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Legacy Rocket Boost usable in PVP?


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Is the Legacy Rocket Boost usable in PVP? I sincerly hope not, because if it is that would extremely unbalance warzones between stinking rich people and people with a more moderate amount of credits. Rocket boost unlock alone costs 2 million credits and then some millions more to lower the cooldown.


If the rocket boost will be usable in PVP everyone NEEDS to buy them and NEEDS to buy all the way up to the lowest cooldown to be competitive. So I really hope they won't be usable in warzones.

Edited by AetherMcLoud
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I am torn with this ability.


On one point it would be nice to have a force sprint on my jug and all of my other characters.


On the other side it diminishes a unique core class ability that Inquisitors have.


At the end of the day I think the goal of BW/EA is to homogenize every class to the point that there is nothing unique.


To the OP though, why should I have to be penalized because you do not have enough credits to unlock it? I have already begun the grind for credits to pay for the unlocks that I want. I suggest that you do the same.

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At the end of the day I think the goal of BW/EA is to homogenize every class to the point that there is nothing unique.


I think the problem is that when they try to give classes unique abilities, everyone complains because they want force run on their bounty hunter. Although I agree that Bioware should not be giving in to such demands, no matter how many people are crying about it

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To the OP though, why should I have to be penalized because you do not have enough credits to unlock it? I have already begun the grind for credits to pay for the unlocks that I want. I suggest that you do the same.


You wouldn't be penalized, you'd still could use it in PVE. But if it is usable in PVP everyone needs to have it otherwise he won't be competitive. If everyone needs to have it it shouldn't be something that has to be unlocked and bought, it should be standard.


Therefore if it exists it simply shouldn't be usable in PVP.


A short yellow reply would really be appreciated.

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To the OP though, why should I have to be penalized because you do not have enough credits to unlock it? I have already begun the grind for credits to pay for the unlocks that I want. I suggest that you do the same.

84% of players have less than 1 million credits.


I think this is your answer, if you want it so only the top who have the money have an advantage in pvp, well shame on you.

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You wouldn't be penalized, you'd still could use it in PVE. But if it is usable in PVP everyone needs to have it otherwise he won't be competitive. If everyone needs to have it it shouldn't be something that has to be unlocked and bought, it should be standard.


Therefore if it exists it simply shouldn't be usable in PVP.


A short yellow reply would really be appreciated.


Not having rocket boosts work in warzones/ops would make it not worth having period aside from making leveling alts and doing dailies in story areas go slightly faster. That slight boost is not worth 2-4.5mil credits


I thought the whole reason it was added was to combat Assassins & Sorcs who tend to exploit the usefulness of their sprint ability. And it would be a nice gap closer for operatives.


Having it usable in PvP is what justifies the cost IMO.

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Legacy Level xxx




xxx amount of credits to unlock this ability.


Not both.


Poor players can get access to unlocks by meeting the legacy requirements.


Besides I believe most of these things will only be useable in the open World, based on the legacy panel at the guild summit. So in Warzones it will be a no-go.


World PVP however is an entirely different matter.

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Not having rocket boosts work in warzones/ops would make it not worth having period aside from making leveling alts and doing dailies in story areas go slightly faster. That slight boost is not worth 2-4.5mil credits


I thought the whole reason it was added was to combat Assassins & Sorcs who tend to exploit the usefulness of their sprint ability. And it would be a nice gap closer for operatives.


Having it usable in PvP is what justifies the cost IMO.


A GTN on your ship when there's other GTNs also i in no way worth 5 million credits. It's not supposed to be worth it.


Fact is that having this ability available in PVP will SEVERLY unbalance pvp between rich players (the minority) and "normal" players (which as another poster said, are 84% with less than 1 million credits).



Legacy Level xxx




xxx amount of credits to unlock this ability.


Not both.


There's a devpost stating that some things (like the ship GTN) WILL require credits to purchase and also a specific legacy level. So yes, the boost WILL cost credits.

Edited by AetherMcLoud
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There's a devpost stating that some things (like the ship GTN) WILL require credits to purchase and also a specific legacy level. So yes, the boost WILL cost credits.


And again. Seeing as many of the legacy abilities in the panel on the guild summit were talked specifically only being available in the open world, I doubt you have to worry.


If Mercs are all of a sudden givin Force-Speed then Sorcs should get Heavy armor. There'd be no point to either. And so on and so forth

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A GTN on your ship when there's other GTNs also i in no way worth 5 million credits. It's not supposed to be worth it.


Fact is that having this ability available in PVP will SEVERLY unbalance pvp between rich players (the minority) and "normal" players (which as another poster said, are 84% with less than 1 million credits).





There's a devpost stating that some things (like the ship GTN) WILL require credits to purchase and also a specific legacy level. So yes, the boost WILL cost credits.


Having this ability usable in PvP will also stimulate the economy. People will have reasons to use their crew skills to make credits. And they will compete on the GTN for the lowest price, which will reduce the cost of items on the GTN for the poor people.


The rich staying rich is what makes an economy thrive.


Plus there are new dailies to make more credits and the crew skills are going to be improved which should result in the ability to make more credits.


