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huttball exposes the weaknesses of pvp.


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Huttball went from a fun strategic wz to just a pile of ****. There is ZERO value or entertainment in huttball anymore.


I like the game and by no means do i preach it flawless or over flawed, but huttball over time has done NOTHING but expose every horrible aspect and flaw in this games mechanics.


huttball, in its current form has no purpose or value in swtor.


The mechanics to which this game operates should compliment warzones not detriment them.

And every flaw in this game is exactly what Hutball requires to be successful.


The resolve bar is broke, and i could be wrong but I've yet to see any atemp or reference to resolve from the devs YET.


These grapiling abilities are the NEW losers FAD in pvp now. You are beginning to see career grapples, who do nothing in the game but grappling people into pits and watch as the game does all the work for them.


the way these abilities which are suppose to be controlled by resolve is poorly done, the way cc and kbs compound on one another - stack if you cast before resolve is full even in its 3 and at 99% is ridiculous.


Being kbed into the pit, getting out and surviving only to be grappled back in and surviving only to be grappled in again and then frozen so you bleed out is pathetic.


dunno what their outlook is on the value of certain ccs, and what equates to the potency and price you pay for using them, but they seriously need to rethink this, especially the way they are changing everything else in 1.2.


Overall, win or lose Huttball is ZERO entertainment.

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huttball is the worst thing I've seen in a game that has PVP.


It should have been a side-mini game.


A Attack/Defend map would have been better with players fighting through the hutt's floating barges.


Or better yet.. if there was ANY investment in assisting with WORLD PVP.

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huttball is the worst thing I've seen in a game that has PVP.


It should have been a side-mini game.


A Attack/Defend map would have been better with players fighting through the hutt's floating barges.


Or better yet.. if there was ANY investment in assisting with WORLD PVP.


huttball is the best thing I've seen in a game that has PVP.


It should have been a main focus of the game.


A Attack/Defend map would have been worse with players fighting through the hutt's floating barges.


Or God forbid.. if there was ANY investment in assisting with WORLD PVP.


see? I can make opinions and base them off with no fact at all, too!

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Huttball went from a fun strategic wz to just a pile of ****. There is ZERO value or entertainment in huttball anymore.


I like the game and by no means do i preach it flawless or over flawed, but huttball over time has done NOTHING but expose every horrible aspect and flaw in this games mechanics.


huttball, in its current form has no purpose or value in swtor.


The mechanics to which this game operates should compliment warzones not detriment them.

And every flaw in this game is exactly what Hutball requires to be successful.


The resolve bar is broke, and i could be wrong but I've yet to see any atemp or reference to resolve from the devs YET.


These grapiling abilities are the NEW losers FAD in pvp now. You are beginning to see career grapples, who do nothing in the game but grappling people into pits and watch as the game does all the work for them.


the way these abilities which are suppose to be controlled by resolve is poorly done, the way cc and kbs compound on one another - stack if you cast before resolve is full even in its 3 and at 99% is ridiculous.


Being kbed into the pit, getting out and surviving only to be grappled back in and surviving only to be grappled in again and then frozen so you bleed out is pathetic.


dunno what their outlook is on the value of certain ccs, and what equates to the potency and price you pay for using them, but they seriously need to rethink this, especially the way they are changing everything else in 1.2.


Overall, win or lose Huttball is ZERO entertainment.



roll a sniper if you don't like grapples

Edited by wessik
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I'm waiting for BioWare to put a debuff so you can only be pulled once, I've been knockbacked, grappled and then knockbacked again on my sith juggernaut before all one after another and its not fun at all.


There should be a 1 min debuff not allowing you to be knockbacked/grappled for the entire duration.

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So basicly the OP is saying he cant cope with players who know how to keep one locked down and have a good spacial awareness. and that now how to use the enviroment in their advantage?

Funny, in my book that would make one a good pvper :)

Edited by Glock_
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huttball is the best thing I've seen in a game that has PVP.


It should have been a main focus of the game.


A Attack/Defend map would have been worse with players fighting through the hutt's floating barges.


Or God forbid.. if there was ANY investment in assisting with WORLD PVP.


see? I can make opinions and base them off with no fact at all, too!


Except to be a troll, what is your point?


Yes.. those are my opinions.


would you like to know my opinion of you?

