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The number of bugs is mind boggling


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Games buggy as hell, without a doubt,


Complete lack of






err, hang on, what did they do during Beta then.......



Drink Coffee



To all the folk who say - Awwwwwwwww, dont be mean, give them time,




I am a paying customer, SWTOR is the product I am paying for,


You get your bugs sorted out in Beta,


Dont charge me for playing bugs,



So you were there? During beta? You saw how Bioware had us testing, and retesting, and retesting again? You did everything you could to be a part of the solution? If you weren't & didn't then what's the basis for your rant? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Well the issue is not the fact that there is bugs... Is the time its taking them to fix them.


Simple cosmetic things are taking > 6 months since they got reported... and that's my issue.


PS: I says a lot about how the devs feel about the game... and in turn says a lot if we should invest time in a IP that will die "too soon".


He clearly said "since they got reported" and not "since the game officially released." And many of these bugs were reported in beta.


"You said the game has been 'out' for six months. That was misinformation. I called you on it. Nothing more or less." You even put quotes around a word he never once used.


But ultimately, you discredit your argument in my eyes by saying that something as frustrating as ability delay is nothing more than a "nuisance bug." I'll take less story from WoW over unresponsive gameplay each and everytime.

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You're going to get occassional bugs from stealthing, physics effects like knockbacks/leaps and mob pathing in every game, no matter how long it is out.


All those things still happen in WoW- 7 years later. Frankly, it took them a good 5 years just to get some things- like blink- to work most of the time- and there's still constantly pathing issues that reset bosses, or stuck things in walls, etc...


Name one mmo that doesn't have issues with those things, and I'll show you proof that you're wrong.

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You're going to get occassional bugs from stealthing, physics effects like knockbacks/leaps and mob pathing in every game, no matter how long it is out.


All those things still happen in WoW- 7 years later. Frankly, it took them a good 5 years just to get some things- like blink- to work most of the time- and there's still constantly pathing issues that reset bosses, or stuck things in walls, etc...


Name one mmo that doesn't have issues with those things, and I'll show you proof that you're wrong.


Have they fixed Hunter pet-abilities turning on/off by themselves yet? Or pets spawning with half hp for a bit after dismounting? I remember those driving me nuts.. for years and years :rolleyes:

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Have they fixed Hunter pet-abilities turning on/off by themselves yet? Or pets spawning with half hp for a bit after dismounting? I remember those driving me nuts.. for years and years :rolleyes:



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Above all else please remember that we are here to help with issues that come up, you need not respond to them and extend the argument.


Can you then fix bugs that have been reported numerous times since launch and still unfixed?


Personally I come across about 2 new bugs a day playing my other classes through their storyline. I cant even be arsed to report this stuff anymore if its never fixed and petitions just keep closing.


Bugs since yesterday for example includes burrowing ugnaughts and a bonus mission stuck in my quest log that cannot be finished, reset or abandoned.


Bugs from day before that include hovering darth Jadus and double nature of a questgiver. Also the "mysterious jedi" still appears as two persons in the foundry final fight cutscene. Did that day before yesterday, still unfixed since launch. Maybe I should make a blog just so bioware would understand the staggering amount of bugs, and those are not even very important ones. Ilum daily quest defend the shipment is still unfixed since beta, and I would very much like to earn that 1 extra daily commendation per day, thank you.

Edited by Karkais
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Bugs take time to fix and in programming you don't just fix them as they come in.


What they most likely do is have a window where new bugs are being filed in a 'Bugzilla" type system while they work away at the bugs that were reported in Beta but deemed to be small enough to launch with. Yes, this happens with all software. it is supposed to happen....


As an aside, don't think that working on new content stops or limits them from fixing bugs. it doesn't, not even a little. Separate teams work on these things and in programming throwing more people at something does not make it go faster, in fact, much the opposite.


When they have their list done, they will release a comprehensive patch that fixes all the bugs. Bug fixes take time as reporting a problem does not in fact find the problem. Not only do they have to be able to reproduce the reported problem consistently, they have to be able to find the code that is the culprit. Time time and more time.


And to all the people comparing Wow launch to this game, some of you are crazy. Wow launch was so much more buggy and a lot of those 'vanilla' bugs lasted in game all the way until Cataclysm when they redid the old continents from scratch.


Mobs unattackable while stuck in ground but can attack you. Player model bugs. Wow has had bugs on bosses in every xpac and in the beginning, it took them a long time to recognize and fix problems. They have admittedly honed that skill but Wow was far more unstable and had many problems that people got so accustomed to that they forgot they were even bugs until they got fixed in some random hotifx or patch.



And to the people that complain about beta testing, you really have no idea how beta testing works or should work. No question

Edited by LrdScorpio
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But the release excuse no longer applies to this game....How long will you keep using the excuse for all the bugs as it was just released?


