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Not nerfing Shadows with 1.2 is a huge mistake.


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TL;DR: inf/balance shadows need a buff, kc shadows are fine, just either interupt their heal or focus fire, they'll drop quickly


Pretty sure Assassin tanks get some ability that makes force lightning uninterruptable. Then again, i don't play one so maybe i was imagining things.

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Personally I feel like Shadow right now is very similar to the current state of Sentinel/Maurader.


A good Shadow, and a good Sentinel are borderline Overpowered. Sentinel more so in its current state with full immunity from Force Camouflage(Most annoy thing ever when finishing a marauder is to have my Upheavaled Project chilling in the air after they pop this.)


We will see how everything is when 1.2 is live though. Personally Infiltration and Balance feel just right. Kinetic though may need to be adjusted, I feel like I shouldn't be able to do over 300k in a Civil War While Kinetic in Full Stalker BM/Champ gear.


EDIT:To the above poster, getting 3 stacks of harnessed shadows does make TK throw/Force Lightning immune to Pushback/Interrupts, but we are still able to be Controlled/Knocked backed during the channel which will cost a FP/Recklessness Charge, as well as 3 the Stacks of harnessed Shadows/Sin equivalent. In addition to whatever Relics/Andrenals That were Popped.


I have seen mine tick over 2k(usually around 1.3-1.5 range with all my CD's popped) before for over 8k in 2 GCDs. Not bad for a Tank spec.

Edited by Brakoo
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All I see in 10-49 warzones are Commandos and Sentinels.


Biased observation is biased.


Also, shadows are perfectly balanced, Infiltration/Deception could use a survivability buff though. Shadow hybrids were already nerfed hard in patch 1.1. and the tankspec was buffed because it was underperforming.


Stop the gorram whining and learn to beat them. Good players win against Assassin/Shadows all the time. Bad players get steamrolled by them.


Good players win with every class. Bad players lose with every class. Deal with it.

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I say something needs changing, but...

Wait until the real data from ranked WZs/combat logs come out before doing anything.

We don't really know what is balanced and what is not until we have hard evidence. ATM it is all opinion and variable data coming through.

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All I see in 10-49 warzones are Commandos and Sentinels.


Biased observation is biased.



Just calling it as I see it.


On Freedon Naad I see Assassins / Shadows everywhere... or rather I don't see them until five of them de-stealth and ram their lightrod right up my marmite motorway.


I've nothing against them (apart from my bottom)... I'm a Sorc and and don't give a flying fig about the 1.2 "adjustments" (so I wont reroll) and 1v1 I can aquit myself admirably against a Shadow and some I win, some I lose. Heigh ho.


I was simply confirming that I see a glut of these AC's in WZs.


I'm not joining the nerf calls.

Edited by VainEldritch
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Infiltration Shadows do NOT need a buff. I've gotten hit for over 12k damage in 2 globals while in heavy armor and full BM gear. No one else hits that hard. Not scoundrels, not gunslingers, not vanguards. Add to that the innate ability to immune any kind of burst you try to set up on them, the amount of control they have via low cd stuns and incapacitates, the ability to get out of any bad situation via vanish, and you have a spec that is extremely powerful.


In short, Infiltration Shadows has the biggest burst of any spec right now, along with the best active defenses of any dps spec. A well played Infiltration Shadow will completely shutdown anything you try to throw at them, while dealing completely unreal burst to you at will.

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Infiltration Shadows do NOT need a buff. I've gotten hit for over 12k damage in 2 globals while in heavy armor and full BM gear. No one else hits that hard. Not scoundrels, not gunslingers, not vanguards.


Not. Even. Shadows.


Stop making up numbers.

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All I see in 10-49 warzones are Commandos and Sentinels.


Biased observation is biased.


Also, shadows are perfectly balanced, Infiltration/Deception could use a survivability buff though. Shadow hybrids were already nerfed hard in patch 1.1. and the tankspec was buffed because it was underperforming.


Stop the gorram whining and learn to beat them. Good players win against Assassin/Shadows all the time. Bad players get steamrolled by them.


Good players win with every class. Bad players lose with every class. Deal with it.


So tell me how do I beat a stealth class with my sniper? It seems the shadow is immune to my pulse and will kill me in about 5 seconds.

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Infiltration Shadows do NOT need a buff. I've gotten hit for over 12k damage in 2 globals while in heavy armor and full BM gear. No one else hits that hard. Not scoundrels, not gunslingers, not vanguards. Add to that the innate ability to immune any kind of burst you try to set up on them, the amount of control they have via low cd stuns and incapacitates, the ability to get out of any bad situation via vanish, and you have a spec that is extremely powerful.


