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Not nerfing Shadows with 1.2 is a huge mistake.


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Oh my, you're going to be so surprised.


Keep relying on that overpowered crutch shadow class, it'll make you feel qualified to talk to better players about class balance.


Also, kids who use "brah" don't sound too clever.


First off hombre, I watched ORIGINAL star wars in theaters, granted I was a toddler, I think that puts me beyond the classification of being called a kid, however I would love to relive those days again, I mean cmon etch a sketch, slinkies and Atari!


Anyway back to the point, my anni Marauder is better than my kc shadow when I'm playing with my team, hell even when I'm solo queuing, once again I must insist your bad or using some funky spec, well you're actually probabaly just bad.


Do they allow internet access in grade school now? What school district are you in? I demand talking to your superintendent because I refuse to allow my tax dollars to be spent on allowing grade school mouth breathing scrubs troll these forums.


I bid you adieu!

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Look through my history find ONE post that I started, calling for a sorc nerf...oh that's correct there aren't any. The UTILITY needs tweaking, not the class itself, I replied to a couple of posts explaining why people call for nerfs on sorcs, purely based on their utility. That is hardly me calling for nerfs in multiple posts over the last few months.


Your just another one of these internet crusaders who seem hell bent on getting shadows nerfed. Once they nerf shadows, you'll move onto crying about another class.



Weren't you asking for an Assassin nerf?

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Are you honestly saying that Shadows have more utility than sorcs /sages in their hybrid spec? HONESTLY?


The number of abilities does not determine how much utility you have. I think people just look at the Sorc who pulled ally for a goal in Huttball and call that 'too much utility', ignoring the fact that if the Sorc was replaced by a Tanksin the team could've just killed their way in and it'd be much harder to counter that (Sorc strat can be countered by knocking down or killing the Sorc). Heck, if a Sorc managed to get to endzone without being touched, you can simply run an Assassin to endzone and wait there for a pass stealthed. If the enemy somehow didn't see the visible Sorc who was waiting at endzone to pull a friend in, then they certainly won't see the Assassin who could be stealthed.

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Tanks are SUPPOSED to be hard to kill.


That same guy in your Flash Point that is going toe to toe with a boss that would literally 3-shot you to death is hard to kill in pvp?




Tanks being hard to kill isn't a problem. Tanks that can beat you in a DPS race are.

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That's why you should use FL as soon as possible instead of building 3 stacks. Trading a 2 stack FL for your Force Choke/Force Camo is not a bad deal. There's no reason for me to assume I'm going to get a better deal than this and you have to use your Force Choke/Camo at some point. Marauders have no KB to worry about. If I didn't screw up I can assume I get to trade my Electrocute for your Undying Rage, so the fact that I traded a 2 stack FL for your Force Choke earlier is something I can live with.


The problem with Force Camo is that you're taking 4 seconds of dots while the Marauder is healing from the dots, and he obviously gets the final hit in after it wears off since you can't see him. After 1.2 there's no more damage invulnerability so an Overload should pop the stealth (at least all other form of stealth gets popped by damage) which prevents you from having an extra 4 seconds of breathing room to mount a comeback.


A marauder has the ability to negate most if not all the FLs. Doesn't matter if it's 2-3 stacks, you should no be letting the assassin get away with channeling his most damaging ability on you.


You can use Awe/Force Choke to disrupt two of their FLs. However, most good assassins know this and hit Force Shroud to negate the effect of your stun/fear on their FL. This is why you want to vanish away with Force Cloak when they do this. You can still stay in stealth for the full duration and get some healing.


You can count on an assassin doing 2-4 stacked FLs in a typical 1vs1 fight. All your tools should be used to stop them from doing it, and Force Cloak is only one that will work when they pop Force Shroud.

Edited by Krytycal
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Tanks being hard to kill isn't a problem. Tanks that can beat you in a DPS race are.


It is only because they are spamming an aoe on large crowds that inflate wz dmg numbers.


