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Am I the only one who likes the Tracer Missile animation?


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Title says it all, but I do have a legitimate concern about switching the animations.


Fusion Missile makes more sense, I guess, but after watching it's animation more closely it seems slower than Tracer. Now some may ask, who cares? Well unless they fixed all the prioritizing animations > effects bs this could be really annoying. I don't want to end up having a bugged-out ability, though that is the worst case scenario.


Personally, I like the animation and the sound and on that note I dislike the Fusion Missile animation.


Even if the change goes through I won't complain any further than that just wanted to vent some steam.

Edited by Enkaizu
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Agree, I love the current tracer animation, after hours and hours of using it you get used to the flow and it just fits well. Not a big fan of the change at all.


where were you guys when i was screaming against the wave of people wanting the change MONTHS ago.


Too little too late... I was the only real advocate for NOT changing it, must have posted 30 respones to the whining saying to leave it as is...


if you dont vote (ie. join the conversaton) you cannot complain about who gets elected.

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where were you guys when i was screaming against the wave of people wanting the change MONTHS ago.


Too little too late... I was the only real advocate for NOT changing it, must have posted 30 respones to the whining saying to leave it as is...


if you dont vote (ie. join the conversaton) you cannot complain about who gets elected.


Lol, this, unfortunately. The threads demanding it be changed had hundreds of posts and now that it's happening, not a peep. I too tried to speak up, but was lost amid the sea of "I don't want to look like I'm taking a dump on the battlefield"

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Most people post stuff when they're unsatisfied with stuff. That's why you don't see any posts now. The current animation looks very odd when you use it as your go-to ability imo.


Voicing your opinion against something using 30 posts? I'm sure poeple can figure out your opinion if you post once or twice, posting a million times doesn't make your opinion more valuable then others.

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Agree, I love the current tracer animation, after hours and hours of using it you get used to the flow and it just fits well. Not a big fan of the change at all.


I agree. I don't think that the change was really needed. There were a lot more important things that the devs could have spent their time on. I'm not going to complain and try to get it changed back, but I do think that it should have been lower priority or not done at all.

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Voicing your opinion against something using 30 posts? I'm sure poeple can figure out your opinion if you post once or twice, posting a million times doesn't make your opinion more valuable then others.


you clearly do not understand "message board politics"


every time someone bumps a "hate" post an "anti-hater" needs to "cancel" that "board carma"



had more people put up a counter argument every time someone bumped the "hater" thread the change would not have happened.


but me posting 30 times makes my opinion more valuable than the person that agrees with me and never posted.


it had nothing to do with my opinion fyi, it had to do with facts, with the new animation we will be nerfed in pvp. People will see the target on them and bubble/preheal/los us MORE ... much like snipers who I LOS regularly.


THEY had an opinion, I was just pointing out the ignorance of their opinion based on the animation reality.


so there you go #31 me explaining to someone why it is a bad idea (beyond any kind of aesthetics)


and now my opinion is 1/31st more important than it was.

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where were you guys when i was screaming against the wave of people wanting the change MONTHS ago.


Too little too late... I was the only real advocate for NOT changing it, must have posted 30 respones to the whining saying to leave it as is...


if you dont vote (ie. join the conversaton) you cannot complain about who gets elected.


I'll take my share of blame for that but usually I try and stay away from the class forums, mainly due to how severe the QQ is (still not as bad as the Ops forums >.>).


Had I seen the post of not wanting it changed I would've thrown my hand in immediately.


My biggest worry is that the animation will change how Tracer works, with the animation not being the same speed Fusion I can see it having some weird bug. I hope this isn't the case and is the worst case scenario.

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Not a fan of this at all and starting to tire of it all to be honest. I think I will just play my BH storyline out then off to GW 2 for me. I really hate that since I thought this would be my mmo for a long time but at lvl 50 it just looks to be nothing to do. ALSO the game is just not that dynamic at all.
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you clearly do not understand "message board politics"


every time someone bumps a "hate" post an "anti-hater" needs to "cancel" that "board carma"



had more people put up a counter argument every time someone bumped the "hater" thread the change would not have happened.


but me posting 30 times makes my opinion more valuable than the person that agrees with me and never posted.


it had nothing to do with my opinion fyi, it had to do with facts, with the new animation we will be nerfed in pvp. People will see the target on them and bubble/preheal/los us MORE ... much like snipers who I LOS regularly.