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If it takes the enemy 4 CCs just to kill me, I'm cool with that.


I swear, some people will not stop until we have WSG 2.0. One tank surrounded by 3 healers and 4 CC classes, walking the ball from end to the other while the other team can do nothing but try to outdamage the heals.


Leave Huttball alone, it's a great WZ and it allows almost every class to be "the hero" at some point.

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So basicly the OP is saying he cant cope with players who know how to keep one locked down and have a good spacial awareness. and that now how to use the enviroment in their advantage?

Funny, in my book that would make one a good pvper :)


what an ignorant comment. You take everything out of context and swerve it to make it sounds different then what it actually does. Im sure youre SAID class that grapples people into stuff.


Huttball consist of ZERO skill, ZERO strategy. So you suggesting a class should be able to debilitate and lock down a class with grapple and pits but an operative cant stun lock burst anymore? a juggernaut cant stun anymore. a sorc cant hybrid spec anymore BUT pulling someone across the map from a ridiculous range into a pit and then CC him again and watch him bleed out as you inflict absolutely no dmg. Thats skill? Make a career of standing in the same spot and just grapping people on CD into the pit. thats skill?


You think it takes skill to target someone, stand in a pit and then pull then in and stun them in it is skill?


Huttball had potential, but due to the failed resolve, and the broken cc mechanics its nothing but a fail. unless ofcourse youre a class that does nothing but pit grapple people.

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what an ignorant comment. You take everything out of context and swerve it to make it sounds different then what it actually does. Im sure youre SAID class that grapples people into stuff.


Huttball consist of ZERO skill, ZERO strategy. So you suggesting a class should be able to debilitate and lock down a class with grapple and pits but an operative cant stun lock burst anymore? a juggernaut cant stun anymore. a sorc cant hybrid spec anymore BUT pulling someone across the map from a ridiculous range into a pit and then CC him again and watch him bleed out as you inflict absolutely no dmg. Thats skill? Make a career of standing in the same spot and just grapping people on CD into the pit. thats skill?


You think it takes skill to target someone, stand in a pit and then pull then in and stun them in it is skill?


Huttball had potential, but due to the failed resolve, and the broken cc mechanics its nothing but a fail. unless ofcourse youre a class that does nothing but pit grapple people.


I just lol'd at some kid saying this whole game has skill


Bro, this game is chill and fun. Any game where people will whine because I 2v1ed someone is NOT skill. What's skillful in this game? No skill really. Strategy, maybe, but not Skill.


The only factors other than M4X D33P5 (Max Deeps) is CC and gear. People whine about gear, people whine about CC.


No skill involved whatsoever.

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out of all the warzones huttball is the most fun, and the most unique


I'm sorry if you don't enjoy it, but I just want you and everyone else reading to realize that there are plenty of people that find it to be the most enjoyable pvp activity in the game right now.


I hope bioware continues to add more unique warzones.

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Huttball only exposes the weakness of PvPers, not of PvP.


If there were no jumps, knockbacks, pulls, roots and slows, then a good tank+healer combination would just be unstoppable, and the game would be no fun.

Edited by lordkhouri
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Love Huttball.

I have a grappler and find he is mostly defensive and doesn't get the team so many wins as lowere the final score.


On the other hand my other char can hardly stop a cap and ends up more offensive but also with way more dsaths. Both feel like they have a place in the balance.

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I just lol'd at some kid saying this whole game has skill


Bro, this game is chill and fun. Any game where people will whine because I 2v1ed someone is NOT skill. What's skillful in this game? No skill really. Strategy, maybe, but not Skill.


The only factors other than M4X D33P5 (Max Deeps) is CC and gear. People whine about gear, people whine about CC.


No skill involved whatsoever.


typical cliche comment, about how the game is just a bundle of bunnies and fun. CASE in point if that were the case then bioware wouldnt have changed anything to begin. dont try to downplay the concept of the game to try to back your arguement. If it were fun people wouldnt complain about it, if it were fun they wouldnt change it.


2 types of people in mmorpg pvp, exploiters and exploited. The constant battle goes on on on on, the people who dont like flawed concepts and the people who abuse flawed concepts and try to defend them. The data doesnt lie, huttball is the least popular wz in the game, and that wont change. you can fault the players but players will like what they want and its up to the devs to appeal to them in that area.


so sure maybe its chill and fun, but nobody is chilling or having fun in huttball.

