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Still waiting on an explanation why their early access system is fair?


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Oh we're so sorry, Bioware OBVIOUSLY attacked someone based on the fact that they couldn't pre-order.



They offered pre-order as a BONUS. They said you MAY recieve 5 days. Were you ever promised EA?


No, we were always told we may recieve up to 5 days.

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This has nothing to do with BioWare.. or EA... or Origin..


It's all about the government here people! Why did they have to invent such a system? Invent money? Jobs.. etc etc.


Why can't we all just not work and do what we want when we want to?


Look on the brightside.. Obama might make that happen:D

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It's not fair. But it works: their servers aren't crashing and melting. Wasn't that what they were trying to do with the staggered launch ?


The servers are going to crash when they're under the most load, when they start letting more and more people in. The people that get in later spend most of their time waiting for the servers to come back up.

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It's not fair. But it works: their servers aren't crashing and melting. Wasn't that what they were trying to do with the staggered launch ?


Wasn't tha,t what the Beta Stress Test was for?


Also why stop at only 4 waves today? If they truly cared about the community, they would keep putting people on all day.

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they said it base on when you redeem code which i have proof i know for a fact my freind preoder it last week and he in i pre and redeem my code back in july wife in aug. my freind in i know cause im watch him play on laptop it random i dont care what they say . i seen it for my self . what the point of be guild leader in a guild that depoyed if all your meber that redeem code in july cant get on and you seerver full no clue. i dont care no more either me and wife about to just say screw it and log in after xmas
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Some of you need to grow the f up


You were promised up to 5 days of early access for pre-ordering. And guess what, you will get 5 days minimum, possibly up to 7.


Are all the people playing this game 5 and not able to read yet?


This is a game, some of you need to step back and realize that before you have a heart attack from your nerd-rage.

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Oh, it's this thread again, for the 60th time in the last 3 minutes. WAHWAHWAHWAH! Go do something that'll keep you busy and be patient. First come first serve has been in effect forever and is fair. Just because you aren't first doesn't make it unfair. My cousin just got back from Afghanistan and is waiting like the rest. Guess what he does? He visits family that sorely missed him for all that time.


Stop trying to justify your whining.

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How is first come first serve not fair?


Am I in some bizarro-universe right now?


This. First-come-first-serve is a practice that has been in place since the dawn of time. Why is it suddenly not fair? When you go to buy an item at a store, do you storm to the front of the line screaming "it's not fair for me to have to wait! I'm paying just as much for this Tickle-me-Elmo as the guy in front of me, why should he get his first?!?!?!"


We were told since pre-orders became available that this was how early access would be handled. If it came as a shock to you, that's your fault, not Bioware's. The information has been readily available for months.

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They are doing rolling access to make sure the servers are not overstressed and we have a smooth entry. I'd rather the staggered entry, getting in a couple days later, when the alternatives are skagging the servers and making it terrible for all.


It's unfortunate that many good people who just didn't have internet access won't be able to get in right on day one, but I can't think of a better way to prioritize. They can't exactly ask every user what there career is, and base it on who's they feel is more important. They had to choose a method of timing the early access, and this seems like the fairest.

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OP is right... how dare they use such an unfair system like first come first serve.


Much more fair to make every person take an IQ test and only those that score high enough get in first. Oh wait... that still wouldn't help them....

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So your argument is that you're a better person, therefore you deserve more early access time?


lol this guy


No my point is I was unable to pre-order due to things out of my control, yet I get penalized for it, if they can't do it fairly DON'T DO IT AT ALL, what they are doing today is NOT a fair system.

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fair play to the OP, being away so long in a war zone is crap, full respect for that.


however its first come first served, you dont expect to come home and start jumping ques do you?


myself i could not afford the game at when it was first avaliable had to wait, and i am on my 4 days off atm, and come friday i will be back on shift ....... guess when i think i will get my EGA ......


sorry to say life is not fair

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Fat man pays for product ($5 for earlier than 20th access) before soldier. Fat man gets access to product before soldier.


Perhaps you're confused because you are focusing more on how people should get preferential treatment for service and less on the fact someone put in their order before someone else and will receive the product before someone else.

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Fat lazy bum, sits infront of his pc all day, living on goverment benefits gets his pre-order code in on 21/7


Soldier based in Afghanistan, on a 6 month deployment, no internet access, no family members able to do it, finally gets home in September and pre-orders right away.


Fat man gets access 1st wave


Soldier gets access 2 days later


Both paid £49.99 for the game, both funds taken from the bank the same day.


How is this a fair system exactly, please enlighten me.


Do the SWTOR community a favour, cancel Early Access make everyone start at the same time on the 20th.


Nice to see you've got your priorities straight when it comes to life (and in the military...is discipline as foreign as your enemies now?).

Edited by Eclio
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