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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I won't be leaving but I'm certainly not happy with the nerfs. If content becomes too hard to the point that the guild simply stops logging in then I'll have to reconsider.


Should of just buffed the weaker healing classes and added a new operations/flashpoint difficulty that is harder than nightmare.


Some of us were enjoying the game the way it was and were having fun. For those that found it too easy a harder difficulty would of been the solution.


make up your mind

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Other than Marauder or Assassin, everyone else is unbalanced/broken after 1.2


I will go back to wow and end my sub with Bioware.




Give the legions of frost mages my regards.



1.2 nerfs aren't that horrible for anyone. Everything is pretty minor compared what has been seen in the MMO sphere before, all the way from windfury to Left Axe.

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Only joined because my brother's playing, even that will not keep me past current game time card. I burned out on WoW before ever starting this game. All those kill X number of Y mob quests are just as dull with voice over. May come back if they ever release space combat worthy of the name Star Wars.
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I'm probably going to stay for the long haul.


I was worried about the low server pop on Vrook Lamar over the last few weeks, and how, because of it, I'm having a hard time doing heroics.


But now I figure I'll keep focusing on the story lines and side quests and come back later to solo heroics for orange gear and commendations.

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Good thing that doesn't apply to TOR. :cool:


Whats so great about TOR? End game or PVP? I didnt buy the game to roll toons just to see a story line. I got TOR because it was supposed to be this great game with all out pvp action and really cool story lines. Instead I got a pinball stunfest called pvp, one planet wide pvp sandbox that cant handle a 40 on 40 fight. End game HM that most of the time you need specific class makeup in order to beat it. You just cant take a healer two dps and a tank in there and beat them. Not to mention alot of them are buggy. Over all this game has failed to produce. I dont know maybe I am wrong but it doesnt seem that way according to my server popultion. Went from full capacity to light in three months. PVP went from WZ pop every few minutes to every 20 mins. Just wait because they did this exact same thing with Warhammer. They gave shiny trinkets the first year then abandoned the game because it was not fully developed. As long as EA makes its money back they wont care what happens to ti

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Whats so great about TOR? End game or PVP? I didnt buy the game to roll toons just to see a story line. I got TOR because it was supposed to be this great game with all out pvp action ....


So, you didn't read up on what TOR was actually about, even from the devs' own mouths, expected something the game isn't somehow, and expected it to magically change?


Even the devs stated almost a year before launch that one of the endgame activities in TOR was playing the other storylines.

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Whats so great about TOR? End game or PVP? I didnt buy the game to roll toons just to see a story line. I got TOR because it was supposed to be this great game with all out pvp action and really cool story lines. Instead I got a pinball stunfest called pvp, one planet wide pvp sandbox that cant handle a 40 on 40 fight. End game HM that most of the time you need specific class makeup in order to beat it. You just cant take a healer two dps and a tank in there and beat them. Not to mention alot of them are buggy. Over all this game has failed to produce. I dont know maybe I am wrong but it doesnt seem that way according to my server popultion. Went from full capacity to light in three months. PVP went from WZ pop every few minutes to every 20 mins. Just wait because they did this exact same thing with Warhammer. They gave shiny trinkets the first year then abandoned the game because it was not fully developed. As long as EA makes its money back they wont care what happens to ti


harsh + opinion = harsh opinion


Does not sound like this it the right game for you.


I on the other hand, very much enjoy the game and will be playing for the long term. The severs I play on are doing fine population wise, and were never in the top for server population, yet they are doing well.


Warhammer, I quit during my free 30 days. There is no comparison between the two games.

Edited by Andryah
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So, you didn't read up on what TOR was actually about, even from the devs' own mouths, expected something the game isn't somehow, and expected it to magically change?


Even the devs stated almost a year before launch that one of the endgame activities in TOR was playing the other storylines.


So it's reroll or quit? Wonder how many players will go for what's behind door number 2.

Edited by shepardcomander
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I'm holding out. I currently like the direction the legacy system is taking the game, but disagree with how it is being done. I do not understand why such a system would be supported through credits instead of its own specific currency (like PvP or Fleet missions). If you're interested, I touch on this more here.


If 1.2 launches and the legacy system still uses credits, I'm cancelling the sub.