THEY had an opinion, I was just pointing out the ignorance of their opinion based on the animation reality.


so there you go #31 me explaining to someone why it is a bad idea (beyond any kind of aesthetics)


and now my opinion is 1/31st more important than it was.

90% of the ppl playing don't care one bit about the "pvp nerf" this will give us. More poeple worry about the animation looking silly. Tbh, I pvp mostly on my merc (ugh) and I don't really care either.



I followed the old thread and I'm quite aware of the pros and cons of changing the animation. I was not talking about this thread, but the fact that you needed 30 posts in the old thread. And to be frank: the value of your opinion doesn't change at all. You might try to influence others on the board but your opinion is still just that, your opinion.


No matter how you back up your opinion with arguments; it's not anything but an opinion. "We should change TM animation to FM. This will make enemies aware of us much earlier in pvp, we'll be smashed by melee grappling/charging while we attempt to ambush them. Ranged opponents will los and then lay down the hurt. This will lead to mercs doing even worse in 1.2 pvp, and devs will finally see that we need more mobility or another escape ability. So we should swap animations." See what I did there? My opinion is still just that, my opinion. It hasn't changed in value. My argument might change other poeples opinion but the value of my opinion is still the same.

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90% of the ppl playing don't care one bit about the "pvp nerf" this will give us. More poeple worry about the animation looking silly. Tbh, I pvp mostly on my merc (ugh) and I don't really care either.



I followed the old thread and I'm quite aware of the pros and cons of changing the animation. I was not talking about this thread, but the fact that you needed 30 posts in the old thread. And to be frank: the value of your opinion doesn't change at all. You might try to influence others on the board but your opinion is still just that, your opinion.


No matter how you back up your opinion with arguments; it's not anything but an opinion. "We should change TM animation to FM. This will make enemies aware of us much earlier in pvp, we'll be smashed by melee grappling/charging while we attempt to ambush them. Ranged opponents will los and then lay down the hurt. This will lead to mercs doing even worse in 1.2 pvp, and devs will finally see that we need more mobility or another escape ability. So we should swap animations." See what I did there? My opinion is still just that, my opinion. It hasn't changed in value. My argument might change other poeples opinion but the value of my opinion is still the same.



the fact that we will be telegraphing our damage ealier is not an opinion it is fact.


assuming that pvpers will use that to their advantage is not an opinion, it is fact


sorry your panties are in a bunch that you had to use that many words to call my facts opinions


my opinion is now 1/32 more important now


i consider the value of your opinion on the mechanic low, because all you can seem to talk about is my opinion, not the facts of the mechanics.

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the fact that we will be telegraphing our damage ealier is not an opinion it is fact.


assuming that pvpers will use that to their advantage is not an opinion, it is fact

This we agree on


my opinion is now 1/32 more important now

"opinion - a personal view, attitude, or appraisal." You repeating the facts regarding the animation change and effects that will have does in no way relate to the importance of your opinion on the subject. I suspect it might have the opposite effect if devs see you've made ie 100 posts regarding the subject.


i consider the value of your opinion on the mechanic low, because all you can seem to talk about is my opinion, not the facts of the mechanics.

The facts have already been discussed for several 100 posts. This thread asks about what people think. The op said he disliked the new animation, I said I like it. Regardless of pvp changes. Playing a character with abilities that look and sound good is for many ppl more important then the small changes to the class pvp viability. The logic bhind a "spammed" missile firing from your wrist and a hard-hitting aoe ability being a larger missile fired from your back also fits. I stated I knew about the facts of the mechanic and that it didn't concern me. Buffs and nerfs will happen regardless for years to come, if one small nerf makes bounty hunters look way cooler (imo) then bring it on.

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actually this thread is an "i like tracer the way it is" thread, making you apparently the minority, poosting 30 times the same thing over and over, which acording to you does not make your opinion any more important.


welcome to the other side of the coin

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