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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I play on three different servers. None of them are in the top 5 most populated and never have been. They all run solidly in the Standard range from about 2 hours before prime time and two hours after prime time. Plenty of people in the zones and a lot of activity going on, healthy GTN.
Care to name them?


I'm level 38, I've had 1 world PVP encounter. One!


Be grateful you had even that.


The "guys in charge" are probably trying to line up a new job before they announce server mergers.
A sad fact that allows bad developers to continue to inflict misery on the genre.


They have answered it. They have announced repeatedly that server TRANSFERS (not mergers) are on the way.


But apparently some players who frequent the forums are:


A) Too impatient to wait, and


B) Too mindless to roll a new character on a new server in the mean time.


I am all out of sympathy for these people. You deserve what you get.

I'm not the one on a timetable here. They're the ones fighting for subscribers. If they think transfers coming in May is a good idea, I'm all for it.... transferring to D3, that is.


Who am I kidding; I was destined for D3 since I discovered that 1-50 was so shallow and the boxed PvP was WAR 0.9, though I am very grateful that Mythic responded to requests to recognize and reward tank contributions in PvP.

Edited by Ansultares
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All of the very good reasons why BW must implement server merges or free character transfers have already been stated in the hundreds of posts before this one, so I am just adding my voice to the cry.....

Please do it very soon as the low population severs are exacerbating the issue and will make even more people leave the game and the snowball keeps rolling and keep getting bigger.


I love MMOs and I am one of the biggest Star Wars geeks in the galaxy but even I am becoming disillusioned

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So who's "fault" is it if, for just one example, you chose to roll on a high pop server that has slowly fallen to light population? Didn't really think this through before you posted, did you?


I didn't because the topic doesn't need that much thinking. :D

Sorry for the late rep.

Edited by Gaskarth
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I was thinking how best to layout the servers to act as a single virtual server.


The things that they would need to focus on are:

  • How servers store & access character information (so that no matter what server your "home server" is the apporaite info is stored and accessed regardless of your current location)
  • How characters would be temporarily transferred to another server. (I was thinking something similar to cross server LFG/Warzones)
  • Restrictions to server hopping (A server cap where character hops will be locked off so that players who are at "home" there would still be allowed to log on)
  • Handling communication (chat channels like General Chat will be busy)
  • Cross server guilds (accessing the guild bank and stuff)
  • Cross server GTN.

What you guys think?

Edited by DarthKhaos
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late april will be too damn late, people are quitting the game left and right. On anchorhead most people you will see at fleet is maybe 50 or less, go to fatman and you see 280+. I for one do not want to start over from scratch to get to 50 and geared again screw that. They honestly need to listen to their customers and do something now.
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late april will be too damn late, people are quitting the game left and right. On anchorhead most people you will see at fleet is maybe 50 or less, go to fatman and you see 280+. I for one do not want to start over from scratch to get to 50 and geared again screw that. They honestly need to listen to their customers and do something now.


Anchorhead gets more then 50 during primetime, its usually about 100.



But I think if they could do something, they would.

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late april will be too damn late, people are quitting the game left and right. On anchorhead most people you will see at fleet is maybe 50 or less, go to fatman and you see 280+. I for one do not want to start over from scratch to get to 50 and geared again screw that. They honestly need to listen to their customers and do something now.


Same thing in Ravager (EU) at most there is 60 on Imperial not that I have logged on this week at all but it all boils down to nothing at all to do. Got all the best gear cleared everything in NM(timed) ans that a few weeks ago... 2/3 of my guild no longer log at all... what is there really to say.


Everyone says have patience it's a new game but hell I have been waiting for 3-4 weeks now and it doesn't even seem to be close to 1.2 and when it finally does release I won't have anyone to play the new content with. It's a good thing pre-purchase of GW2 is coming up otherwise I wouldn't have anything to look forward to and BW shouldn't expect another subscription from me. I don't like making these kinda posts and never have before but have to put my frustration somewhere and this will do. Maybe I play too muvh and that might be an issue but truly if you can finish all PvE content on nightmare (timed) in 4 hrs it's... well just not good eough ..no more ranting GL to you that still find this fun and exciting hopefully BW will step up their game and make a few people happy.