Cya..cancelled today...this game needs alot of work to compete with WOW ....was very fun at first til it became annoying and boring


WoW has similar bugs to what the OP was mentioning even to this day? I think you are exaggerating the number of bugs to justify your WoW addiction.

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Its funny that people who complain about bugs here have a laundry list. The SWTOR apologetics team usees WoW's vanilla bugs to defend the bugs in this game can only remember two or three things as they go on to exaggerate them.


Yes WoW had bugs but the minute you mention that in another mmo's forums you give up your right to say "this isn't WoW."


Except WoW still have some of these same bugs. After 8 years.

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Complexity and Scale increase the amount of bugs in any software program. With a game the size of TOR or any MMO really you are bound to have hundreds if not thousands of bugs ranging in severity. No game is or will be 100% bug free ever.


-_-* yes... tor HUUUUGE and so complex. FEATURES OVERLOAD AHHHHHHH too much to take in!



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Ive been playing MMO's since the mid/late 90's. Ive been at the beginning of Ultima Online, EverQuest, Asherons Call, Asherons Call 2, Anarchy Online, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online and alot more.


The thing about bugs in all those games is that most of the progression breaking ones have always been fixed pretty quickly, im not saying they are without bugs. h*ll no ;)


What i am saying is that bugs such as broken instances, broken story quests or broken zones that makes a big portion of the players not being able to progress is not being fixed. What you lot should understand about bugs is that they almost never effect everyone, its usually 10-15% of the crowd that gets them which is a large enough number to be worried.


Ive been in game development for 15 years almost and know the terror of trying to fix bugs for wierd machines(yeah try fix a network disconnect bug that existed in windows millenium then we will see who's laughing!). And i agree to some extent of what the OP is saying, its abundantly clear the the programmers and/or quality managers over at BioWare have no clue what they are doing. Having encounters, story quests, daily quests being bugged for 4 months is a long time in my honest opinion.


We all know other large issues with the game, the shear frustration in PvP and the non-existant network coding enhancement that is so badly needed. Im for one is patient, this is a quality MMO in the end, whatever some of you haters think you know. I will be playing this for quite some time and i will enjoy myself to the fullest!

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I see posts like the one I've quoted and laugh. Did people fall through the world in the first six months of wow? yeah sometimes. Was it "barely playable" in its first six months?, hardly. Though I did play WoW in it's first six months, you wouldn't need to to know that they wouldn't be where they are today if the game were "barely playable" in its first six months. It would be offline instead.


Server queues


Terrain bugs

Stability issues

Client issues

Quest bugs

Class bugs

and many more


These are the sorts of bugs ALL mmos have in the launch period. WoW had them all, it was known to be a bad launch which had many many bugs. bugs which stoppped play. Game breaking bugs and server issues, but they got fixed. But the time it took was months.


I highly doubt you were there if you feel wow didnt have its issues. Issues which dwarf TORs issues. But, players stood behind the IP as back then, most MMO players were adults back before the youngsters took over, and us adults know. MMOs take time to evolve and grow, and especially time to iron out the launch issues. It took blizz months to get on there feet. WoW was not the gospil MMO people claim it to be.

Edited by DigitalPrime
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I highly doubt you were there if you feel wow didnt have its issues. Issues which dwarf TORs issues. But, players stood behind the IP as back then, most MMO players were adults back before the youngsters took over, and us adults know. MMOs take time to evolve and grow, and especially time to iron out the launch issues. It took blizz months to get on there feet. WoW was not the gospil MMO people claim it to be.


Did you ever read the Everquest forums when it was top dog? They were just as bad as the ones here. And as for bugs, I remember one time when a patch caused areas of ground to disappear and people were plummeting to their deaths or getting trapped under the world all over the place. Why there was a second level under the world that you could never get to except by bug I never knew.

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I played Dark Age of Camelot ... once a patch made the whole UI disappear ... you could log in, but not really play as there was no UI.


There are bugs in all (big) games. The number of them is not the problem, but to what extent they take away from normal play. From that perspective, I don't think SWOTR is that bad ... (Age of Conan comes to mind, where you fell through the stairs and could not get out when you wanted to enter the inn in the starting zone).

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Server queues


Terrain bugs

Stability issues

Client issues

Quest bugs

Class bugs

and many more


These are the sorts of bugs ALL mmos have in the launch period. WoW had them all, it was known to be a bad launch which had many many bugs. bugs which stoppped play. Game breaking bugs and server issues, but they got fixed. But the time it took was months.


I highly doubt you were there if you feel wow didnt have its issues. Issues which dwarf TORs issues. But, players stood behind the IP as back then, most MMO players were adults back before the youngsters took over, and us adults know. MMOs take time to evolve and grow, and especially time to iron out the launch issues. It took blizz months to get on there feet. WoW was not the gospil MMO people claim it to be.



This x100


Back then though all we needed was the servers up to have fun. Which was a lot oto ask out of WoW at launch lol

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