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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Would you romance Satele Shan if allowed to?


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Short answer: No.


Average answer: No. Satele is just too old - The greying hair is too much for me.


Role-Play answer: No, because this The Old Republic, and I always roll characters with youth, so Satele is considered to be either the grandmaster of the order as it currently stands, or as the primary target of my enemy - I like to believe that all the class storylines span 'years' like the ORIGINAL Star Wars movies...So, Chapter One is Episode IV, Chapter Two is Episode V - several years later, and Chapter Three is Episode VI - Three years after that.


With each chapter, my character's conversation choices change: Where my character was once a do-gooder, he might be more apathetic to someone's death.


But by Chapter 3, He's all about what is best, regardless of the circumstances, or consequences of his actions.

Edited by FearTheReapr
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This thread's been necrod a lot over the years.

It's a no for me, we've got her son now at least.. well, kind of... and you can get turned down a couple of times trying to flirt with her now. I do not think shes interested.

Edited by Asmodesu
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This thread's been necrod a lot over the years.

It's a no for me, we've got her son now at least.. well, kind of... and you can get turned down a couple of times trying to flirt with her now. I do not think shes interested.


Yeah, not my type either. Bit on the stuffy side. But hey, if there's enough interest it wouldn't bother me for the sake of others.

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