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haha 100, do you even play on anchorhead? I have been there at 5pm-1am and it never hit 100 people. At most it hit 75 people last night then dropped to 51.


well kaibur crystal is having trouble breaking 30 on fleet these days (imp side i am sure the pubs are not any better off) here i was thinking 100 people was a lot

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late april will be too damn late, people are quitting the game left and right. On anchorhead most people you will see at fleet is maybe 50 or less, go to fatman and you see 280+. I for one do not want to start over from scratch to get to 50 and geared again screw that. They honestly need to listen to their customers and do something now.


People are quitting because their population is dying?


That's worse than people quitting because of jealousy.

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haha 100, do you even play on anchorhead? I have been there at 5pm-1am and it never hit 100 people. At most it hit 75 people last night then dropped to 51.


Yes, I do. Ive seen more then 100 on fleet in the past 3 days. Maybe not last night. I'll take a screenshot if you don't believe me.


Now, that's not to say Anchorhead has a great population (it doesn't) but it does and has broken 100. Still too low, but its better to be accurate.

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They are working out transfers and the first implementation will be for the new Oceanic servers. They said they were working on this a month ago. Sure, they said that they wouldn't open transfers until after a certain date that was way further than one one think, but still. Oceanic gets transfers first. By then they'll have all the kinks worked out, and then the rest will come.


Claiming the people are quitting because the population is dropping is just weird. People may be hiatusing until 1.2, rolling on a different server, are back in school, busy IRL, or are waiting for transfers. But, we'll just group them all together and just say they quit the game.

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They are working out transfers and the first implementation will be for the new Oceanic servers. They said they were working on this a month ago. Sure, they said that they wouldn't open transfers until after a certain date that was way further than one one think, but still. Oceanic gets transfers first. By then they'll have all the kinks worked out, and then the rest will come.


Claiming the people are quitting because the population is dropping is just weird. People may be hiatusing until 1.2, rolling on a different server, are back in school, busy IRL, or are waiting for transfers. But, we'll just group them all together and just say they quit the game.



its not like a week ago my server was busting at the seems its been a steady slow decline since the first month has been over. this is more than just people taking a break its people quitting maybe not all of them but i highly doubt 1.2 will have any significant long term effect on population. people dont tend to come back to a multiplayer game that feels dead, no matter how much they may like it. I watched DCUO go through this exact same thing with the exact same retorts to the dwindling server population and the only thing that saved that game was a relaunch to F2P.

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Population is decreasing really fast, it least it is on my server. There used to be some players on most of the planets a few weeks ago. Now I'm the only one on correllia, it is literally impossible to enter a warzone and i think my entire guild quit the game. If this goes on I'm going to be alone on my server! I really hope something will be done really soon because the game itself is really good. But my point is that if nothing happens real soon, alot of servers will die. People keep saying that they won't merge servers because it's bad publicity. But if I was bioware, I'd rather have people talking about merged servers than about empty servers, or a dying game.

(Sorry if this has already been said, just wanted to say what i think)

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its not like a week ago my server was busting at the seems its been a steady slow decline since the first month has been over. this is more than just people taking a break its people quitting maybe not all of them but i highly doubt 1.2 will have any significant long term effect on population. people dont tend to come back to a multiplayer game that feels dead, no matter how much they may like it. I watched DCUO go through this exact same thing with the exact same retorts to the dwindling server population and the only thing that saved that game was a relaunch to F2P.


So you are saying that the game went from 1.7m to F2P in a month?

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I'm on Uthar Wynn. 19:44 GMT at the time I started writing this. Nobody in Hoth, 1 person in Corellia, Naar Shadaa and Alderaan, 2 in Coruscant and Tatooine, 3 in Taris and Balmorra, and 5 in Belsavis (did i forget one?). Fleet has 19 counting myself. When i log on more awkward times, i like to streak naked in the fleet because i'm alone and frankly there's nothing better to do.


