? Just because I have a Wookiee and Jawas and you have a Sarlacc doesn't mean I am better than you or you are better than me. It has no impact on playstyles. No real gamer defines themselves with their gender. We are unisex. We are one entity. We are Gamers. Just Gamers. No Girl prefix, no Hardcore top billing, no Casual moniker.


You and I and everyone else who was born with wires in their veins and a controller in each hand are Gamers. That is it.


Now can everyone please stop adding these prefixes to the name and just play?

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Here's a fact about real gamers:


They don't care what gender you are.


Seriously, why does it matter? Just because I have a Wookiee and Jawas and you have a Sarlacc doesn't mean I am better than you or you are better than me. It has no impact on playstyles. No real gamer defines themselves with their gender. We are unisex. We are one entity. We are Gamers. Just Gamers. No Girl prefix, no Hardcore top billing, no Casual moniker.


You and I and everyone else who was born with wires in their veins and a controller in each hand are Gamers. That is it.


Now can everyone please stop adding these prefixes to the name and just play?


Mine is more like a Dashade and two Jawas. >.>


Other than that, well said. :D

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I think it'd be nice to see more RL females in game. I think some who post negative about what the OP said fear women gamers..


I'm hoping to see some sort of "bio" that you can make up and have it viewed by others in game.. I'd like to know who's who if they wish to say.


my 2 cents

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You and I and everyone else who was born with wires in their veins and a controller in each hand are Gamers. That is it.


Now can everyone please stop adding these prefixes to the name and just play?


Screw that. I'm a PC Gamer. Consoles are for children :p

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Screw that. I'm a PC Gamer. Consoles are for children :p


And for people who don't care to spend a lot of money to upgrade every six months just to stay on top of the latest and greatest games at maximum graphics settings.


Working in the IT field, I see this a lot. Usually only the 1%ers' kids can afford the upgrades required to... as an example, play Crysis II on Maximum. My job is to build competitive computers at a fraction of the cost to the customer. I do my job very well, thanks. :D


That said, consoles don't have to be constantly upgraded to play the newest and best games. Also, some console games support keyboard/mouse interface.

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I actually prefer questing with female gamers. Not to sound sexist or anything, but when you're leaning a game for the first time, mistakes happen. A lot of guys seem to enjoy disrespecting and demeaning a person for a simple mistake, where as a lady tends to laugh about it and be a bit more respectful.


Now I don't want to come off as being a kiss *** here, because I'm not some white knight kind of guy. I perv it up, and mess with ladies in game a litttle, but for the most part they're willing to play along and joke right back with me.


In summary, I would just like to address the womens in the thread with a simple statement.


"Yo hurr look good"

Edited by Proksham
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This topic really caught my eye since i noticed female gamers on the rise andi have to agree with what most are saying that are most out there did relaize that fenale gamers do exist and they can actually be some of the best gamers and more ways than one and not all of them are healers. The ones who dont know believe that girl gamers dont exist or think girls are horrible at gaming is the true minority in the gaming community. Edited by Jonbeast
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In my many years gaming, I've met a couple decent female gamers, but never any really good ones.


In my decades of gaming, I've met a lot of gamers, and really good ones are much rarer than pretty good ones. And given that a lot of women hide their gender online so they aren't pre-judged by people who assume that they'll never measure up, you can't actually say you've never met an exceptional woman gamer unless you ask every single person you ever game with what their gender is.


Which would be either creepy, or improbable. I'm going with the latter.


But even if you haven't met a really good woman gamer, that says more about your social life than about our playing abilities. It's not like we don't exist.


Whatever "good" means - is it DPS? Kills per raid? Bank balance? How much fun you have when you're with them? How long they've been gaming? Whether they do what you want them to or not? That time they managed to keep you alive even though you kept standing in the @$%^ fire like a Noob? Is someone who's really good at playing the way they want to play a lesser gamer because you think they should be playing your way? Your statement is essentially unquantifiable.

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In my decades of gaming, I've met a lot of gamers, and really good ones are much rarer than pretty good ones. And given that a lot of women hide their gender online so they aren't pre-judged by people who assume that they'll never measure up, you can't actually say you've never met an exceptional woman gamer unless you ask every single person you ever game with what their gender is.


Which would be either creepy, or improbable. I'm going with the latter.


But even if you haven't met a really good woman gamer, that says more about your social life than about our playing abilities. It's not like we don't exist.


Whatever "good" means - is it DPS? Kills per raid? Bank balance? How much fun you have when you're with them? How long they've been gaming? Whether they do what you want them to or not? That time they managed to keep you alive even though you kept standing in the @$%^ fire like a Noob? Is someone who's really good at playing the way they want to play a lesser gamer because you think they should be playing your way? Your statement is essentially unquantifiable.


I'm leaning towards how much fun that I've played with them. Although, having skill and spatial awareness to not hold others back is a major....major plus. But as I was talking about in an earlier post, I would much rather have people that can make mistakes, cop to them, and then try to learn how to do better WHILE still maintaining a great attitude and having fun

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