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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I tested 1.2 and was really exited about it and i thought that i would definitely resub but then the population on my server is ridiculous now, seems every week there's less people.


Last saturday night, around 8-9 pm that should be prime time, 30 people in the fleet, 14 people in Alderaan, 6 people in Balmora, 9 in Hott, i haven't done almost any heroics since Taris, very rarely do i see another player, the economie is pretty much dead and the fact that they are just ignoring this issue, i'm seriously reconsidering my previous decision.

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If you are serious than look at the second link on my sig and realize how artistic that game and its ending truely was. I will give you a hint about the ending it was Cut and Paste.


I must say I enjoyed those links, even though I cried a bit inside. Bioware has fallen so far.

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Friend gifted me the game. However I have trouble playing with him because he can't play as much as I can, so I find myself alone and just soloing on an empire character instead.


My guild is all 50 and has no interest in rerolling and my server isn't very populated.


I just cannot justify paying 15 bucks a month for this game. Its not awful, but its not good enough to justify a monthly fee.

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343 people on the empire side on my server, levels from 1 to 50. 51 in the fleet, 27 out of them at level 50. General chat silent, nobody writes anything at all.


Everything on saturday evening.


Guild - 279 members total, 4 online, one level 50, rest leveling or well doing something. More than 80% of the guild has not logged for atleast a month... Those that do the operations log only on tuesday evening, thats the last 8 man group, we had 4 of those and one 16 man, only one 8 man group is still there, and will stop soon since we lack players.


This is all on a server with a heavy population and a hour long queue in december.

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I recommend both you and your friend roll on a more populated server, now that you've just started.


The ONLY populated on U.S is Fatman, and that is east coast. There are some PVE ones, but if you want to play on a west coast and PvP server, your short out of luck.

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The ONLY populated on U.S is Fatman, and that is east coast. There are some PVE ones, but if you want to play on a west coast and PvP server, your short out of luck.


Uhh.. NO. Ebon Hawk has a fleet population of over 100 almost every day. Several other servers do, too. Including WC ones.

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most toons still bugged, and tonight on saturday night, its dead 70 imps... 1.2 blah.


If they fix bugs and sort pop out. Soa bugged, D7 bugged Hk47 bugged, toons animation bugged.


not fun when you play 4 hour's i keep meeting them... infraction incoming



edit sli still dont work, But thats my PC, ilum dead... blah

Edited by seallone
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How well 1.2 turns out to be is going to be the deciding factor to me. If Bio badly fumbles the ball with 1.2 I'm gone.


I like SWTOR overall but there's many things that need to be done for endgame to improve it. 1.2 looks to be a step in that direction but how well Bio does with it is the big question.

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Already cancelled for the second time since December. The game is just not fun. It's just WoW, LotRO, EverQuest 2 etc with more story, less content and less players. And where's the fun in that? And when even jedis and sith are underwhelming, there's got to be something wrong.
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Uhh.. NO. Ebon Hawk has a fleet population of over 100 almost every day. Several other servers do, too. Including WC ones.


lol because 100 people is considerated "populated" in this game, i thought this was an MMO.


And then what about on the planets, yesterday night on my server, around 8-9 pm, peak time, 90 people on the fleet, 14 on Taris, 17 on Tatooine, 8 on Balmorra, 11 on Hoth and that's only for the planets i checked, so even if there is a few more people on the fleet that doesn't really help for finding groups to do heroics on planets, oh yea and this is on a server that Bioware/EA consider Standard, i would say light or very light but for them this is Standard lol.

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most toons still bugged, and tonight on saturday night, its dead 70 imps... 1.2 blah.


If they fix bugs and sort pop out. Soa bugged, D7 bugged Hk47 bugged, toons animation bugged.


not fun when you play 4 hour's i keep meeting them... infraction incoming



edit sli still dont work, But thats my PC, ilum dead... blah


Umm... I'm hoping I misunderstood you, but... are you seriously saying that 70 imps is dead?!

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lol because 100 people is considerated "populated" in this game, i thought this was an MMO.


And then what about on the planets, yesterday night on my server, around 8-9 pm, peak time, 90 people on the fleet, 14 on Taris, 17 on Tatooine, 8 on Balmorra, 11 on Hoth and that's only for the planets i checked, so even if there is a few more people on the fleet that doesn't really help for finding groups to do heroics on planets, oh yea and this is on a server that Bioware/EA consider Standard, i would say light or very light but for them this is Standard lol.


100 people in that instance, yeah, that's populated. Especially when there's damned near that many no matter what planet I go to.


Good gawd, how many people do you need to play with?!

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6 monther, cancelled at this time 1.2 likely will not bring me back.


That leaves them til my sub runs out in July to reel me back in else I am already no longer playing anyway, so no point in re-subbing.




I am not confident in Bioware anymore. I was, but am no longer, nothing more needs be said save I will not be buying another EA-oware game.