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what an ignorant comment. You take everything out of context and swerve it to make it sounds different then what it actually does. Im sure youre SAID class that grapples people into stuff.


Huttball consist of ZERO skill, ZERO strategy. So you suggesting a class should be able to debilitate and lock down a class with grapple and pits but an operative cant stun lock burst anymore? a juggernaut cant stun anymore. a sorc cant hybrid spec anymore BUT pulling someone across the map from a ridiculous range into a pit and then CC him again and watch him bleed out as you inflict absolutely no dmg. Thats skill? Make a career of standing in the same spot and just grapping people on CD into the pit. thats skill?


You think it takes skill to target someone, stand in a pit and then pull then in and stun them in it is skill?


Huttball had potential, but due to the failed resolve, and the broken cc mechanics its nothing but a fail. unless ofcourse youre a class that does nothing but pit grapple people.


I love huttball, and most of what you say is ridiculous exageration and hyperbole (grapple for ridiculous range? its 30m like every other ranged ability, like force leap, sage rescue).


To say huttball takes zero skill and zero strategy.... you're right.... to play it. To play it well, you actually need to have a plan and know what you are doing. Like I said, grapple specifically is only 30m range, does very little damage, and if it puts you in a pit, you should know how to get out of it.


"You think it takes skill to target someone, stand in a pit and then pull then in and stun them in it is skill?"


actually, it does... try it some time. It requires some nifty footwork and timing to put an enemy down in a fire pit with grapplinghook without getting fried yourself. Takes alot more skill than playing an Op turret, sage turret, BH turret etc etc.


And btw on my vanguard, I have had grappling hook fail plenty of times... mainly when the target is already rooted.

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Huttball needs a debuff for ball carrier, no pull are force speed and needs a better ui set for passing like player target passing at a like 10m range, this force speed run and pulls really make the game lame,

grappling of players which is alot is normal damg, where the ball carrir should be immune to such abilities, other than straight damg are knockbacks, I play a jedi knight alot and i even find leaping is a total exploit to running the ball,


Biowares needs to put ina debuff on carrier for this. the game its self is fine on content I dont think they actually seen the whole picture in terms of game play... At level 50 all huttball warzone damg should be increased like fire acid etc to allow for damg, extend goal lines beyond 30 meters, I dont even bother with with fire are acid it does so little damg at 50 i just brush it off lol,


I still see NOOB BM waiting on fire to go out lol, make the acid pools larger in size to prevent consistly getting pulled in and people just running thru to grab ball, I could see a slow effect added to the acid pool


I also have a sage 45 which i just normally force bubble and run thru fire with force speed which i normally hit the goal line by then and score and die either by fire r player , also I do use a medpck to heal just enough for scoring,,,

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Huttball only exposes the weakness of PvPers, not of PvP.


If there were no jumps, knockbacks, pulls, roots and slows, then a good tank+healer combination would just be unstoppable, and the game would be no fun.


^^^ this guy won the thread. Right on

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all i see here is a bunch of people whinging, and its probably cause they're too bad to get accepted into premade groups with guildies etc.. so they just pug and get angry when they keep losing. As for people saying *huttball requires no skill or strategy*, wow, you are totally wrong.. to win huttball consistently requires a lot of tactical positioning and strategy. I cant wait for ranked warzones so i dont have to play with all you QQ'ers.
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This is why you pro-huttball people are completely wrong. B/c you are going the extreme. to suggest that the game and mechanics are completely unflawed as they are. You sit here and say its the players fault; their lack of skilll they get grappled and stunned into pits, or its their fault they get knockbacked. Name me one defense for these things?


The CC/resolve mechanic is BROKEN. No arguement you make can prove that wrong.

You grapple someone, that should result in a FULL resolve bar on that person - nothing else should be allowed to be compounded on that until the duration of resolve buff is gone. Is that REALLY such a horrible thing to ask for? You "skilled" players should suffer - so why do you care.


you people who defend obviously flawed mechanics, blame the player, blame them for being unable to overcome these mechanics? but do you yourself overcome them? or you just suck it up and ABUSE it yourself?


