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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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That is easy to answer. It is because most people are like sheep and would rather be held by the hand and shown how to have fun rather than make their own fun.


Also 300,000 subs in 2003 made it the 2nd most successful western MMORPG of all time (at that time).


Even today, outside of WoW 300,000, is pretty decent for an MMORPG.

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just wait till the new pvp/pve gear comes out... words cannot accurately describe how fail it really is. im just waiting till i hear BW say the new gear looks iconic and star warsy b4 i /cancel


If you don't like the aesthetics of that particular gear, strip the mods and put them in gear you do like.


Simple as that, m8.

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You still think there's 1.7 million people subbed to this game?




1.7 million was the numbers 7 weeks ago. About 4 weeks before that it was 1 million. My stats show an increase, your opinion shows nothing.


For ***** and gigs lets say SWTOR lost million subs in 7 weeks (lol) What MMO had 700k subs 3 months in... You and your ball are not welcome here sir.

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You still think there's 1.7 million people subbed to this game?




Lol no ****.


1.7 million subbed? LOL


Err umm, I would be INCREDIBLY surprised if there are 100k active players (People who log in more than a few times a week)


The game is *********** dying, so quickly.. and thats a fact.


What do I attribute that to? Bioware's naive behavior. Why wasn't there a server merge like 3 months ago when the populations started to take a ****? Why didn't they finish the game before releasing it if they really plan to be a 10 yr+ mmo? What is up with the debilitating bugs that are still active and unacknowledged?


This game is taking a **** and everyone here who is posting knows this, BW included.


1.7m subbed...That sounds like games sold to me.



oh, and... How about that "march" update fellas? LOL, they renamed that badboy pretty quickly hu.



*Waits for "Summer" update.

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1.7 million was the numbers 7 weeks ago. About 4 weeks before that it was 1 million. My stats show an increase, your opinion shows nothing.


For ***** and gigs lets say SWTOR lost million subs in 7 weeks (lol) What MMO had 700k subs 3 months in... You and your ball are not welcome here sir.


I don't have a ball.

My form my own views by what I see.

I don't rely on others to tell me what is going on. Anyone who can't see that this game is circling the drain is simply blind.

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1.7 million was the numbers 7 weeks ago. About 4 weeks before that it was 1 million. My stats show an increase, your opinion shows nothing.


For ***** and gigs lets say SWTOR lost million subs in 7 weeks (lol) What MMO had 700k subs 3 months in... You and your ball are not welcome here sir.



See delusional post above for LULZ :rolleyes:

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Hard to say considering it has been out for just over 3-months. There are a lot of gaps to be filled in the game and if they get them in sooner than later I dont see why not. EQ has lasted 13? years so TOR could easily last that long as well.
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That Sir, is the exact opposite of empirical evidence. What you provided was what we call anecdotal. The intelligent way of saying ********.


BW will never come out and say they have 190 dead servers... but it's true.

Unless you play on The fatman, or The harbinger, this game is dead.

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BW will never come out and say they have 190 dead servers... but it's true.

Unless you play on The fatman, or The harbinger, this game is dead.


So says you and your lack of any real evidence or statistics. Making up fake facts won't get you what your looking for.

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Did you people not know the new MMO life cycle and patterns?


1. Secure a decent IP

2. Hype the game up as much as possible spare not expenses on the flashy stuff.

3. Hype it up even more and throw out flashy numbers like $200million to develop blah blah blah.

4. Cut costs at every aspect of development, even key areas like the games engine.

5. Ship out the game when not ready just the appease the share holders. Players rage and quite 1-3 months after release.

6. Try to keep the hype alive as much as possible, mean while subs are bleeding hard.

7. Try to keep current player base interest with false hopes on future content.

8. Funding drys up from the parent company.

9. Skeleton crew is assembled while many people get the pink slip. Game goes into maintenance mode while the hard core players keep giving their $15 per month.

10. The share holders pockets get bigger.

11. Rinse and repeat.



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So says you and your lack of any real evidence or statistics. Making up fake facts won't get you what your looking for.


I guess the 185 threads a day created by different people saying their server is dead is all a lie.

It would seem so if you played on the handful of servers that everyone who continued playing rolled to.

I'm sure the game can survive on 10 servers, no worries.

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Hard to say considering it has been out for just over 3-months. There are a lot of gaps to be filled in the game and if they get them in sooner than later I dont see why not. EQ has lasted 13? years so TOR could easily last that long as well.


EQ was innovative, ahead of its time, refreshing, new.


Tor is none of that.

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Why don't you idiots log into a "normal" populated server during "prime time", travel to each planet and count the number of players with your empirical statistics.



**** w/ 2m Subbed


Because we 'idiots' realize that the game has a /who feature.


No need to travel to each planet just to determine how many people are there at the time.




(See what happens when you insult people?)

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