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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Didn't even wait for my current sub to expire. Added another 60 days, I'm @ about 100 days or so. Might throw another 60 on when some more money appears.


Love the game, will keep subbing.

Edited by tehsaturn
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At the moment I'm leaning towards maybe.


I've almost got my Jedi Shadow to level 50 and after I transfer her and my Sith over to the Aus servers I guess I'll pvp for a bit but after that I don't know what's going to keep me playing the game.


The flashpoints and operations seem somewhat interesting but I don't want to have to go through the hassle of getting a group together for them. I know that sounds stupid in an MMO but I've been playing this genre for years and after spending hours spamming chat channels in WoW trying to form a group only to have it fall apart on route to the instance I never want to go through that again.


The pvp could keep me interested for a while but I doubt it. I'm a fan of large scale battles and all TOR has at the moment is little skirmishes.


What I'd really like to do is to keep leveling new characters but no same gender romance arcs and no same gender quest flirts is really killing any desire I have to do that.


What I'll probably do is subscribe for another month or so and then if there's no information out about patch 1.3, or if there is information out and 1.3 sounds boring, I'll unsubscribe until they add some new content to the game I'm interested in. If they add some new solo story arcs or new companions I'll definitely come back to check it out. If they add same gender romance arcs and same gender quest flirts I'll be back long term and will probably end up leveling all classes to 50, provided the same gender quest flirst apply to all current quest flirts in the game and not just some new level 50 quests they've added. If they add a dungeon/raid finder and/or some large scale battlegrounds, like 20 vs 20, 40 vs 40, 100 vs 100 type of large scale, I'd also be enticed to maybe come back and check things out. If, however, they keep going along the route they're going and just add a couple new flashpoints and operations every few months I'll probably stay away.

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Due to the red error text banner and associated beep, i will not be renewing my account.


**** seconded! I have no idea what the malfunction is that Bioware can't stop this simple freaking "Feature". We've been complaining about it from BEFORE LAUNCH and they still won't give us the option to disable the beep and the spam.

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Lol. Everyone will say "THIS MMO IS COPYING WOW", when really, it isn't its just another MMO. Just like people say "THESE RAIL SYSTEM SHIP BATTLES COPY STAR FOX", when really, its just another rail shooter.


Yet surprisingly, I find Star Fox better than this. :D

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


k? grats? your bored while countless others aren't?


Love the game, love the Legacy and how diffrent it is, games new and only getting better, so if we lose some otw that don't explore the full extent of the game then so be it, later...

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Um just lol...


+1 for everyone else...


LOL whats next? " I unsubed cos I dont like the blue color of the UI " No, actually that's not trivial enough is it.....I'll think of something later, might see something at the corner of my eye when I'm on tonight. (Insert "oh sweet jesus" face)

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Surprisingly about this thread is:


Most of the people enjoying the game consists of a casual, relaxed population with no real wish for something too... exciting (as hardcores say). :wea_01:




The population that does not enjoy this game is the hardcore (and some of the moderate) players as the game is completely lax and too easy for them and their expectations, making them unsub.:wea_03::wea_02:




This game is only going to really appeal to the casual crowd, not us hardcore harbingers, so you guys should see why some people are QQing about the features of the game.


Not only that, but Bioware has appeared to have lied about SWTOR. They said they had a quality team of developers STRICTLY DEVOTED to providing more and more pvp content REGULARLY.


And here's a problem we all have: The problem of armor:


The armor is not too true to the star wars universe and it seems like the devs went World of Warcraft on us. Older armor designs from 09 and early stages of production of TOR were much more fit for this time period as this takes place in the PAST.


So there's my summary


and here's my two cents:


May unsub due to me being a hardcore player, and we know that this game is meant for the casuals and is barely an MMO due to the sheer easiness of the game/combat/mechanics/everything and more importantly all of the solo content there is. It's not for me nor the hardcore players out there. I'm gonna go back to RIFT... with it's supportive customer service, truthful devs, loads of content, and a stable community plus a sense of challenge that fits both the casuals and hardcore.


The only thing keeping me back is my guild.............................................. :confused:

Edited by Darth_Eminok
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EA is the new Sony. Same same, new game. The big money sucks up the talent and puts a harness on inovation. It happened when Sony bought EQ. It happened again when EA bought DAOC.

I really wanted to like this game. But the lack of depth puts me to sleep.