Please try to keep in mind that those assassins you see at the top of the dmg chart are likely deception or madness, not darkness (the tank spec)

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A marauder has the ability to negate most if not all the FLs. Doesn't matter if it's 2-3 stacks, you should no be letting the assassin get away with channeling his most damaging ability on you.


You can use Awe/Force Choke to disrupt two of their FLs. However, most good assassins know this and hit Force Shroud to negate the effect of your stun/fear on their FL. This is why you want to vanish away with Force Cloak when they do this. You can still stay in stealth for the full duration and get some healing.


You can count on an assassin doing 2-4 stacked FLs in a typical 1vs1 fight. All your tools should be used to stop them from doing it, and Force Cloak is only one that will work when they pop Force Shroud.


No point in trying to explain to these people how to beat them. They are convinced in their fantasy worlds that the reason they are losing is because the class is overpowered and not in fact the real reason.... Which is that they are bad at the game.

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Look through my history find ONE post that I started, calling for a sorc nerf...oh that's correct there aren't any. The UTILITY needs tweaking, not the class itself, I replied to a couple of posts explaining why people call for nerfs on sorcs, purely based on their utility. That is hardly me calling for nerfs in multiple posts over the last few months.


So I did.


Remember your own quote above as you read the rest of this post.


Here's a post with you asking for sorc nerfs:


So your class is being adjusted, you call for nerfs in others? TK throw is too much? Well how about:


Sage/Sorc Hyrbid Spec.


AoE Knockback + Root

Force Stun Root.

Slow from TK Throw channel (spammable)

Protective Bubble

Bubble AoE Stun that can be triggered at will

Force Speed

Force Lift + 2 Second Stun

Ability to heal.

AoE Burst Damage.

Unlimited Force in this hybrid spec.

Freindly Pull


That's what the hybrid sage/sorc can do now. It needed adjusting


There's more.


Here's one of you asking for a nerf to mercs with a cooldown for tracer missile:


THIS. This is what annoys me, I'm busy attacking a legitimate target and some cretin is turreted off in the distance spamming one button repeatedly before I know it, I'm in trouble. Yes I know you can interrupt it (my interrupt is on a 10m range, so I have to eat a few tracers to the face before I'm even in range), it still doesn't make it any less irritating.


This is why people complain about it, the ability needs a cooldown or damage reduction.


Here's one of you asking for nerfs to operatives because a level 50 operative killed your level 38 sage.


Yeah, this one is the best so far.


I know Scoundrels are mirrors to operatives and I don't have one but Operatives seem OP to me in PvP. Just did an Alderan Warzone an Operative hit me and it flashed up 5.4k, from one hit. I don't think he was in stealth. I checked the damage charts at the end and his highest hit was 5.4k. That's about 40% of my health gone in one hit, this same player was also taking me down to about 30% health in a series of stun locks and I was seeing hits of 3k+ popping up on my screen.


I'm level a 38 Balance Sage and he was level 50. Can Scoundrels do that to? Is it just operatives? Should they be able to hit that hard? She they be able to stun lock players like this while doing so much damage? He didn't seem squishy either as me and 2 others took a long time to finally kill him when we got him surrounded.


I didn't look further than this because I got bored of it after a couple of minutes.


In conclusion, well, I'll just use your own words:


The truth is there are a LOT of bad players in this game A LOT and unfortunately it's these players who tend to be the most vocal, especially when they get beat by a GOOD player, they call it OP and head to the forums.
Edited by Redmarx
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Tanks being hard to kill isn't a problem. Tanks that can beat you in a DPS race are.


Also once combat logs are established, you will see w/o any doubt that even wearing dps gear, Darkness will fall considerably shorter than deception and even moreso madness in dps.


Total wz dmg does not equate to high 1vs1 dps

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So I did.


Remember your own quote above as you read the rest of this post.


Here's a post with you asking for sorc nerfs:




There's more.


Here's one of you asking for a nerf to mercs with a cooldown for tracer missile:




Here's one of you asking for nerfs to operatives because a level 50 operative killed your level 38 sage.


Yeah, this one is the best so far.




