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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Until a few days ago, I would've said yes, unequivocally.


Now, I've cancelled my sub.


It's not that the game is bad and it's not that the content coming with 1.2 is bad or anything like that..


I just don't feel the game like I used to. It doesn't have anything to hold me outside of class stories - because frankly, in my opinion, other games do gameplay elements better.


TOR wins the story game, there's no doubt about it. Just doesn't hold me in other aspects.

Edited by Anthya
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Yes, because I still enjoy my time with the game.


And while I am still currently leveling up characters (my main is still not 50 yet and I plan on leveling all 8 classes at least once), I am looking foward to future chapters in the class stories.

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Not only have I already cancelled. (bet the mods can't wait til my time is up)


I also put my 80 dollar back in my wallet and DID NOT buy Mass Effect 3.


I also uninstalled all EA and Bioware games (DA , ME1, ME2 ect.)


I also uninstalled Origin.



Not only am I an upset customer, I am now officially boycotting ALL EA/Bioware products.



I now sincerely wish I had just BURNED 100 bucks.

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Not only have I already cancelled. (bet the mods can't wait til my time is up)


I also put my 80 dollar back in my wallet and DID NOT buy Mass Effect 3.


I also uninstalled all EA and Bioware games (DA , ME1, ME2 ect.)


I also uninstalled Origin.



Not only am I an upset customer, I am now officially boycotting ALL EA/Bioware products.



I now sincerely wish I had just BURNED 100 bucks.


You sir, are my hero.

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Hi guys


I just cancelled mine, War Zones are broken again, right after the update AGAIN!!!


Logged a ticket and they said oh yea we know thanks, and then closed the ticket. There is very little endgame content. I think the game could be much better but they have to do boat loads of work on it. So sad really, server are emptying up. think it might be dying but thats only my opinion.


I am sure there are some hardcore fans that will disagree, but can't pay for something that should still be in development sorry.

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Ahh, are you hoping you can convince us to cancel?



This is a sad reality. There are some who wishes to make it their life long mission to convince others that they don't like the game and to quit. I guess to validate their decision instead of being content that they made a decision that is right for them.

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For me....1.2 will tell the tale. If it's good enough, I'll stay. If not, I guess I'll pick up some other games I haven't beaten yet and join the long line waiting for GW2.


My 2 credits.


Heh, fixed that for you.



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I think this game suffers from what I call "Fez syndrome" where the developers put years into the game, made it pretty and relaxing and made it rich while not being too complicated but in the end forgot to put the actual game-play in the game. The only thing I find really "Fun" about the game is raiding and PVP. Raiding we finish in one night and PVP is so ridiculously broken it's a joke.


Here is a hint developers: Waiting for months while you try and build a patch that fixes everything at once is BAD. Fix things in a progression.


For months now PVP has been dead because the reward for doing it is substandard gear and a massive loss of resources. You don't get companion points, you don't get crafting materials, you get less XP per game than turning in one quest and generally PVP is a waste of time when certain classes like Troopers have "Win buttons" like gravity round.


Instead of putting the incentive to play into the game and fixing the BLARING imbalances like the trooper classes you tell people, "Just wait a few months, we'll fix it when we put out 1.2"


Guess what? The people who got pissed off and left in those months you did -nothing- because you wanted to put it all out at once are not coming back. Your inability to handle one problem at a time has been staggering. It's like none of you ever went to a single class on game design or ever worked in any form of game industry before this. Honestly, I don't see how your management team is still employed.

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Cancelled subscription and not coming back. This game is dead and a complete fail on so many levels. The upcoming Patch 1.2 is a joke and the Legacy system is garbage. Thankfully Guild Wars 2 is due out soon. Edited by Denerio
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Cancelled subscription and not coming back. This game is dead and a complete fail on so many levels. The upcoming Patch 1.2 is a joke and the Legacy system is garbage. Thankfully Guild Wars 2 is due out soon.


I wouldn't put all of your hopes and dreams into that game.

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Canceled mine today... and put this in the explanation as to why.


The content was way too easy... there was so little content in the first place. The next patch has been pushed back several times now. Which when 1.2 does finally launch, there is only going to be a few new bosses. The legacy system is and will continue to be a major letdown. When 1.2 launches, most regular raiding players will already have all the furthest legacy rewards unlocked; giving us nothing to look forward to. I myself played alts already, and do not wish to have to lvl another... which seems to me what legacy is all about... go have fun and lvl another toon... thx but no thx. Had the content been a little harder to begin with 90% of the game population would not have been so damn bored with the game... and with the next patch it will all just be the same thing. Imagine that another mmo with high expectations launches and then fizzles into dust due to lack of quality content being released in an appropriate time frame.

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And I remember the good ol' days with massive PvP that gave you...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. People fought each other for the sheer challenge.


That motive is now extinct...


No reward was required because winning and losing actually meant something in those mmos, in swtor death is meaningless

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I wouldn't put all of your hopes and dreams into that game.


Especially since many of the things people are complaining about here will be repeated there. No LFG in TOR? GW2 is going to launch without one, too. Don't like PvP in any other MMO? PvP in GW2 will be no different because PvPers can't decide what kind of PvP they like. I could go on and on...

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I will be keeping my sub up as the game is still very fun to play. Plus with 1.2 coming it should be even better!


like many.. 1.2 wil be the deciding factor for me and my wife and some of our friends. Most of our 400 people that came from wow with us have already left and went back.. yet we are here because pandas really dont appeal to us.


1.2 better fix the fps and play issues first and foremost... anything after that.. content, addons, legacy etc.. is a bonus. IF it doesnt.. we will all be unsubbing and going back to wow.. at least its stable and runs full speed... and you can do more than just solo quest.

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No reward was required because winning and losing actually meant something in those mmos, in swtor death is meaningless


Really? In games where there was no reward for PvPing, then, is no different. You fight another person. That's it. That's the reward. If that's meaningless to you, then you completely missed the point, and illustrate this new breed of QQ PvPer I pointed out.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


I'll keep it up until my wife and I get bored of playing it together. We've each got two characters apiece - one set close to 50, and the other in the 30s. Would like to see the story-lines mixed up (or new ones injected), since I'm recognizing some of the same missions and places as a Sith agent that I saw as a Republic scoundrel.

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