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Unclear. I've already abandoned one level 50 when the server population on Krath became laughable. I'm about to abandon a second due to the pvp changes because the pve situation isn't all that great for him (west coast player on east coast server, pugging normal modes is retardedly easy, and beyond that it's tough to get an invite as a dps operative). I eventually gave up on satisfying pve, but despite some balance issues, I like how engaging the pvp is. Unfortunately it has become nearly unpuggable, mostly unprofitable, and difficult to gear up, not to mention the joy of being the most easily kited class, now with the bonus of putting out the lowest dps. Pugged WZs are almost unwinnable, and win or lose, the cost of med packs almost outweighs the commendation gains that would go toward new gear. I'm leveling another pvp character now and the PT is a *lot* more fun in WZs than an operative, but at level 33, I'm thinking I'll have the same problems buying gear later.


My only hopes for staying are a) pvp becomes puggable again, with character advancement/gear-up being a tolerable grindfest, b) finding a friendly pvp guild to run WZs with (most pvp guilds have too many d-bags for my taste) or c) server transfers opening up so I can move my shadow and/or operative to a reasonably populated west coast server and see if the pve gets any more compelling in hard or nightmare modes.

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I initially unsubbed within the first month due to numerous bugs and terrible PVP gameplay. Came back a few weeks later as a friend said it had got a lot better, but in reality it hasn't. I kept playing whenever I felt like it - which became less and less often until I found I hadn't logged in and done anything really in almost a month. Got to level 37, never did a FP, did a fair bit of PVP - found I was just space-baring through the conversations from all the countless "go collect X of these things" or "go kill X of those guys" missions. Server is pretty much deserted, just felt like a really dull single-player game. Ended up feeling like a chore, not entertainment.


Unfortunately for Bioware, there's a lot of good games out at the moment, and GW and D3 on the horizon. Being just another WoW clone isn't enough really. I unsubbed again, and won't be returning I'm afraid.


I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. Had high expectations for this MMO - but it's never felt like an MMO to me (previous to this I played WoW for over 7 years - as a hardcore raider for 2 years and an officer in a very large guild for 3 years, and also Rift for around 6 months)


Good luck to anyone who stays though. If you're enjoying yourself, have a blast. It's just not for me.

Edited by Scerion
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The population that does not enjoy this game is the hardcore (and some of the moderate) players as the game is completely lax and too easy for them and their expectations, making them unsub.:wea_03::wea_02:




This game is only going to really appeal to the casual crowd, not us hardcore harbingers, so you guys should see why some people are QQing about the features of the game.


It's interesting, however, that those that keep complaining that the game is too easy have yet to actually play the game in "hard-mode", aka "Dismiss Companion". I have yet to see a single person say they've done that.


Also, once a year is technically "regular". Fortunately, BioWare has been more frequent than that.

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I was leaning towards not renewing, then the new event had me playing more than I thought I would. One thing, when 1.2 hit I lost almost 10 valor levels, dropped from war hero all the way back to BM. Kind of took some wind from my sales. Submitted a ticket for it, so will see what happens.
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The armor is not too true to the star wars universe and it seems like the devs went World of Warcraft on us. Older armor designs from 09 and early stages of production of TOR were much more fit for this time period as this takes place in the PAST.


Also, since you chose to use the word "universe", you have to accept that comic books are considered canon. Darth Krayt, anyone?


You may hate the spikes and the blades all you want, but it's still Star Wars. Besides, now that every appearance is modifiable, there's no excuse for wanting to take the looks you hate away from those that like it.

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I finally cancelled. I gave Bioware a free month subscription as I didnt play for 6 weeks. the new patch has actually discouraged me from playing. I dont have any interest in learning about some boring change to a flawed design.


the emu is nearly complete for the star wars galaxies project. in its current state its better than the original already and its improving daily.


I dont see any mmo getting me to quit playing swg emu until someone decides to actually develop the first true hybrid mmo

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The simple fact that you're attempting to compare WoW story and leveling with TOR story and leveling illustrates your first mistake.


This is BioWare, not Blizzard. They've been stating now for over 2 years that playing the storylines is part of the endgame experience. Two years! And you know what? It is.


If you've ever played any other BioWare game, you know that the storyline is their content. Why is it that BioWare sells more games than almost any other developer? STORY.


