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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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The simple fact that you're attempting to compare WoW story and leveling with TOR story and leveling illustrates your first mistake.


This is BioWare, not Blizzard. They've been stating now for over 2 years that playing the storylines is part of the endgame experience. Two years! And you know what? It is.


If you've ever played any other BioWare game, you know that the storyline is their content. Why is it that BioWare sells more games than almost any other developer? STORY.


If you're not here for story, maybe this really isn't the game for you. Georg Zoeller acknowledged that fact in beta:


I kept up with development and rolling alts was not what BW promised this game would be. It was slated to be a traditional MMO with an emphasis on story and voice overs. WoW is a completely valid game to compare TOR to, I have no idea why it wouldn't be. They're both traditional MMOs with endgame gear grinds. Yes, the story is a nice touch in TOR, but that isn't going to keep me around once the story ends at 50. If that really is what BW intends, then they completely miss the point of what MMOs are about.

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I kept up with development and rolling alts was not what BW promised this game would be. It was slated to be a traditional MMO with an emphasis on story and voice overs. WoW is a completely valid game to compare TOR to, I have no idea why it wouldn't be. They're both traditional MMOs with endgame gear grinds. Yes, the story is a nice touch in TOR, but that isn't going to keep me around once the story ends at 50. If that really is what BW intends, then they completely miss the point of what MMOs are about.


Rolling alts and playing the other 7 UNIQUE storylines absolutely IS one of the facets they explicitly stated was part of the endgame. Along with an endgame planet dedicated to level 50 solo play, HM FP's, Ops, and warzones. Why the hell do you think they gave us 8 character slots out the gate? With more character slots coming??


They delivered EXACTLY what they promised.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Rolling alts and playing the other 7 UNIQUE storylines absolutely IS one of the facets they explicitly stated was part of the endgame. Along with an endgame planet dedicated to level 50 solo play, HM FP's, Ops, and warzones. Why the hell do you think they gave us 8 character slots out the gate? With more character slots coming??


They delivered EXACTLY what they promised.


lol ... lol. 7 unique story lines that are a fraction of the levelling process

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lol ... lol. 7 unique story lines that are a fraction of the levelling process


That is...mostly true. I'm not contending that fact at all. If you want me to find the quote where BioWare stated that playing the other storylines is part of their endgame, I can.


However, if you play a Republic character all the way to 50, you can start an Imperial character, and not repeat a single shred of content all the way to 50. The only questline that skirts the edge of that is the Tatooine Rakata storyline. Technically, it's different content, though.


Still, this game was always been more about story than anything else. ALWAYS. There is no two-ways about that fact.

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I had actually cancelled my sub the night before it expired. But some friends still in the game convinced me to stay. Im starting to regret it. I decided to roll a new character, the questing is ok, but leveling my previous character is still to fresh. A new storyline thrown in with all the quests I just did, doesnt make it fun. Im still unable to get groups for flashpoints or heroics.


On my "main," I still have many hour queue times for pvp and the population is deader than ever. There was a brief point where the population was "booming" - 30 people on fleet, now its down into the 10s.


Ive gotten into a few Ops, but I already have all the columni gear. Hard Ops are rare to come by.


If nothing changes, then my sub will be cancelled.

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Rolling alts and playing the other 7 UNIQUE storylines absolutely IS one of the facets they explicitly stated was part of the endgame. Along with an endgame planet dedicated to level 50 solo play, HM FP's, Ops, and warzones. Why the hell do you think they gave us 8 character slots out the gate? With more character slots coming??


They delivered EXACTLY what they promised.


Yeah, but it seemed that there would be more unique storyline per character and not 5% character storyline and 95 % general content which is the same for every single characters.


When I have taken a Bounty Hunter and Sniper through the game then I don't want to level another 2 characters through the same slog that is Alderaan and Taris just to see their story. You could easily wrap up a whole character story in 2-3 long gaming sessions, instead you have to go through the same boring, filling content from 1-50 just to see the story.

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I am keeping my subscription. The game is fun and is my first serious MMO that I have ever played (I played Pirates "MMO" before, but it was kinda a joke to this one). I think it will be better in the near future anyhow, which makes me want to stay more.
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I certainly hope that's not what it looks like I'm even trying attempt, because I'm not. I'm just answering questions. And stating general observations that affect all games, not just TOR.


80% of your "question answering" is a bias opinion in favor of TOR.


As for stating general observations, you're giving an unfavorable opinion (keyword), that you dislike the way WoW and GW2 is going.

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Game starts to get boring ... always the same 3 battlegrounds and no open pvp and there's just one new battleground in 1.2 ... but I will give it a chance and keep subbed. Hoping for better open pvp and more bg's ...
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80% of your "question answering" is a bias opinion in favor of TOR.


As for stating general observations, you're giving an unfavorable opinion (keyword), that you dislike the way WoW and GW2 is going.


I wouldn't deign attempt that. WoW with 11 million subs, and GW2 with some innovative mechanics.


I'm speaking of overall player mentality, as documented by several sources. GW2 PvP mechanics look awesome, if you want my opinion. But not even 4 posts after my post you quoted another person already stated it sucks.


THAT'S my point that you seem to have completely missed. PLAYERS will determine if it's successful or not. And the track record of PvP in MMOs over the last 5 years is not promising. If it doesn't have headshots and 2-hit kills like CoD, it fails.


