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Raise Server Population Caps


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queues are more like 4-5hours now, and i played wow on release and everyone complained about those queue times also.


just because other large MMO's had the queue times doesn't make it right.... In fact BW should have released this would happen by looking at the other games and taken steps to prevent this.



Well, it's hard to balance. You either end up with to many Servers, or with not enough Servers, no matter how good you plan. Of course it isn't right. But it's more then expected on my part.


On WoW is still had waiting times from up to an hour, on the servers i played, during weekends and National holiday btw, last year, 2 years ago, and so on.




I'm also sure that BW works hard to resolve the problem, after all, it's in their interest to keep as many players as possible, specially cause they won't have made any profit yet.


It's also not easy to pull new Servers out of your sleeve though, specially given that HDD's are still sorta rare right now. (Still love that x.x 69 Euro -> 189 Euro -> 399 Euro, for a 2 TB drive)

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A few things... A successful game will not lose a lot of players after the first or after the first 3 months. Or there will at least be more new players joining every week and month than are leaving. So in that case subscription numbers will not be falling. Probably Bioware hopes SWTOR will be that successful.


But people that are max level will play less hours every week/day anyway. Even if they continue to play and have no intention to quit. So server load will decrease anyway for that reason...

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Over 70+ US servers and most of them have queues.


I've already gotten my Trooper through Coruscant, I don't want to re-roll. Please do something to fix this issue.



there is a cap on the servers for a reason you know... if they let too many people on one server it will just end up going fubar. I'm no server programmer or anything but I'm sure its more complicated then everyone thinks. Edited by smitysmit
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IF they could make sure that people afk got kicked off the servers faster then they currently are (I went afk, went to the shops, made and ate dinner) instead of just letting them sit on the character selction screen for 2 hours, the queues would be sorted.
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This is why individual servers are a poor design choice. You can't scale them invisibly to meet demand. Contrast with, say, GuildWars, which had lots and lots of servers, but they were invisibly hidden behind different districts. If 10k players turn up in Lion's Arch, you just end up with a good 120 Lion's Arch districts and everything carries on as normal, with the slight pain (that TOR already has) of changing districts to meet people. Granted differing server rulesets do make for some real delineations somewhere.


Caps increases aren't the right fix. Server size & hardware is almost certainly scaled to a given population. More servers is usually the solution with this design.

Edited by Grammarye
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In my case I am leveling with a friend. We only quest together so when one of us gets kicked off the server and then has to be in a Q for in excess of two hours every time it then becomes a royal pain in the rear because the other one has to wait.


And yes on average 2 hour Q times for the server we are on (real time not what the estimate claims).


I can't see the point in having all this guild server allocation. You would have thought that these servers would have been locked from day 1. Then if someone else that wasn't around for the guild program turned up no problem, they would have joined the guild on the SWTOR web site and then logged onto the game and joined their chosen guild.


So then the server population didn't get as big as previously planed...then unlock that server until the numbers reach the server cap.


So what are the server caps? you would have thought the amount off different accounts associated with that server.


Anyway, no one should have to Q up to play any game. Your paying for a service in this case to play, no play no service so please sort this out.



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I tried 2 times yesterday 2 get into The Fatman server.. First time was like a 850+ queue (55 min wait. I finally get in, then I crash to desktop 10 min in while changing zones. When I tried to rejoin, it had put me in a 900+ queue/65 mins.. I didn't even wait 5 secs before I closed the game when I saw that.. Was not going through all that waiting again. lol


So, yeah.. Server capacity increase, please??? :)

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IF they could make sure that people afk got kicked off the servers faster then they currently are (I went afk, went to the shops, made and ate dinner) instead of just letting them sit on the character selction screen for 2 hours, the queues would be sorted.



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I was playing and then my internet disconnected.


I've been waiting in queues ever since. Once I got through one queue, I got kicked and then when I tried logging back in I just kept getting "Error 1002" whenever I tried logging into the server that my guild was assigned to, and me and my wifes characters are on.


I could log into other servers though and start a new character over from scratch if I wanted, but that didn't seem appealing.


So I kept trying to log in, and eventually after about 10 minutes , it let me log back into the server my character is on, and now im back in a 400 person queue.



To be continued...

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Where to check pop. balance?



The Ques are a real problem. I can live with Ques and wait 40-90 min, but no grace period for disconnects and crashes is just incredible stupid, wanting to do Flashpoints crash, and 50 min waiting, just great.


Kick players that are inactive instead kicking them on the character screnn kick them from the server and introduce a 2-5 min grace period.

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What in the world is going on? 30min queue at 8:30am CST? Most people are sleeping or commuting or working right now. How in the world is the server at cap already? What does this mean for prime time? Bioware, what is wrong and when will you fix it instead of just "closely observing"?!?
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Mind Trick is the worst.




then a billion West Coast Servers.


It's like the entire Eastern US was put on Mind Trick.


Supposed 20 minute queue at 9 am turned into 45 minutes.


Queue at night is like an hour+


I'm not re-rolling.

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I can imagine tonight and the rest of the week since the kids are out of school for christmas vacation.


this past week logging in at 7am central time I didnt have no que wait. This morning 60 min wait.





Some thing has to give fast with a fix or start guild migration to less populated servers. Im not rerolling.

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Whats the population cap anyway per server? Will Bioware give us a #? Doubtful I know, but it would be interesting to know.


It'll be interesting to see how it looks this weekend when even more people flood in...Those of us that work and don't call in sick for a MMO release lol.

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What in the world is going on? 30min queue at 8:30am CST? Most people are sleeping or commuting or working right now. How in the world is the server at cap already? What does this mean for prime time? Bioware, what is wrong and when will you fix it instead of just "closely observing"?!?


Work lol, you obviously do not realize the number of people that take off work just to play Call of Duty or Madden upon release are the same or higher that are going to the play the 1st Star Wars MMO


Not saying queues with the extreme length are OK (40min-1hr is pretty darn good compared to other launches I have been a part of) but seriously the amount of people who seem honestly surprised at this is mind blowing

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It's insane. I can leave right now(cause I do have a life like much of the people who are complaining and we aren't a buncha kids who sit around) go get breakfast from Awful Waffle(hahah) come back and I'll still be in a "20 minute queue"


Oh wait, went to 25 minutes..and that was 41 minutes ago.


1. It's not the "genuine time/average time" It's the time itself.


2. Don't increase server cap, Split servers. Allow Transfers, I really do not think people give a damn if they are on a server call Vrook Lamar as opposed to The Maw.


3. I don't give a damn about being on a server called Mind Trick, move me to a "Light" server on EC for all I care, it could be called Dagobah's Toliet.


I really don't care. I do not want to wait for something I paid 153 dollars for, I will pay monthly for...To enjoy it. Especially in the hour ranges.

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Raising the population cap right now would be a bad idea.


New Joe logs into the game, has to choose a server. He sees 'full', 'medium' and 'low'.


What does he choose? Medium, of course, because he wants neither queues nor an empty server.


If BW raised the caps on the servers that are 'full' right now, they would all turn into 'medium', all the new joes would roll on them and they would be 'full' again in no time, this time for real.


Much better to keep the cap artifically low until all the new joes find a home on the 'low' servers, then raise the caps after the inital rush is done.

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