If you're not here for story, maybe this really isn't the game for you. Georg Zoeller acknowledged that fact in beta:

You seem to forget this is an MMO. It should encourage player interraction and reward team play. What Bioware have is a single-player story driven game with very little incentive to group with the few players you may meet while levelling in the heavily instanced environment.


I'll give Bioware props - I love the Mass Effect games, but they need to quit with this game now and do what they do best - that's not MMOs.


I think everyone without rose-tinted glasses on can see that pretty clearly. I had a LOT more fun in WoW than I ever did in SWTOR. I also had more fun in Rift. This is the first MMO I've played where I genuinely couldn't face logging in any more, and so never made level cap.


For someone with a fully raid-geared 85 of every class (in some cases 2 of the same class on different servers) and numerous twinks in WoW, that's pretty bad. For someone who was a hardcore raider, and officer in one of the biggest guilds in one of WoW's heaviest pop servers to never have felt like grouping (apart from PVP) while levelling, that's pretty damning.


As I said above, I'm disappointed - I WANT a new MMO as I grew bored with WoW. But I have to face facts - Blizzard just does this stuff better than anyone else around them at the moment. It helps that they have money pouring out of 10 million pockets an into their bank account every month of course. But that's just how it is.

Edited by Scerion
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Not renewing here..still deciding what new MMO to play next with quite a bit of choice available.


It is sad that BW couldn't have been more commercial and foreseen this decline happening by being more aware of its customer base and more commercially savvy. This game had so much potential but has been let down by probably staff issues within Bioware.


You cannot compare this game to WoW as Wow is almost 8 years old. BW had the opportunity to use the latest technology to bring a stunner to play especially with over 200million invested.

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I plan on keeping till my time runs out in about a month or so. However if dont see a response from bioware as to when or if there going put in black robes for marauders then I wont re up. As silly as it may sound its a big deal to me and other marauders out there. If they dont care to respond about it in multiple large posts about it then I dont care to re subscribe.
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I was about to cancel my sub until they gave me another month free. Now I will wait til the end of the month, and if they haven't at least announced that they are working on the population issue, I will stop playing.
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You seem to forget this is an MMO. It should encourage player interraction and reward team play.


It does. All xp and loot is better when you group even for your class quests. Hell, even the class quests even scale in difficulty if you have 3 or more.


What Bioware have is a single-player story driven game with very little incentive to group with the few players you may meet while levelling in the heavily instanced environment.


No, what they have is an MMO with more single-player to it than any other MMO. And it's about damned time someone did it. And there is much incentive to group. But what you have is a playerbase that would rather do it solo DESPITE the increase in xp and loot with grouping.


I'll give Bioware props - I love the Mass Effect games, but they need to quit with this game now and do what they do best - that's not MMOs.


I think everyone without rose-tinted glasses on can see that pretty clearly. I had a LOT more fun in WoW than I ever did in SWTOR. I also had more fun in Rift. This is the first MMO I've played where I genuinely couldn't face logging in any more, and so never made level cap.


Well, good for you. After playing both of those, TOR is 20 times the game than either of those.


For someone with a fully raid-geared 85 of every class (in some cases 2 of the same class on different servers) and numerous twinks in WoW, that's pretty bad. For someone who was a hardcore raider, and officer in one of the biggest guilds in one of WoW's heaviest pop servers to never have felt like grouping (apart from PVP) while levelling, that's pretty damning.


Well, you must have hated WoW when it was only 3 months old, then.


As I said above, I'm disappointed - I WANT a new MMO as I grew bored with WoW. But I have to face facts - Blizzard just does this stuff better than anyone else around them at the moment. It helps that they have money pouring out of 10 million pockets an into their bank account every month of course. But that's just how it is.


Actually, no. Are you seriously expecting a brand new MMO to have the same content as an 8-year-old game? Then you will never be satisfied with another MMO again. Because TOR, at 3 months old, is so much more game than WoW was at 3 months old. I know. I was there.


I think the only rose-colored glasses going on here are in front of the eyes looking at WoW...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I already cancelled. 5 days left. I do not hate the game, I think it's pretty good, but it is a lot of the same thing you get in other games. Sure, many games are like that, but I was expecting a bit more. Story is good, cinematics are great, but that only goes so far... The rest of the game is pretty standard affair I'm afraid. Edited by Raximillian
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I want to stay.


I have 5 characters with my highest at 36. I have played since early access, so I am rather casual. I liked the game until the population dropped rather quickly on my server. So now I am rerolling, but not really enthusiastic about redoing the content.

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