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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Would you romance Satele Shan if allowed to?


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Ah, but the thing is, it's fantasy. You don't want it to be real. I have a hubby, whom I love, and well, living through my characters let's me live on the wild side without making anyone feel bad, or getting divorced lol.


Can you imagine getting into a quarrel because of a fling with an in game NPC? LOLOLOL That would SOOO totally suck.... LOLOLOL


On the other hand ERP behavior might be actionable...

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I'm not into ladies old enough to be my mother.


You don't know what you're missing :)


But on the OP question...meh, she doesn't seem to have any sense of humor, and I can't imagine romance with someone who lacks that vital quality. Life is a big joke, and we already know the punchline, but we laugh anyway because it's better than crying.

Edited by ElZaguero
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Descendant of Bastila Shan and Revan, Satele now leads the Jedi Council from Tython during the Cold War period. If there was a romance arc or even a one time fling during a mission where you stayed together, would you welcome and pursue it? Do you even think it would be tastefully done?


Just curious if people ever had the hots for another Bastila.


Awww yea.....she'd GET IT! IIRC, my smuggler ACTUALLY tried to get with her. (And every other female npc in the game lol)

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I would romance her all right, just to make "I am your father" jokes to Theron.


That'd be so much fun.

"Are you happy to see me? I can never tell with you Sith guys, expect Lana" (or something like that)

"I'm always happy to spend som quality time with my son,Theron."

Silence follows.

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That's what he wants you to think. ;)


Underneath that heavy armor and Sean Connery-like accent, lies a profound and deep man, willing to get plenty of love all around. "Love" with a capital "L".





Now which one of my characters would romance him... F!JK Mirialan? No, hates Sith. F!SW Cyborg, no. One's married to an RT, the other's with Quinn... M!SI Sith? Maybe, Ashara annoyed him as a potential RI...


Choices... Choices...


As for Satele Shan? Nah. To stiff and proper, if you know what I mean.

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