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Oh yeah...that's the way a Marauder is supposed to feel...


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PTS' latest patch just gave Ravage a 15% buff (and same to the mirror talent for Jedi).


Combined with the other changes to SWs, THAT is the way it's supposed to feel. I haven't been doing anything with the combat log yet, but subjectively it feels a metric buttload stronger.


(Full disclosure: my highest marauder on Live is 42, because I just couldn't take the feeling of powerlessness while leveling any longer. This change would help that a lot. However, I have no idea how one plays at 50.)

Edited by Adwynyth
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Yeah lol, Carnage-Ravage nails their feet to the floor. I already use it as the final burst of my primary rotation. This new talent just means i'll be ****** clothies even harder, and i'll be able to chew through heavies like I do clothies now.
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I just don't get how you felt "powerless" with a mara... But with the Ravage buff, if healers are dumb enough to stand, and try to out heal my damage, its gonna get real ugly.


Yeah, I don't get this either, my Marauder (all of 44, almost 45) feels very powerful, has since the late teens early twenties)


Ravage is nice to throw into the rotation every once in a while, especially when you've got someone low on health and you are caught low on rage. Oh well, sure, why not 15% more damage, just be some more easy kills for us. :D

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maybe the reward might be worth the risk now. Likely not, but at least it is closer.



Remember to blind them Master Striking Sword Dancers, and let them wiff away.


First two strikes are near instant, how can you not be using ravage? Even in burst situations for pvp, with your main skills down, a 2 tick ravage is a must followed by your main moves.

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Ravage is awesome right now if you don't wait for the third blow animation, it hits really hard. With a root its going to be a fine ball carrier lock up for Huttball, even if you continue to wait for the third strike (which will now be more viable).


Still, I probably use it the same as I do now.


If they only would remove that time delay, or at least let alacrity affect it.

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Ravage is awesome right now if you don't wait for the third blow animation, it hits really hard. With a root its going to be a fine ball carrier lock up for Huttball, even if you continue to wait for the third strike (which will now be more viable).


Still, I probably use it the same as I do now.


If they only would remove that time delay, or at least let alacrity affect it.


Alacrity stacking would still be bad.

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I love how everyone acts as if the ravage root makes you immune to suns, kbs, etc..


And btw mara is already powerful and any player with any level of skill knows this. If anything all they've done for 1.2 is dumb the class down and make it easier to play for all the bads who couldn't figure out how to manage focus.

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I just don't get how you felt "powerless" with a mara... But with the Ravage buff, if healers are dumb enough to stand, and try to out heal my damage, its gonna get real ugly.


Lemme emphasize one part... "powerlessness while leveling".


I don't PvP. I was speaking of PvE.

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Lemme emphasize one part... "powerlessness while leveling".


I don't PvP. I was speaking of PvE.


I'm leveling a Mara, currently at 38, and at no point did I ever feel powerless. I felt squishy yes, a problem Quinn takes care of, but I never felt powerless as either Carnage or Anni spec.

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Lemme emphasize one part... "powerlessness while leveling".


I don't PvP. I was speaking of PvE.


The Elite champions I destroyed on Hoth think otherwise. I also very much enjoy killing elites. I sometimes see them fall over dead and think : already?


Marauder has priceless defensive CD, imo the best of any DPS class (only operative I haven't tried yet) and damage keeps on coming. Come from a player who played both Anni and Carnage.


However, a make a small mistake at managing those defensive CD vs tougher enemies at a crucial time of the fight, and the one getting its face smashed to the floor might be you.


Thats a level of challenge you do not find on any other class in TOR imo.


Keep in mind that most of your attacks are melee based. Having good hilt in your lightsabers can make a world of difference in incoming damage, and are crucial to keep as much up to date as you can. Playing a maurauder with an artificer supplying purple hilt makes quite a monster of damage-dishing.

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(Full disclosure: my highest marauder on Live is 42, because I just couldn't take the feeling of powerlessness while leveling any longer. This change would help that a lot. However, I have no idea how one plays at 50.)


If a 40's Mara feels powerless then I am not sure what to say... I rolled a Sorc to mid-30's and then after unlocking my legacy I rolled a PT to 30ish and then started a Mara because I was looking for a challenge. Once I got beyond about 20, the Mara felt like the most God-mode of the 3. Granted it is not a faceroll, but I have not really had a near-death experience yet (avoided the World bosses, though) except when I have been too tired to make my fingers hit the keys.

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