In short, Infiltration Shadows has the biggest burst of any spec right now, along with the best active defenses of any dps spec. A well played Infiltration Shadow will completely shutdown anything you try to throw at them, while dealing completely unreal burst to you at will.


Obviously you have never actually played the spec.

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Stop the gorram whining and learn to beat them. Good players win against Assassin/Shadows all the time. Bad players get steamrolled by them.


Good players win with every class. Bad players lose with every class. Deal with it.


Assassins/shadows dominate 1v1 tournaments with good players on both sides.


They are the kings of 1v1, and fantastic in groups with all the utilities of a tank spec combined with high damage and mobility that puts operatives to shame.


After the nerf cries towards sorcs, tracerspammers, operatives, etc, it's now the turn of assassins.


And given the QQ about your class and what happened to all those other classes, expect huge nerfs to your tank spec, like:


- dark charge giving a 50% damage penalty

- the removal of force shroud (you still have deflection) or removal of disjunction

- nerf to energize


Something like that would put the shadow/assassin on par with 1.2 operatives.

Edited by Redmarx
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Shadows in general, don't need to be nerfed. most shadows no matter what spec rarely do more than 200,000 damage and 50,000 healing on a good day in a warzone. There strength comes from there ability to play almost any role, so they are more veristile and players use them to the fullest ability most of the time. The shadows doing more than 200,000 damage in a warzone are almost always a battlemaster in valor rank with full sets of battlemaster gear.


Liberty Runningstrider

Level 50 Jedi Shadow - Champanion geared

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1.2 is pretty much exclusively a pve balancing patch.....


You could probably count the number of pvp balance changes on one hand.


Do a lot of their changes imbalance pvp? sure, probably why its pre-season, woe is to the guys who end up op going into season 1 (consider its going to be pretty much impossible get much of the rated gear with an elo system on an individual server unless they're really generous with the points, heck small battle groups in wow struggled due to lack of player base)


the OP is probably right, the bat swing will be pretty heavy if they ever do decide to balance pvp (which tbh may never occur)

Edited by Adzzy
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Shadows in general, don't need to be nerfed. most shadows no matter what spec rarely do more than 200,000 damage and 50,000 healing on a good day in a warzone. There strength comes from there ability to play almost any role, so they are more veristile and players use them to the fullest ability most of the time. The shadows doing more than 200,000 damage in a warzone are almost always a battlemaster in valor rank with full sets of battlemaster gear.


Liberty Runningstrider

Level 50 Jedi Shadow - Champanion geared


channel cap warzones heavily favour stealth classes also, which is currently 2 out of 3, and soon to be 3 out of 4 with a slight variation. Will Shadows get balanced based on poor map variety? probably.

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I say something needs changing, but...

Wait until the real data from ranked WZs/combat logs come out before doing anything.

We don't really know what is balanced and what is not until we have hard evidence. ATM it is all opinion and variable data coming through.



Sooo much this. All the QQing is based off speculation and perception. Be patient and wait till 1.2 for Combat Logs, let the numbers do the talking rather than speculating. There are already waaay to many nerf threads as is. Can't wait for CLs to come out and stop alot of these nerf threads/posts.

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Sooo much this. All the QQing is based off speculation and perception. Be patient and wait till 1.2 for Combat Logs, let the numbers do the talking rather than speculating. There are already waaay to many nerf threads as is. Can't wait for CLs to come out and stop alot of these nerf threads/posts.


They didn't wait for combat logs to nerf the other classes, why wait to nerf shadow/assassin?

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Best way to get people to use legacy rerolling is through constantly changing the FotM.


BW's doing this because we're enabling them by letting the forum fill with misinformed nerf threads. Dumb- but frankly, if that's how they nerf- it's best to use the venues that are offered to you.

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I've never understood the whining about shadow/assassin tanks. I'm sure they're good, but they've never made me go "wow" like many other classes. 1on1, sure, they're good, but I don't care about 1on1. It's the burst the dps specs are capable of that bothers me, but since I've never played one, I'm sure there are downsides. The class is fine, and it's refreshing to see bioware seemingly happy with a class, judging by the lack of nerfs or buffs.
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So they can stop the vicious cycle now, and you forget that with the combat logs, the disadvantaged (previously nerfed) classes will get buffed.


Translation- now that all your classes have been nerfed- stop nerfing before you hit my class so that I can get free top rating in season 1.


They aren't going to buff the classes they've nerfed hard now- I can guarantee you that until 1.3 we're going to see more shadow/sentinel buffs, and more operative/sorc nerfs. BW hasn't the slightest clue what they're doing when it comes to balance- only thing they're following is forum QQ.

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