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Your Legacy Begins


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What good is a Force Choke on a 20 mins cooldown? I hardly ever use the Heroic Moment ability anyway. These are just going to be more buttons that I don't bother putting on my bars . Which is too bad, because it could have been a lot of fun.




I understand not wanting to unbalance the game Bioware, but why not just make the legacy abilities for PvE only? Warzones stay balanced, people who have played multiple characters to level 50 get rewarded, people stay subbed longer. Everyone's happy.


If not, this is all just wasted potential.

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Is there anyway we will be able to change the legacy surname if we had a typo or just didnt like the name we picked? Also, it's kind of hard to create a family tree with just 8 people. Is there a future update to either allow different servers to have the same bonuses or add more slots to the current server? I'm not complaining, this all sounds awesome, I'm just curious.
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In the interest of truth and mutual awareness I just took a look at JeremieCrowe's posting history and this guy either works for Bioware or has a serious forum addiction cause he posts every 5-10 minutes for 10-14 hours at a time. I mean it's ok I have nothing against the guy but it's very fishy since all he has been doing is shooting down any complain about the game and when does he play if he loves the game so much?


I think it's interesting at the very least...


Yep. And if you also notice, I have very few posts since December 13th until about 2 weeks ago. Because I was playing the game. Legacy level 30, 2 50's, 2 40's, the rest past Chapter One, and even started some more characters on another server.


Slowed down a bit because my son was home all week for Spring Break. ;)

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Look we both know you played it the easy way bashing someone without providing facts, nor a constructive post either.


Now be my guest and answer to all the points I made. And we'll check who looks like a fool here.


BTW in case you might feel like I did not provide enough constructive feedback, here's another post I made on the legacy system.

I'd love you to comment every single entry and provide better suggestions, suggestions that can be added without huge investment either.


Note that you'll find some redundant entries so you are allowed to skip a few if you don't feel like it.


My problem is people coming in here and complaining that this or that isn't in, or that there should be no Legacy system at all.


Did these peoples' eyes just kinda glaze over the 1.3 additions? And the fact that there are even more perks coming after that? That any and all suggestions will be seriously considered for inclusion?


This system is a great start. So far, all I've seen from posters, such as yourself, are unrealistic expectations of quantity or design direction.


Since it is just a start, it's actually quite a good one.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I'm becoming convinced that Bioware are not so great at the community development and community communication. They post this stuff, create a thread, and then offer zero responses. Becoming the Bioware norm. In kind, they keep Forum segmentation very limited, so any post in any forum is almost immediately buried on page 50 so that no dialogue can be fostered on this or any other subject, including even customer service or technical issues, and with that, there can be no coalescing of ideas on this surname topic as everyone has to post their own thread, only to be buried, too.


There's been a thousand posts on the issue of surnames, and a myriad of restrictions currently in place, and restricting surnames shared across accounts. None have been answered, and there's no mention of surname restrictions, lifting of restrictions, or any other reference to surnames in the limited material... and of course no reference in the void of non-responsiveness.


Poor show.

Edited by Verdan
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The new legacy system really necessitates a few things.


1) More character slots per server, 16 would be great, or account based unlocks.

2) A Race respec. As with the talent respec, this new system warrants a race respec so we get to make an informed choice about race we play, which determines unlocks. Either that or a choice of which race to unlock, at least for those with existing characters above a certain level.


Get that taken care of and it should all be good!

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I understand not wanting to unbalance the game Bioware, but why not just make the legacy abilities for PvE only? Warzones stay balanced, people who have played multiple characters to level 50 get rewarded, people stay subbed longer. Everyone's happy.


If not, this is all just wasted potential.


Yeah, those abilities are so rare of use, its painful that ANY development time went into it... whilst requested featues since beta (like Barbershops, more seats, missing animations for many emotes, independent surnamed) are left out.


Its only another button to press in the Heroic moment... i already have over 3 bars full of skills,i REALLY need another for every 50er.



