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Sorcerers, do everyone a favour


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And when you join a group to do a heroic or a dungeon, take your bloody aoe knockback off your bars.


As a tank, there is nearly nothing more frustrating than getting a group of mobs just right so you can hit them, and in comes the hero sorc and aoe pushes them away.


Cannot stand this...

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And when you join a group to do a heroic or a dungeon, take your bloody aoe knockback off your bars.


As a tank, there is nearly nothing more frustrating than getting a group of mobs just right so you can hit them, and in comes the hero sorc and aoe pushes them away.


Cannot stand this...


This happens a lot in Black Talon and Hammer Station. I rarely ever saw it happen in Athiss and by the time I was tanknig Mandalorian Raiders I stopped seeing it ever. The ability does have some use to forcibly reposition mobs, but I haven't seen any sorcerers use it for that (as a tank I have though).


My advice to you as a fellow tank is to not sweat it if it happens though. Unlike games like WoW, tanks in SWTOR are NOT expected to keep 100% of aggro 100% of the time. Our job is to hold the attention of the most dangerous enemies while our teammates take out the weaker ones and work up to the strongest. Trust me, they're capable of handle aggro from a strong as a DPS or even an elite for a short period of time if the healer is paying attention.


If stuff is dying and the healer isn't complaining, then just roll with it and adjust as best you can. Either it'll work or it won't, and if it doesn't you're perfectly positioned to recommend they stop doing that. ;)

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Actually useful to push the CC target(s) away.


Doubt you can see a random overload in mid-fight for the heck of it tough.


At any rate, if a sorc/assassin keep *********** you up, just warn him. If he keeps doing it, well blacklist him for future FP.

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oh god, knocking people off edges is fine because its hillarious :p


but if i LOS pull, and when all the ranged mobs finally run to where i want them, and a sorc thinks its a great idea to aoe push them away... yea ima get mad.


Especially if you ask them to stop, and they dont... Or ive had one get REALLY angry and abuse me telling me that i 'cant tell him what to do'..

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oh god, knocking people off edges is fine because its hillarious :p


but if i LOS pull, and when all the ranged mobs finally run to where i want them, and a sorc thinks its a great idea to aoe push them away... yea ima get mad.


Especially if you ask them to stop, and they dont... Or ive had one get REALLY angry and abuse me telling me that i 'cant tell him what to do'..


Just relax and roll with it. If everything dies your anger and frustration are misplaced. If your group wipes or the healer starts complaining you can bring it up then. Remember like I said before you aren't expected to tank everything all of the time in a given fight - in some cases that's a fast way to die horribly (thinking back to that one pull in Hammer Station with 2 big droids and about a half-dozen little droids for example).


Anyway, this is a self-correcting problem either by going up in levels or by virtue of the fact that the group doesn't need the mobs all clustered around you to succeed.

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I only use Overload (the aoe knockback) when....


1. Tank is too busy tanking boss and everything else

2. the mobs are targeting ME which I am usually about 20-30m away from the tank

3. The mobs are near the ledge and I know I can knock them off without causing problems (some mobs you can't do that)

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I only use Overload (the aoe knockback) when....


1. Tank is too busy tanking boss and everything else

2. the mobs are targeting ME which I am usually about 20-30m away from the tank

3. The mobs are near the ledge and I know I can knock them off without causing problems (some mobs you can't do that)


Speaking as a tank I fully support those uses. In fact, I fully support any use of knockback or yanking of mobs that brings them closer to me. If you use KB to knock stuff towards me that is great. If you use it to yank stuff towards me that's great. If you use it to knock stuff away it is much less great but I'll work around that as best as I can.

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I've tanked in other games and hate it when people do this too.


Unfortunately, what it comes down to is that if the developers give a class a way to annoy people, many players will do it out of ignorance, and many others out of spite.


It's not the fault of sorc's, it's just because we happen to have an ability that does this. I personally never use it in a group, but that's because I'm one of the ones who knows better.

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nothing wrong with knockback, due to the fact your sorc shouldnt b stood anywhere near the tank, hes ranged class, so if their stood right by u then tell them to move away.. end of day if sorc is at max range and adds come towards him knockback can put the mobs bk near the tank and stop the sorc takin dmg. Edited by skunksir
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I've tanked in other games and hate it when people do this too.


Unfortunately, what it comes down to is that if the developers give a class a way to annoy people, many players will do it out of ignorance, and many others out of spite.


It's not the fault of sorc's, it's just because we happen to have an ability that does this. I personally never use it in a group, but that's because I'm one of the ones who knows better.


Yeah, I'm not sure that I fully agree with the logic of "it isn't your fault that you're able to do it ..." Use your brain. You're able to go out into the world and stab your neighbor, if you like, but something up there in the ol' noodle tells you that it isn't a very good idea. Yes, I grant you that is an extreme case. I'm just saying ... there are no consequences for being a [beep!] in a video game so people are [beep!]'s in video games. That doesn't mean it is okay to act a fool because you happen to have the ability to do so.


Now, the Overload ability. It does have uses. If you're having trouble with it, I would recommend kindly (key word here) asking the offending Inquisitor to please stop pissing in your Cheerios and let you do your job. If that doesn't work, well, then they're probably doing it just to be a [bleep!] and I would not waste any more time on them.

Edited by Dolcia
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if i am healing, and i get agro, and i watch my bar go down to 25%, i am knocking back... any other game i would do it at 50% health but I know how poor agro tools are in this game.


if you dont get them off me you failed and i am going to knock them back.


if you dont like it, then tank well and protect your healer

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if i am healing, and i get agro, and i watch my bar go down to 25%, i am knocking back... any other game i would do it at 50% health but I know how poor agro tools are in this game.


if you dont get them off me you failed and i am going to knock them back.


if you dont like it, then tank well and protect your healer


We're not talking about that particular (and very justifiable) use of Overload.


We're talking about sorcerers who run into the melee scrum and use it - and honestly this is really only an issue in the lowest level flashpoints anyway. By later levels they either learned better or have enough other things they can do so its less of a temptation.

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once i was jumping to an npc but some dude, at the same time, did the knockback to knock em off the ledge.....so, there i went along following the npc off the ledge....i was like ***...that was major suckage.


but later on i thought about how funny it was to see me jumping after the npc that was falling off the ledge and i was like LMAO......it is a game afteralll, why not have a few laughs along.


Have fun fellas,,,,,later.

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