I didn't look further than this because I got bored of it after a couple of minutes.


In conclusion, well, I'll just use your own words:


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No point in trying to explain to these people how to beat them. They are convinced in their fantasy worlds that the reason they are losing is because the class is overpowered and not in fact the real reason.... Which is that they are bad at the game.


It's amazing, if you listen to sins/shadows, apparently everyone that doesn't play one is bad at the game.


And then if you listen to the rest of the world, sins/shadows are simply easy to play and have a very low skill cap.


From experience, I'm inclined to agree with "the rest of the world".

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No point in trying to explain to these people how to beat them. They are convinced in their fantasy worlds that the reason they are losing is because the class is overpowered and not in fact the real reason.... Which is that they are bad at the game.


Love it.

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It's amazing, if you listen to sins/shadows, apparently everyone that doesn't play one is bad at the game.


And then if you listen to the rest of the world, sins/shadows are simply easy to play and have a very low skill cap.


From experience, I'm inclined to agree with "the rest of the world".


I have a lvl 50 Sorc that I simply quit playing because it just seemed way to easy.


I have never felt that way about my Sin

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It's amazing, if you listen to sins/shadows, apparently everyone that doesn't play one is bad at the game.


And then if you listen to the rest of the world, sins/shadows are simply easy to play and have a very low skill cap.


From experience, I'm inclined to agree with "the rest of the world".


Tankasins are extremely easy to play but a lot of people insist on playing it the wrong way.


In AI, a Tankasin would be described as 'dominating strategy'. It is not a strategy that cannot be beaten, but it's a strategy that has no counters and the only way you can beat it is if the other guy made a mistake elsewhere (or ran out of computing power, in the case of AI). You can try to stop my FLs, but I can just kite you to prevent you from even stopping the FL in the first place (most methods of stpping FLs require melee range), and since I am faster than you (due to Wither), it's more likely I can kite you than you can get into melee range to stop the FL. Do I always win? No because sometimes I screw up and let you get to melee range, but the deck is stacked in my favor (I'm faster than you). You can win in a rigged game, but it doesn't mean it's fair.

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No tank Shadow is going to beat a regular DPS class at DPS. Sorry I have no idea where your ranting from.


I'm actually talking about burst in PvP, not some meter race against a dragon. Shadows have too much burst for a tank, and too much DPS overall. We should hit like guardian tanks.

Edited by Caelrie
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I don't think Tankasins should be nerfed.


I do feel Juggs/PTs (That spec fully in to tank) should be balanced against them though.


I would love that actually, being shield specced or immortal specced would actually be fun.


It's amazing, if you listen to sins/shadows, apparently everyone that doesn't play one is bad at the game.


And then if you listen to the rest of the world, sins/shadows are simply easy to play and have a very low skill cap.


From experience, I'm inclined to agree with "the rest of the world".


The world use to believe the world was flat too, sure weren't right then and they aren't now either.

Edited by Darth_Acherus
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Did a sorceror start this thread? sounds like a lot of I died to a shadow kinetic specced with dps gear. QQ more. My god. When we wear tank gear we kill nothing and the stats are broken in pvp. Even with dps gear we do nowhere near the damage of ranged dps or other melee.


Guardians and warrior tanks need a buff in dps that's it. There broken not shadows or assassins. Sorcerers have complained to get every spec that beats them nerfed. Worked with ops. I can't wait to taste the tears after 1.2 from sorcs..

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No tank Shadow is going to beat a regular DPS class at DPS. Sorry I have no idea where your ranting from.


Nope nope nope. Tanks can and often achieve 700k all the time in warzones and not just voidstar, all of them mainly huttball. Of course I dont have any videos or screen shots but if you hear it on the internet it has to be true, right?




/end sarcasm

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I'm actually talking about burst in PvP, not some meter race against a dragon. Shadows have too much burst for a tank, and too much DPS overall. We should hit like guardian tanks.


I think your problem is you have no concept of what your saying.


DPS = Damage per Second



You never said Burst. And the ONLY reason we can burst so well is because of an ability delay.

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