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Huttball Sucks


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Disclaimer -- I win Huttball almost every game with my guild.


I suppose it is simply a matter of opinion, but when I'm PvPing I want to focus on my toon versus your toon. Or, my guild's toons versus your guild's. What I don't want to do is play a game that depends heavily on assassin's skill-sprinting over a goal line. Huttball is very little about fighting and defeating other players and much more about how many healers and tanks you can cram into a match, to take advantage of the Sorc's pull, Juggernaut's jump, and Powertech's pull.


Am I the only one that finds this absolutely silly?


I find myself enjoying Voidstar far more because it is more of an all out brawl, focusing healers and LoSing. In short, everyone is focusing on killing everyone else. This is as it should be.


Also, WHY is it in every MMO there is never an a Warzone/Battleground/whatever you want to call it, where the victory is based on kills? In just about every other type of game there is a "Deathmatch" mode, in MMO's it's like there's some secret taboo on a concept like that.


I want a Warzone where it's my guild versus yours, and the first one to 100 kills win. Let's see who keeps their healers up, focuses better, and plays better.


Or you know, pass the Huttball to the nearest Powertech.

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imp side on a imp heavy server? Its most likely bothering you as its the only faction on faction WZ and on a one side heavy server thats whats going to pop the most and more = boring faster.


Huttball is actually a very balanced warzone with yourself describing the functionality of various classes. The inq/cons sprint and pull seems very OP but knock or pull them down and they have a longer walk than other classes ahead of them.


I like huttball more now im on a republic character but thats because I get a varied selection of WZs, what it does need however is several different maps in the same vein.

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Also, WHY is it in every MMO there is never an a Warzone/Battleground/whatever you want to call it, where the victory is based on kills? In just about every other type of game there is a "Deathmatch" mode, in MMO's it's like there's some secret taboo on a concept like that..


So bads can hide themselves behind "objectives".

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I might be the only player in this game to feel this way, but I genuinely love playing Huttball and hate playing Voidstar with a passion.



I do agree though about the deathmatch statement, I was actually thinking the same thing the other day. I think it would be a fun WZ where the 2 factions just fight it out, to win you get the most points. Each thing on the scoreboard is worth one point. So if your team has overall most kills, your team gets a point. If the other team has the most protection, they get a point. This way, every single class will be useful and it won't just be about a slaughter fest.

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Disclaimer -- I win Huttball almost every game with my guild.


I suppose it is simply a matter of opinion, but when I'm PvPing I want to focus on my toon versus your toon. Or, my guild's toons versus your guild's. What I don't want to do is play a game that depends heavily on assassin's skill-sprinting over a goal line. Huttball is very little about fighting and defeating other players and much more about how many healers and tanks you can cram into a match, to take advantage of the Sorc's pull, Juggernaut's jump, and Powertech's pull.


Am I the only one that finds this absolutely silly?


I find myself enjoying Voidstar far more because it is more of an all out brawl, focusing healers and LoSing. In short, everyone is focusing on killing everyone else. This is as it should be.


Also, WHY is it in every MMO there is never an a Warzone/Battleground/whatever you want to call it, where the victory is based on kills? In just about every other type of game there is a "Deathmatch" mode, in MMO's it's like there's some secret taboo on a concept like that.


I want a Warzone where it's my guild versus yours, and the first one to 100 kills win. Let's see who keeps their healers up, focuses better, and plays better.

Or you know, pass the Huttball to the nearest Powertech.


WOW Arenas are that way. ------->

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I don't understand your reasoning. Because WoW had "deathmatches," that ridiculously general concept is now banned from MMO's because "That other game" has it?


I wasn't even speaking about this on a 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 scale. Though I wouldn't shy away from that either. I was thinking more 8v8. Why can't we just have both? (or all three, including objective WZs)

Edited by SerAlexStark
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Agreed, huttball and VS (once you get past the first door) have virtually no pvp. It's all about CCing, ignoring, and snaring the other team while you force speed/marauder speed your way to interacting with static objectives first.