....Its not "your Game" as Zoeller tells us... its Biowares and they press throgh their vision.. its up to us to determine, if they get though with it or fail & start to listen.

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Yeah, those abilities are so rare of use, its painful that ANY development time went into it... whilst requested featues since beta (like Barbershops, more seats, missing animations for many emotes, independent surnamed) are left out.


Its only another button to press in the Heroic moment... i already have over 3 bars full of skills,i REALLY need another for every 50er.



....Its not "your Game" as Zoeller tells us... its Biowares and they press throgh their vision.. its up to us to determine, if they get though with it or fail & start to listen.

I don't know. I think those powers will be useful while leveling.

At level 8 you could have a hand full of extra powers for that Champion fight.

And I think it's not as much development as any of the other stuff you mentioned.

I am interested in all the things you mentioned too though!

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this is just.... incredibly disappointing. all i have to look forward to is some probably menial passive buffs from companion stories? i hope this patch has more to offer. my guild has dwindled down from 20 people to pretty much just me.


not to mention PVP is unplayable for 3rd shift players. how about you implement cross server pvp or just allow all level pvp after 3am? do that instead of doing all of this **** that's just gonna make action bars more full and unwieldy. who's gonna put a skill on their bar if you have to be using your heroic moment to use it? great a 3 second force choke that i might use once every 4 days.

Edited by KnightClaydoc
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This family tree Legacy thing is a fairly cool idea and fits with Star Wars storytelling (Jango -> Boba or Anakin -> Luke etc) but here is what I dont understand:


Say I roll a Jedi Consular/Sage, get to lvl 50, then roll a Jedi Consular/Shadow and link her as my daughter in the Legacy system... then she too runs the same class quests (ie the Jedi plague story) and has exactly the same story as her father? Is that how it is supposed to be?

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Am I the only one who likes to play a single character, but is miffed that I can't get all the cool new stuff because I don't enjoy grinding everything out on an entirely new character? I am a completionist, but I only like to play 1 toon because that is the toon I identify with and have no want or need to play anything else...except that now you made it so I have to grind up other toons races etc if I want to unlock buffs and abilities. I feel like I am going to be shorted here simply because I have no desire to level alts. Please put in an option to buy the buffs/heroic moments/etc. I have absolutely zero desire to level another character ever, but I would like to enjoy the game.


And what about the solo player who won't group? Or the PvP player who doesn't like the story? Or the casual player who doesn't like Raids?


You've made a choice not to participate in content. Deal with it. Don't play the victim card.

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I am ridiculously excited for the legacy system. But 8 characters per server is completely absurd. Either give us more (at least 12 per server imo) or give us the option to have our legacy be account wide (and maybe just take away the unique factor if you have to.) Something, I don't really care... just let me have a bigger family tree than 8. Overall though, that is my only complaint and I will love the crap out of this system regardless of what happens with the number limitation.


^^^ this!



I want to experience not only every story, but every type of character and I really don't want to have to play a bunch of different ones just to unlock a race or pay huge amounts (for me) of credits. Let us do it all on one server or link legacies to at least one other server. I like having all of the crew skills in each faction so I can make anything any of my people need. Even if I only went with 4 imps and 4 pubs on one server, I wouldn't have access to all skills since we can't send mail from imp to pub. Which is a nice idea, sending mail to anyone on you legacy, regardless of faction. So, more character slots, scross server legacy, or cross faction legacy mail. Maybe a legacy bank? Oh, and the idea someone had about multiple titles and surnames, and having surname seperate from legacy name? That would be awesome, since if you are getting different races, classes, and factions, it can be hard to get one name that fits everyone.