I really like this game but please do something about it. If you're not, say something so I can finally give up my char and my streaking days with lost hope and roll another char somewhere else or unsub (have to give it some thought).


I check the forums regularly to see if there is word on this yet. Someone said they are working on transfers. What exactly has been said, can i get a quote?

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I just canceled my subscription. I cant find people even for Heroic 4 quests in the Lord Calypho server which is supposed to be the 3-4th largest english european server. I cannot imagine how bad is the situation on the rest servers...


Canceling your subscription is the only thing they understand.Not rerolling on another server...

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They are working out transfers and the first implementation will be for the new Oceanic servers. They said they were working on this a month ago. Sure, they said that they wouldn't open transfers until after a certain date that was way further than one one think, but still. Oceanic gets transfers first. By then they'll have all the kinks worked out, and then the rest will come.


Claiming the people are quitting because the population is dropping is just weird. People may be hiatusing until 1.2, rolling on a different server, are back in school, busy IRL, or are waiting for transfers. But, we'll just group them all together and just say they quit the game.


I've had lots of guildmates and friends quit for lack of boredom and lousy server pops. Who the hell wants to set in fleet of 50 spamming LFG all day. There is a SERIOUS problem. But it seems BW wants to gamble. If i was a betting man, I would bet that a big chunk of people will be long gone by D3. All these bugs, nerfs and lack of care from BW's is atrocious.

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I'm on Uthar Wynn. 19:44 GMT at the time I started writing this. Nobody in Hoth, 1 person in Corellia, Naar Shadaa and Alderaan, 2 in Coruscant and Tatooine, 3 in Taris and Balmorra, and 5 in Belsavis (did i forget one?). Fleet has 19 counting myself. When i log on more awkward times, i like to streak naked in the fleet because i'm alone and frankly there's nothing better to do.


I really like this game but please do something about it. If you're not, say something so I can finally give up my char and my streaking days with lost hope and roll another char somewhere else or unsub (have to give it some thought).


I check the forums regularly to see if there is word on this yet. Someone said they are working on transfers. What exactly has been said, can i get a quote?


Wow man. That really is truly sad. At least there are 50 people afking on my server during prime time lol.

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I just canceled my subscription. I cant find people even for Heroic 4 quests in the Lord Calypho server which is supposed to be the 3-4th largest english european server. I cannot imagine how bad is the situation on the rest servers...


Canceling your subscription is the only thing they understand.Not rerolling on another server...


Right now there are 100+ 50's logged in right now Republic and Empire side on your server perhaps the issue lies with you?


On 3/1 they came out and said they were having issues and that transfers for Asian/pacific players wouldn't be until the end of April with the rest to follow sometime later. So seeing that they are having issues with transfers what makes you or anyone here think that mergers are going to be easier to implement?


Unsubbing is making it worse because it TAKES AWAY RESOURCES. When subs go down budgets are cut which usually means the cuts are from the bottom, you know the people that actually DO STUFF. Every unsub due to impatience is another nail in the game.

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Right now there are 100+ 50's logged in right now Republic and Empire side on your server perhaps the issue lies with you?


On 3/1 they came out and said they were having issues and that transfers for Asian/pacific players wouldn't be until the end of April with the rest to follow sometime later. So seeing that they are having issues with transfers what makes you or anyone here think that mergers are going to be easier to implement?


Unsubbing is making it worse because it TAKES AWAY RESOURCES. When subs go down budgets are cut which usually means the cuts are from the bottom, you know the people that actually DO STUFF. Every unsub due to impatience is another nail in the game.


Unsubbing is the only way they will pay attention. I already unsubbed both my accounts. If things improve and BW shows that it will listen to its fanbase, I will happily resub. Until then, there is no sense playing a NOT-MASSIVELY SINGLE PLAYER GAME.

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