I have a class that grapples, and i have a class that is defense agaisnt grapples. I have a class that UNBELIEVABLY abuses the exploits of stun locks. Even in those case im not so immature as to turn a blind eye to such unappealing concepts in the game for the beggars satisfactions that these players who embrace these concepts get. If i wanted a game whos concept are ***-backwards and broken and partially working id go back to wow and exploit its already guaranteed to not be fix broken mechanics.


The most idiotic solution you could possibly come up with for the problems in this game is "get better" then clearly your opinion has absolutely no merit. Every issue, every broken aspect every discontent with the game isnt the result of a bad player. they arent changing mercs for the bad players, they arent getting rid of the hybrid spec for the bad players. Its about creating a overall balance in the game, and huttball is beyond balanced.


you want kbs thats fine, you want pulls thats fine too, stuns w/e but they need to BE REALISTIC inthe aprroach and since this game came out it has been a known fact that resolve is the most inaccurate piece of garbage ever conceived.

Edited by LeonkRAV
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what an ignorant comment. You take everything out of context and swerve it to make it sounds different then what it actually does. Im sure youre SAID class that grapples people into stuff.


Huttball consist of ZERO skill, ZERO strategy. So you suggesting a class should be able to debilitate and lock down a class with grapple and pits but an operative cant stun lock burst anymore? a juggernaut cant stun anymore. a sorc cant hybrid spec anymore BUT pulling someone across the map from a ridiculous range into a pit and then CC him again and watch him bleed out as you inflict absolutely no dmg. Thats skill? Make a career of standing in the same spot and just grapping people on CD into the pit. thats skill?


You think it takes skill to target someone, stand in a pit and then pull then in and stun them in it is skill?


Huttball had potential, but due to the failed resolve, and the broken cc mechanics its nothing but a fail. unless ofcourse youre a class that does nothing but pit grapple people.


Do you think this game takes any "skill" at all? Oh wow, you pressed 12112. THAT WAS HARD! Stop kidding yourself. It's just a game and it's just a bit of fun. Take your nerdrage back to your guildchat.

How is grapple any worse than "lifegrip" and sprint as an "exploit". Ok, grab the ball, I'll grip you up, you pop sprint through the fire and score. Gee that was skillful! No it wasn't, but it was fun as hell and our opponents are pissed. Same as grappling someone into fire. I play a combat medic by the way so I get no fun huttball tools other than a knockback.


And don't talk about strategy. Alderaan and Voidstar are less way less strategic than huttball.

Alderaan - 2 left, 6 mid. Did we win? No. Zerg the turret where they have the least defenders. That was hard.

Voidstar - ZERG RIGHT ...


I think you might have a point if you'd said THIS GAME takes no skill and no strategy. However I'll go on record as saying huttball is the most engaging and fun warzone by a mile

Edited by choppefett
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Huttball is the worst thing since PvP...


huttball is dominated by sorcs, assassins, juggers and marauders... its not a skill battle more a luck battle with all the knockbacks, roots, cc's, pulls and charges (and im not talking about the basic skills here)... huttball as it should be is just dirty.


Ofcourse its not going to be boring for those guys who play their one huttball match a day, but to all those people who played their thousands huttball match it is... People start ignoring the ball because its so retarded to try to score for 10 min...

Edited by HellFlame
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Do you think this game takes any "skill" at all? Oh wow, you pressed 12112. THAT WAS HARD! Stop kidding yourself. It's just a game and it's just a bit of fun. Take your nerdrage back to your guildchat.

How is grapple any worse than "lifegrip" and sprint as an "exploit". Ok, grab the ball, I'll grip you up, you pop sprint through the fire and score. Gee that was skillful! No it wasn't, but it was fun as hell and our opponents are pissed. Same as grappling someone into fire. I play a combat medic by the way so I get no fun huttball tools other than a knockback.


And don't talk about strategy. Alderaan and Voidstar are less way less strategic than huttball.

Alderaan - 2 left, 6 mid. Did we win? No. Zerg the turret where they have the least defenders. That was hard.

Voidstar - ZERG RIGHT ...


I think you might have a point if you'd said THIS GAME takes no skill and no strategy. However I'll go on record as saying huttball is the most engaging and fun warzone by a mile

what you fail to understand is skill or no skill the way it is now, is not fun.... end of story

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