Just watch. Remember me when you see it, please.

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Yeah, but it seemed that there would be more unique storyline per character and not 5% character storyline and 95 % general content which is the same for every single characters.


When I have taken a Bounty Hunter and Sniper through the game then I don't want to level another 2 characters through the same slog that is Alderaan and Taris just to see their story. You could easily wrap up a whole character story in 2-3 long gaming sessions, instead you have to go through the same boring, filling content from 1-50 just to see the story.


I don't, either. That's why I've alternated Republic with Imperial.

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As a open world pvp'r what does 1.2 offer me? Nothing.......I refuse to do warzones until they fix there broken mess of open world. As far as im concerned warzones are the biggest f up in this game they have done nothing positive for pvp there just exploiters/hackers heaven. The game would have been better off just making open world and thats it. Overall i dont see myself coming back gabe ametgelo is a liar and secondly he has to much on his hands to do we need a dedicated pvp team not a guy whos job is flashpoints/operations/pvp/this/that and more. James ohlen is a liar as well with his "we have the best pvp team" yet we cant even tab target properly and no raid assist still. He seems to know more about "whats coming" more then he knows about whats going on atm.


Like i said as a open world pvp'r you are screwed with this game sadly gw2 and others that offer open world pvp with "live youtube footage" not a gm on a stage saying thier games pvp will be 100vs100 with cleverly edited footage while ilum can even do 20vs20...

Edited by hargrave
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I have offically cancelled my account.

Reason..... BW dragging their feet on getting a viable group finding tool in game. That along with their stance on it being a single server lfg when it does come out instead of cross server.



Awesome single player game but lacking on the massively multi player parts.

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As a open world pvp'r what does 1.2 offer me? Nothing.......I refuse to do warzones until they fix there broken mess of open world. As far as im concerned warzones are the biggest f up in this game they have done nothing positive for pvp there just exploiters/hackers heaven. The game would have been better off just making open world and thats it. Overall i dont see myself coming back gabe ametgelo is a liar and secondly he has to much on his hands to do we need a dedicated pvp team not a guy whos job is flashpoints/operations/pvp/this/that and more. James ohlen is a liar as well with his "we have the best pvp team" yet we cant even tab target properly and no raid assist still. He seems to know more about "whats coming" more then he knows about whats going on atm.


Like i said as a open world pvp'r you are screwed with this game sadly gw2 and others that offer open world pvp with "live youtube footage" not a gm on a stage saying thier games pvp will be 100vs100 with cleverly edited footage while ilum can even do 20vs20...


Is your un going to be the same on the GW2 forum? Because I can't wait to see you complain about GW2 PvP on their forums.

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I have offically cancelled my account.

Reason..... BW dragging their feet on getting a viable group finding tool in game. That along with their stance on it being a single server lfg when it does come out instead of cross server.



Awesome single player game but lacking on the massively multi player parts.


I ask this in all honesty, because I haven't found a single one: Please link me to an MMO that launched with an LFG tool. I don't think there's a single one.


Thus, demanding that TOR have one already is quite unrealistic...

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cant complain when they have open world pvp to play and this doesnt.


This game DOES have open world PvP... players just don't play it.


I've watched videos and talked with people who have played GW2 PvP... you are going to be disappointed.

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cant complain when they have open world pvp to play and this doesnt.


And what, exactly, is Open World PvP? Because this thread and poll beautifully illustrates my point. As long as there is an entire playerbase that can't even agree on what Open World PvP is for an MMO, it will always fail, no matter WHAT the developer does.


A developer would have to develop ALL facets of what the playerbase considers "open world" for it to even have a chance to be successful, and even then, you wouldn't have the full participation necessary for success.


GW2 has not done this...

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4 of my kin are in beta and saying other wise i cant argue it will perfect but at least theres objectives and it can handle more then 20vs20. Least the siege weapons can aim and shoot not like this bs here where it just auto shoots


There is no open world here all there is a lagged out area that was poorly designed and the only objective is to solo take 2 base turrets? you cant even capture the base.


even bioware admits now its a pos and there gonna revamp it unfortunately it will be to late..


This game DOES have open world PvP... players just don't play it.


I've watched videos and talked with people who have played GW2 PvP... you are going to be disappointed.

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4 of my kin are in beta and saying other wise i cant argue it will perfect but at least theres objective and it can handle more then 20vs20


There is no open world here all there is a lagged out area that was poorly designed and the only objective is to solo take 2 base turrets? you cant even capture the base.


even bioware admits now its a pos and there gonna revamp it unfortunately it will be to late..


And how is that BioWare's fault? I play 16-mans+ with everything on "High" except antialiasing (which is Off) and still get 25fps. And I don't have any powerful hardware. 250GTS card, dual-core processor, 8GB RAM... How much fps you need to compete? 60? 120?


They're having to revamp it because of PLAYER behavior. Yes, BioWare will have to tighten the reigns on PvPers, and that IS SAD.

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Sounds like you need a game where there is insta-level_cap followed by infinite end game entertainment. Or maybe a loooooooonnnng leveling process followed by infinite end game entertainment.


No such animal though. MMO play does require a player be able to self-direct and self-entertain to a certain degree, drawing from more then just one facet (like end game Ops) of an MMO. If end game Ops is all you value, yeah, this is probably not the game for you.


really what else is there to do?

race circles around fleet headquarters in your speeder?

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