That said I don't want a WoW arena style deathmatch, I want a caledor woods style BG where co-ordination, focus fire, and actual killing people are the determining factors in a win.


What confuses me the most though is the mentality of a large portion of the player base, they view killing as mindless and think that stacking juggs and sorcs in huttball (with a mara speed bot) is the pinnacle of skill and talent.


That being said huttball is a lot more enjoyable when you realize that "winning" a match does absolutely nothing for you unless your really into role playing or the color green. Obvious exception being the daily, however I can get those done easily even without giving a dam about the huttball.

Edited by Zepidel
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Agreed, huttball and VS (once you get past the first door) have virtually no pvp. It's all about CCing, ignoring, and snaring the other team while you force speed/marauder speed your way to interacting with static objectives first.


That said I don't want a WoW arena style deathmatch, I want a caledor woods style BG where co-ordination, focus fire, and actual killing people are the determining factors in a win.


What confuses me the most though is the mentality of a large portion of the player base, they view killing as mindless and think that stacking juggs and sorcs in huttball (with a mara speed bot) is the pinnacle of skill and talent.


The fact that you mentioned a scenario from Warhammer endears you to me.


Now then, you are correct in believing that most people in Huttball and Voidstar ignore each other, but maybe that's just the server you're on. On my server, it's utter carnage in every single scenario. Doesn't matter what you're playing, the death toll is high. I dunno what it is. Maybe it's because it's an RP server and the RPers that PVP really like to go at it. Whatever, not the issue. The issue is the fact that people are playing to the mission and not to what you want them to do.


I'll use another example and break it down. I play Warhammer on the tabletop and I use a force that is almost entirely fast cavalry. I like the speed of it, and I like to ride circles around my opponent. It's just my thing. Anyway, my fast cavalry won't do well in a stand-up fight, so I have to play to the mission, claim objectives, control the board with my speed and pick my targets. People in the warzones are just playing to the mission, which is entirely the point.

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I might be the only player in this game to feel this way, but I genuinely love playing Huttball and hate playing Voidstar with a passion.



You are not the only one. Alderaan is decided in the first 3 minutes, and Voidstar needs to be changed or all we will have is a ton of 0-0 matches because it is so easy to defend the doors.

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The fact that you mentioned a scenario from Warhammer endears you to me.


Now then, you are correct in believing that most people in Huttball and Voidstar ignore each other, but maybe that's just the server you're on. On my server, it's utter carnage in every single scenario. Doesn't matter what you're playing, the death toll is high. I dunno what it is. Maybe it's because it's an RP server and the RPers that PVP really like to go at it. Whatever, not the issue. The issue is the fact that people are playing to the mission and not to what you want them to do.


I'll use another example and break it down. I play Warhammer on the tabletop and I use a force that is almost entirely fast cavalry. I like the speed of it, and I like to ride circles around my opponent. It's just my thing. Anyway, my fast cavalry won't do well in a stand-up fight, so I have to play to the mission, claim objectives, control the board with my speed and pick my targets. People in the warzones are just playing to the mission, which is entirely the point.


It doesn't really bother me that people are playing that way, it bothers me more that the maps/classes were set up like that in the first place. With what I can only assume to be an intentional emphasis put on the negativity of killing the other team.


While I see where your coming from with the Warhammer cavalry analogy I don't think its particularly fitting. If interacting with the VS door were as varied and engaging as pulling off fast cavalry maneuvers in Warhammer they wouldn't have pvpers ditching the game in droves.

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I might be the only player in this game to feel this way, but I genuinely love playing Huttball and hate playing Voidstar with a passion.


Although I absolutely abhor Huttball, you're not the only one who loves it. There are even people in my guild who like it. For me, its the only warzone that I've ever seriously considered just going afk and getting booted from (though I've never done that.).

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The fact that you mentioned a scenario from Warhammer endears you to me.


People in the warzones are just playing to the mission, which is entirely the point.