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I've just finished cancelling my subscription. This is what I put in the cancellation reason box, do with it what you want.


Background: solo and pve only. No heroics, flashpoints, operations, pvp, etc. I like playing alone at my own pace. I'm female and I play only female characters.


Since the beginning of february I've played both sith classes, an agent and a smuggler to level 49,48,46,49 and finished their class quests and the romance on each one. I've played a bounty hunter to 33 and another agent to 25. I stopped playing the Jedi consular at 12 or something.


Why I'm cancelling:

- I'm usually 2-4 levels below the recommended level for a planet's quests. Not that that's a problem since my agent managed to finished the class quests at 46. However, to even get to to that level I had to do a lot of 'bonus' quests. And they're tedeous. Extremely so even.


Killing x/y monsters where 'y' can be as high as 75 is sadism. Only to get to stage 2 where you have to do it all again. Seriously? Every quest with the word 'bonus' in it needs to be scrapped. Side quests as well as bonus series. They're really bad.


- Jedi classes do not interest me (I've tried) as they are like playing a nun with a flashy stick (sentinel). Or a nun with a bag of marbles (sage). They might be according to lore but they're simply not fun. No personality whatsoever.


- Republic was okay the first time as a smuggler, at least I got to flirt some, but I don't want to play that side again. The NPC's are way too needy. The quests are too 'goody-two-shoes' and not personal enough. Rather bland.


- The Empire side was far more interesting and I had a lot of fun with that side at first, personal and emotional struggle was superbly done with the imperial agent. Both sith stories were nicely done as well. (I didn't like the bountyhunter story but I find it difficult to see the point in hunting people for glory).


Unfortunately, if I'm going to have to do all the solo quests on the empire side on each planet for the 5th time in the exact same order only for the class stories, I'm going to scream...


The things that were fun and kept me playing this long were the class quests and the companion romances (not Vector, he was awful. Why pick an ant as a romance option? It's creepy). There was however a noticeable lack of flirt options with a female character. Girls like to have fun too you know?


- Killing tons of trash monsters over and over just to get high enough level to be able to continue the class story is extremely tedious.





- bonus missions are tedious and need to be scrapped.

- the game is repetitive and possesses little replay value.

- the few class quests/romances/flirts in pve aren't enough to keep me playing another character.

- female gamers want to have fun too (more flirts!) Why the bias towards male gamers?

- republic, in particular jedi, are boring and nun-with-a-stick bland.


I don't think patch 1.2 will be enough to keep me interested, there's just not enough pve solo story content from what I've heard.


Best of luck to you but I'll be waiting for The Secret World now.


p.s. I forgot to mention the ridiculously long loading screens as well as the time sinks involved in moving from planet to ship to planet.

Edited by Moirnelithe
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I've just finished cancelling my subscription. This is what I put in the cancellation reason box, do with it what you want.




p.s. I forgot to mention the ridiculously long loading screens as well as the time sinks involved in moving from planet to ship to planet.


Yeah... with all those it's apparent that MMOs just aren't your style. Hope you can have fun wherever you go! :)

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I'm done with this for now. 2 weeks left on my sub.


Raided, PvP'd and levelled on both factions and, although I did enjoy a lot of it, I still found myself slowly losing interest. I do have stuff I could do if I logged in but I guess it's repetition that started to put me off. Repetition isn't usually a game breaker for me but a lot of the content doesn't stand up to repeated play. Main class and planet stories are pretty good, for the most part, but side quests are just filler material.


On another note, I have lost faith in the people making the design and balance decisions. I won't go into specifics but it just seems they do make some good choices but at the same time make just as many nonsensical ones.


I may come back in the future but unlikely if things continue as they are.

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Yeah... with all those it's apparent that MMOs just aren't your style. Hope you can have fun wherever you go! :)


Nah, I've played UO for 7+ years, Lineage 2 for 5+ so it's not mmo's in general. But thanks, TSW is looking good right now.

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Still having a blast and haven't even begin to think about when to quit. I really don't understand all the complaining. I guess I'm lucky that I haven't experienced any of these game breaking problems that the quitters seem to be having.
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I have 1 level 50, did enjoy the leveling bit but very hard to enjoy all content while leveling... FP's nearly impossible while leveling.. Pvp Queue was ok.


After hitting level 50.. a game should start.. but it ended for me.


On a dead server.. FP heroic impossible. Pvp Queue is rediculous, and when it pops its just another hutball wich is ok but i want to play the others aswell.. so looking at the group and seeing hutball makes me leave the WZ again.


I mean 3 online on a saturday night at fleet? 2 x 50 (including myself) and 1x 33..


I havent played the game for 3 weeks.. and after logging on tonight i will never play the game again.


It just didnt meet my expectations, and patch 1.2 doesn't get me excited.


So 29 days left on my sub. 29 days to long. Ill just play some other games instead untill D3 hits.

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