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Rifle-using Commando?


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it stops you from using charged bolt, and hail of bolts so i would guess so.


Im torso size 2.... and HATE the looks of the cannons anyway, and since im a healer i usually go with a rifle if im bored in pvp, the animations are a hell of alot cooler, and the pvp one doesnt have accuracy stat

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Comaper min/max damage on weapons of same tier and you will see why. As gunnary you will never use charge bolt atleas not im PvE ( in pvp only if GR is locked out) and hail of bolts kills your ammo to fast. But yes using rifel for commando is bad sadly, the BFG looks so stupid :( Edited by FoxyWar
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This realy just goes back to Imps looking ten times cooler then the republic.


Say again?


Dual wielding two small pistols looks better?




The only thing BH have going for them with that is they can use a robe and not be totally betrayed by the massive weapon they're carrying.


Nevertheless if someone can see only the back of your character, a robe can confuse them even as a trooper.

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i'm quite curious to why people chose commando knowing they'll be running with big assault cannons.. and then complain about it... what's up with that?


think it looks pretty cool imo i dont play one myself but anyway.. the only flaw i've noticed with the "bfg" is that most attacks looks like they could have come from a bb gun =/

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  • 1 month later...
i'm quite curious to why people chose commando knowing they'll be running with big assault cannons.. and then complain about it... what's up with that?


think it looks pretty cool imo i dont play one myself but anyway.. the only flaw i've noticed with the "bfg" is that most attacks looks like they could have come from a bb gun =/


They want to heal.

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I'll put a twist on the famous line from Full Metal Jacket...


One is a rifle, One is a gun.

One is for shooting, One is for fun.


Big boys, big toys... as a gunnery commando it's about the beast cannon for me. The sound effect of the volley. Plenty of different looks and sounds to them too. There's a thread on here somewhere that commandos talk about their favorites and where to find them.


Besides, remember when Tanno Vik ... err Jesse Ventura (tell me they didn't base his voice on him) mowed down the jungle with his cannon in Predator?

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This thread is kinda ''cold'' but I'll bump it up to say that I play as a rifleman commando since I don't like the looks of most of the cannons at all and as far I've been playing, I didn't have a problem in being a DPS using a rifle.


The thing is that I always carry a custom blaster rifle with the correct mods and they can do as much damage as the cannon I also carry along.


I only use a cannon for Heroics and Flashpoints.


So far, all the high level heroics and flashpoints I ran with a group, they never complained about me using a blaster rifle, mostly they asked me if it was as much fun as using a cannon.


Right now, I'm level 40 in my commando and there's just a 43 custom rifle waiting for me to put it to use.


I guess that's just a question of preferencies than what this or that do for real.


Also, most of my armor is custom but the belt, so I can put the mods I want in them. With that, I'm managing to DPS/Tank & Heal all together just fine.

Edited by Haggardbr
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This thread is kinda ''cold'' but I'll bump it up to say that I play as a rifleman commando since I don't like the looks of most of the cannons at all and as far I've been playing, I didn't have a problem in being a DPS using a rifle.


The thing is that I always carry a custom blaster rifle with the correct mods and they can do as much damage as the cannon I also carry along.


I only use a cannon for Heroics and Flashpoints.


So far, all the high level heroics and flashpoints I ran with a group, they never complained about me using a blaster rifle, mostly they asked me if it was as much fun as using a cannon.


Right now, I'm level 40 in my commando and there's just a 43 custom rifle waiting for me to put it to use.


I guess that's just a question of preferencies than what this or that do for real.


Also, most of my armor is custom but the belt, so I can put the mods I want in them. With that, I'm managing to DPS/Tank & Heal all together just fine.


The thing is you are not level 50 so you aren't running into any kind of DPS requirements that exist in this game yet. For Hardmode Flashpoints and all Operations there are enrage timers on bosses so you'll have to perform enough DPS to kill the boss before he enrages and kills your raid. For all of this content you will want to use an Assault Cannon or you will be gimping yourself and holding back your group just for the looks of your weapon, it is no different than a Mercenary that decides he wants to use 1 Pistol instead of Dual Wielding Pistols.


You are right, there are SOME attacks that the Blaster Rifle will do the same damage as an Assault Cannon on. These attacks are the ones that don't take weapon damage into account and go off your tech stats instead(Grav Round, Demo Round). However there are other attacks that do take weapon damage into account(Full Auto, High Impact Bolt, Hammer Shot) and will cause you to do significantly less damage with a Blaster Rifle than an Assault Cannon(as Assault Cannons have significantly more min-max damage than Blaster Rifles of the same rating).


In short you will need to use an Assault Cannon to get the most out of your damage which is your job in groups if you decided to go with a DPS spec. If you are planning on just playing alone or only doing content that doesn't have DPS requirements(like Dailies, Heroic Quests, leveling Quests/Flashpoints) then you can absolutely use nothing but a Blaster Rifle but if you are planning on doing endgame group content you should definitely be using an Assault Cannon.

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The thing is you are not level 50 so you aren't running into any kind of DPS requirements that exist in this game yet. For Hardmode Flashpoints and all Operations there are enrage timers on bosses so you'll have to perform enough DPS to kill the boss before he enrages and kills your raid. For all of this content you will want to use an Assault Cannon or you will be gimping yourself and holding back your group just for the looks of your weapon, it is no different than a Mercenary that decides he wants to use 1 Pistol instead of Dual Wielding Pistols.


You are right, there are SOME attacks that the Blaster Rifle will do the same damage as an Assault Cannon on. These attacks are the ones that don't take weapon damage into account and go off your tech stats instead(Grav Round, Demo Round). However there are other attacks that do take weapon damage into account(Full Auto, High Impact Bolt, Hammer Shot) and will cause you to do significantly less damage with a Blaster Rifle than an Assault Cannon(as Assault Cannons have significantly more min-max damage than Blaster Rifles of the same rating).


In short you will need to use an Assault Cannon to get the most out of your damage which is your job in groups if you decided to go with a DPS spec. If you are planning on just playing alone or only doing content that doesn't have DPS requirements(like Dailies, Heroic Quests, leveling Quests/Flashpoints) then you can absolutely use nothing but a Blaster Rifle but if you are planning on doing endgame group content you should definitely be using an Assault Cannon.


I got the idea.


That's why for normal quests,story quests and H2's I use the custom blaster but for H4's and high level flashpoints I tend to use the custom assalt cannon I do carry along as well.

Edited by Haggardbr
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