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I love all the new stuff that is coming with this Update, but what I didn't hear anything about is the possible addition of Guild Banks. THere are alot of people in my Guild who craft and make stuff for our other members but in the process we end up with alot of items that we can't use Like me...I am a Synthweaver but with Archeology I end up with color crystals that one the of the Artificers could use that I won't. THere should be a way to store those extra items so that members of my guild can reach them if they need them without having to wait for me to get online and send them to them.
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To me the legacy system just seems like pure fluff. Bioware seem to have no idea what would make the system great. Sure the increased xp perks in 1.3 are a good idea but in 1.2 what do we get a mailbox in our ship? YAAY! I mean come on whats the point of this system, why not focus on something else like dynamic space combat, anything useful!
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I know that the Skywalkers are the most famous "Family" in Star Wars, but using them along with saying "Looking at their family tree, it’s clear that the Skywalker legacy produces powerful Force users and great heroes." would be a big stretch.


Cause lets see:


Anakin Skywalker = Fell to the Dark Side, killed countless Jedi and Younglings, died upon being redeemed

Luke Skywalker = Killed Palpatine (multiple times), Fell to the Dark Side (at least once) was redeemed, loss his wife Mara Jade to his nephew (Jacen) only after he decapitated the person he thought killed her.

Cade Skywalker = Pirate, Bounty Hunter, (former) Drug Addict [Addicted to Death Sticks], Jedi, (former) Sith Apprentice

Allana Solo = Became Queen of the Hapes Consortium

Nat Skywalker = Jedi

Kol Skywalker = Jedi

Ben Skywalker = Coerced into doing unspeakable things by his cousin Jacen

Anakin Solo = Self-sacrificed death so the Team he was leading (at the time) could complete a mission against the Vong.

Jacen Solo = Jedi turned Sith Lord, died at the hands of his twin sister, Jaina. Killed Mara Jade Skywalker. Coerced Ben Skywalker to do unspeakable things.

Jaina Solo = Jedi, killed her brother Jacen who had became a Sith Lord. Wife of Jagged Fel, the founder of the Imperial Knights


Of the Skywalker/Solo Line, Anakin Skywalker - Luke Skywalker - Cade Skywalker - Jacen Solo - (to an extent) Ben Skywalker all fell to the Dark Side.



So? William Wallace also listed Anakin as a Sith Warrior, not a Jedi Knight.


Players can go dark.


Players can play Imperial.



I think it's the perfect analogy.

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This is the kind of stuff that should've been in game at launch. It's hardly worth considering it as new content. Best analogy I can come up with here, "Hey look, you finished your coloring book! Wow you colored every page in too! Okay here are some new colors of crayons!" Edited by Savantan
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To me the legacy system just seems like pure fluff. Bioware seem to have no idea what would make the system great. Sure the increased xp perks in 1.3 are a good idea but in 1.2 what do we get a mailbox in our ship? YAAY! I mean come on whats the point of this system, why not focus on something else like dynamic space combat, anything useful!


Yah 'cause there are only, like, 7 developers working on the whole system so everything is scheduled linearly through that constraint.


There's no possible way there is an entire team that could be working on a space revamp and that part of the project is going to take longer to release than the 1.2 timeframe, right?

Edited by DarthTHC
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do they keep putting up stuff like this without giving a release date....


Ideally this kinda stuff should be posted when the bugs are worked out and they have a date set for release... and the date should be put in the article...


im not saying i want a release date now... or b4 its ready... but dont keep giving me these little tastes of icing when the cake is just barely in the oven...

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To me the legacy system just seems like pure fluff. Bioware seem to have no idea what would make the system great. Sure the increased xp perks in 1.3 are a good idea but in 1.2 what do we get a mailbox in our ship? YAAY! I mean come on whats the point of this system, why not focus on something else like dynamic space combat, anything useful!


i like the rail space combat system... if you want dynamic space combat there are about 500 different star wars themed dynamic space combat games... if you like pazaak there is a free pazaak game online... btw i think being able to cast every single class buff in the game would be much much more than fluff... oh wait you only play one character? sorry bout ya then!


if they werent focusing on this it would be adding content... i would like content, but i like the legacy system more really.... gives me a reason to play all the chars. tho i would like it if they made the legacy and surname different. the reason being that children dont always have the same surname as thier parent(s)

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