Edited by Eerekai
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It's pretty simple really. This game isn't for pvprs. BW's valiant(?) attempt at it, but they're banking more on story lines, voice overs, and alt after alt after alt. Fanbois are obviously going to keep their shields up, and enraged pvp'rs will move on.
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It's pretty simple really. This game isn't for pvprs. BW's valiant(?) attempt at it, but they're banking more on story lines, voice overs, and alt after alt after alt. Fanbois are obviously going to keep their shields up, and enraged pvp'rs will move on.


Its funny...I usually hate PvP and have gone to great lengths to grief PvPers in other games (honesty is a key policy with me), but I've had quite a lot of fun doing the Warzones in this game.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


Ok 1.) this is not the question of the month and 2.) you can do better than the above post. Please rethink your point of view and try again next month!

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Why the hell would you even bring up Warhammer? It's not even a close approximation in any shape or form. It's not because the failhammer was brought under the Bioware team from Mythic that both games have anything to do with each other.


You go to WaR for the PvP (is it even good?)

And you go to TOR for story driven PVE.


I certainly would not recommend any hardcore PvP fan to this game unless I knew for sure they loved a good story. Otherwise it won't do. However this is a story lover's paradise.


I can't even comprehend why this isn't just a given by now... :rolleyes::p

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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


Yes. I will continue subscribing.


In spite of the fact that some parts of the game are still buggy, I really enjoy playing the game.

Edited by Jedlosson
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She's right. PVP is HORRIBLE in this game but the story mode is good. I enjoyed the smuggler and sith stories a lot. The commando story.. not so much..





They are making the same mistakes wow did driving a wedge between the PVPers and the PVEers so the game is just going to get worse for PVP. Long ques, premades roflstomping people, a massive gear grind once you hit cap because for some stupid reason you can't level in PVP and actually be READY to PVP at cap.




They have 20 gear, 40 gear and no 30 gear. I leveled one alt and had enough marks to put both my character AND my companion in the 20/40 gear and still had more marks than I knew what to do with. Making it so you can't buy things until you reach a rank is STUPID. You can't USE them so why can't you BUY them and save them for when you do get rank? Who ever is in charge of PVP needs to actually play it some time because obviously they have no CLUE how bad it is to level in vs PVE.


They had a chart on the Live stream that showed level progression almost TWICE as fast in PVE. So if you PVP you get sub-par gear, you get tokens you can't buy anything with, you DON'T get to gather or craft and you DON'T get any social or companion points.




They want us to buy a bonus with legacy to get more XP in PVP? All I can say is F*** Off bioware. You lying sons of Banthas promised us that PVP leveling would be viable from DAY ONE and in Beta it was. That's half the reason I got the game. Then you nerfed the progression to hell and now PVP is a ghost town.




Most of the matches I join on the republic don't even have enough players to keep the match open. It ends in 120 seconds. I don't even bother any more.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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I'll be keeping my subscription up for quite a while I imagine, even though the game may have many similarities with other mmo's, such as WoW. I still get more enjoyment out of it, although my play time has dwindled a bit recently because I've completed pretty much all of the current content on my main. If they consistently release new content, I think I could stick to this game for a potentially long time. I'm definitely looking forward to new story content also, that's a big reason why I'm staying right now.
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I'm holding out. I currently like the direction the legacy system is taking the game, but disagree with how it is being done. I do not understand why such a system would be supported through credits instead of its own specific currency (like PvP or Fleet missions). If you're interested, I touch on this more here.


If 1.2 launches and the legacy system still uses credits, I'm cancelling the sub.


Responded to your post there...


Basically, the Legacy rewards costing credits is only an alternate method. Most of the stuff you don't actually have to pay credits for.

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Why the hell would you even bring up Warhammer? It's not even a close approximation in any shape or form. It's not because the failhammer was brought under the Bioware team from Mythic that both games have anything to do with each other.


You go to WaR for the PvP (is it even good?)

And you go to TOR for story driven PVE.


I certainly would not recommend any hardcore PvP fan to this game unless I knew for sure they loved a good story. Otherwise it won't do. However this is a story lover's paradise.


I can't even comprehend why this isn't just a given by now... :rolleyes::p


I agree with this post 100%. In fact, I usually recommend more hardcore PvPers to not even play MMOs. Multiplayer FPSs are more their style, like BF3 and CoD.

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