And the "point" kinda sucks lol. I would like VS, Huttball, and Alderaan much more if there was a "kill everyone" zone to break the monotony of clicking objects to complete the objective and watching people "win" PvP by passing a ball 3 times or skill-sprinting over the goal.


My objective is to RAWRSMASH xD

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Although I absolutely abhor Huttball, you're not the only one who loves it. There are even people in my guild who like it. For me, its the only warzone that I've ever seriously considered just going afk and getting booted from (though I've never done that.).


You can right-click on the WZ queue button, then pick the leave WZ option. That's what I do almost every time I zone into huttball.

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Huttball is actually a very balanced warzone with yourself describing the functionality of various classes. The inq/cons sprint and pull seems very OP but knock or pull them down and they have a longer walk than other classes.


I am sorry I can not take serious....Yes forceball is very balanced, even your following reasons are flawed. Please mr force user don't post your scewed opinion anymore.

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You can right-click on the WZ queue button, then pick the leave WZ option. That's what I do almost every time I zone into huttball.


Fyi, not sure if it will follow (and it probably will), but on pts if you leave now, you can't Que for 5 minutes according to the patch notes.

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well..the "BADS" quite often are just without a proper armor -> an annihilation WZ would actually be: who has the team with the best gear..


i love huttball myself too ;)

and id want to get a deathstar right away to have all the issues solved with alderaan

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Fyi, not sure if it will follow (and it probably will), but on pts if you leave now, you can't Que for 5 minutes according to the patch notes.


I gave it a try on pts last night. And while I'm on the subject has anyone else noticed that all there seems to be on the PTS is Hutball? Now where was? Oh yes, you get the various limits for quitting the warzone early. But sometimes it's worth it.

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I'm not going to lie I was excited to play Huttball. That changed once I played Huttball. Now I know you want to make something original but let's face it everything in one game or another is copied from another. This in my opinion is a good thing. I think Huttball needs to a little like Griftball from Halo3/Halo Reach.

What am I saying?


I'm not saying we need to be in first person mode I'm saying the huttball should be picked up by running over it and there should be a a speed increase and low health. We should get a special move to knock people out and the ball drops. this would make it a lot more fun to set up a real soccer/football(not futbol) mentality of working together to create a sheild or using moves to push players away. this takes the direction out of killing to playing the game.


I dunno just an idea. thanks for reading.

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Huttball is absolutely a different style of pvp where its not as much about killing as it is about using your various skills to control the ball carrier. Its absolutely still PvP though. I absolutely get frustrated with it sometimes, but generally its because of resolve being funky (e.g. roots not being part of resolve) or delays in skill animations or server lag causing weird things to happen.



I think the greater problem is that there are just 3 warzones, and the new 4th warzone isn't drastically different than civil war, from my limited experience. Its a shame they didn't come up with a new one that had some different paradigms.


One that would be interesting is an Arena match. Team A puts up a person. Team B picks a person to match. They fight to the death. Team B puts up a person, Team A puts up to match, fight. Team A puts up 2 people, Team B matches, fight. Team B puts up 2 people, Team A matches, fight. If its a tie, Team B puts up 2 winners, Team A matches, fight.

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Disclaimer -- I win Huttball almost every game with my guild.


Blah, blah, blah. You're LEET. Blah, blah, blah.


where the victory is based on kills? In just about every other type of game there is a "Deathmatch" mode, in MMO's it's like there's some secret taboo on a concept like that.


I want a Warzone where it's my guild versus yours, and the first one to 100 kills win.


If I wanted that I would go back and play Battlefield. Which, it seems, is where you should be.

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Blah, blah, blah. You're LEET. Blah, blah, blah.




If I wanted that I would go back and play Battlefield. Which, it seems, is where you should be.


I put that "Disclaimer" there to avoid this thread getting derailed by people shouting that I'm QQing because I suck and lose. The fact is I don't very often, I just wanted it known I had fundamental problems with the game I wasn't simply mad because I lose.


And to the Battlefield comment, this game should have both types of matches. I shouldn't have to go to a FPS game for a concept as simple as a deathmatch.

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