Without throwing credits into every player's pocket and making them earn it through dailies & crew skills, the economy will get better and more people will have over a million credits.

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And again. Seeing as many of the legacy abilities in the panel on the guild summit were talked specifically only being available in the open world, I doubt you have to worry.


If Mercs are all of a sudden givin Force-Speed then Sorcs should get Heavy armor. There'd be no point to either. And so on and so forth


Again, this is all speculation. I'd love to have someone who was lucky enough to get his level 50 character transfered - or a yellow devposter - to reply to this without speculation.


The rich staying rich is what makes an economy thrive.


Something something about the 1%...

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What the heck are you spending money on? Once I decided I was done buying silly fluffy stuff. I spend 2 weeks doing just the Bel dailies every morning before work with a friend, 45 mins it takes us to do all 11 there.


I am now over 2 million credits.




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What the heck are you spending money on? Once I decided I was done buying silly fluffy stuff. I spend 2 weeks doing just the Bel dailies every morning before work with a friend, 45 mins it takes us to do all 11 there.


I am now over 2 million credits.





agreed, why do people think it's so hard to make credits?

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Something something about the 1%...


The rich have the money to buy stuff. When rich people compete (spend their money), it's good for everyone as the price for goods will lower. If you want to compete, you need to put forth the work to get rich.


The only thing bad about certain rich people is the corruption that is involved such as price fixing, painting the pockets of other companies/organizations or committing illegal acts so they can have an edge over competitors or put the competitor out of business altogether.


If you don't put in the hard work, you don't get the money. You don't get the money, you can't buy nice things. You can't buy nice things, you could be at a disadvantage to someone who can. That's life. Now you can argue that this game isn't life, but if you want to have a successful economy you need to take lessons from real life.


The Rocket Boost is available to everyone. If it is usable in PvP, it is worth the price - so I'm gonna go out there and provide goods & services for people so I can afford it. If not, I won't touch it which will keep prices on the GTN higher - which is great for sellers (who get rich when it sells) but it increases prices for the buyers (the poor people who have no money because they spend it all on goods from the rich people).


It's not an unfair advantage - It's something anyone can get if they try to get it. It's not going to make SI/JC sprint worthless as their sprint will be on a lower CD AND they'll ALSO get this sprint as well making them have two sprints.

Edited by Semitote
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It's not going to make SI/JC sprint worthless as their sprint will be on a lower CD AND they'll ALSO get this sprint as well making them have two sprints.


Which is EXACTLY why I think that it won't (or shouldn't) be usable in warzones. People already whine about SI/JC mobility in Huttball, can you imagine what would happen when an Assassin could get the Huttball, sprint through the first fire, legacy spring through the second fire, score? All the time?

Edited by AetherMcLoud
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84% of players have less than 1 million credits.


I think this is your answer, if you want it so only the top who have the money have an advantage in pvp, well shame on you.


I know people love to toss this fact around, but it is largely irrelevant. There isn't much reason to have a million credits. So, why bother to get it?


If people want a million, they can get it pretty easy. For my BH, the first 110% speeder I bought him was a 1.5m one. I did it just by running dailies. Wasn't hard. Didn't take that long. Upgraded some gear along the way.


That said, the GTN in the ship one is overpriced. When you're 50, you spend most of your time at the fleet, so there is little value to GTN access. When you're leveling, that's when it would be beneficial to have access to it in more locations. The former situation is when you build up lots of money and probably aren't going to bother so an alt can have access. The latter is when you don't have the money.

Edited by Battilea
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Which is EXACTLY why I think that it won't (or shouldn't) be usable in warzones. People already whine about SI/JC mobility in Huttball, can you imagine what would happen when an Assassin could get the Huttball, sprint through the first fire, legacy spring through the second fire, score? All the time?


There would probably be a 10-15s shared cooldown on the two abilities. I would hope. But yeah, I understand the argument of SI/JC having two sprints, I don't understand the argument of it making SI/JC's sprint worthless.

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There would probably be a 10-15s shared cooldown on the two abilities. I would hope. But yeah, I understand the argument of SI/JC having two sprints, I don't understand the argument of it making SI/JC's sprint worthless.


15 seconds shared cooldown would make it extremely close to useless for SI/JC because their sprint is already on a 20 seconds cooldown.

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What the heck are you spending money on? Once I decided I was done buying silly fluffy stuff. I spend 2 weeks doing just the Bel dailies every morning before work with a friend, 45 mins it takes us to do all 11 there.


I am now over 2 million credits.





This. In 1.5 hours of dailies (solely bel's and ilum) I average 150k in creds from quest rewards and selling vendor trash (this is a big part, in case peeps are leaving bodies behind with junk on them).


10 days, and you have 1.5 million creds...and you have half the daily commendations you need to buy a sweet lvl 50 purple implant. It's a choice.


the week prior to this, I had 800k creds after dailies, and chose to craft like a madman. im down to 230k now. So I choose...craft like crazy, or save up and unlock a legendary? personally, im in saving mode atm. I want a chiss jedi, and I don't feel like leveling one up to 50 atm.

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