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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Niman at prime time:


@ Fleet around 20/30 players. Republic side

Ilum 3/4 Top


Wz take around 20 to 30 minutes to pop and most are Huttball wath makes me think that on Imp Side pop on this Server is even worst....



Guild of 100 people is dead only 2 or 3 log....some changed server but mostly canceled subs.


So Bugware do something fast or wen you wake up you will be broke!

Edited by Szadek
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One virtual server and the individual servers would act as shards. Players can hop between shards (servers) to play with friends or just get onto one with more players.


That's what I'm calling for...


nice idea, but i think most people want the fastest implementation possible which most likely leaves transfers/merges.

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nice idea, but i think most people want the fastest implementation possible which most likely leaves transfers/merges.

I could be wrong but I think what I suggested would be an extension of the cross server LFG people are asking for.

You have a chat servers dedicated to handling communication. Chat channels, guild chat, whispers party chat. Hoping shards/servers would be considered a temporary thing. Your character would still be housed on whatever server you created on (or in the future assigned to to spread out the player base) and temporally reside on the shard/server I hopped to.

DarthKhaos@JediOrder would be one of my characters.

JediKhaos@EbonHawk would be another character.


You can be my friend regardless of what server you created on and can whisper me we can be in the same guild across servers because let's face it... Guilds are pretty much a chat channel.


The only big piece of work I can see is GTN & Guild Banks that will be implemented.

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I have been playing it for over 2 months now and mainly doing the PVE quests and leveling some characters. I just started the pvp portion a couple of days ago and I really enjoy. The downside now, is it takes way too long to get into a match. Sometimes 20 + minutes. When you que up you cannot even see how many are qued up and who are. I wish that would change. It would be nice to know as you are sitting there if you are really wasting your time by being qued up if you are the only one that is. I will say that I am really considering changing servers just because it sucks to be on a dead server. I might even consider going to the pvp server even though it isn't what I really want to do. I really do wish and hope they would do something quickly.
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Same here been playing for 2 months also. Something I think is ruining the game is the lack of people to play with and against, no world pvp at all. The server population is most of the time ''light''. When Bioware fix this I will consider to get back untill they have done that Im not paying a dime more for this game. Do something about it Bioware!!


Server Chuundar /Dragan

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Well I totaly agree with you people. Bioware must consider of merge servers or just close some because its too many servers and too little people playing at the moment. The queue on the pvp is too long and its almost impossible to find FP groups right now. So I hope Bioware fix this major issue as soon as possible. Overall I like the game...good job Bioware just focus right now on the servers or i might consider of stop paying if this problem continues in the future.


Server: Chuundar /Zagell

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Well I totaly agree with you people. Bioware must consider of merge servers or just close some because its too many servers and too little people playing at the moment. The queue on the pvp is too long and its almost impossible to find FP groups right now. So I hope Bioware fix this major issue as soon as possible. Overall I like the game...good job Bioware just focus right now on the servers or i might consider of stop paying if this problem continues in the future.


Server: Chuundar /Zagell


We know solutions are coming and Bioware is working on but I'm worried about is the solutions not being viable and taking too long to implement. An apology would be nice as well.

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Just wait until 1.2 comes out and it is bugged to hell and it doesn't do anything but create more problems and then BioWare loses the last 6 guys playing the game and it has to make this single player wana be mmo game into free to play.


SWToR Timeline for 2012

1.2 luanches


Lost of Bug


Last 6 players quit


Swtor goes F2P


servers fill back upt


If this game turn free to play i would leave an delete my account. and i know loooooooooooooooooooooooooots of others that would too.

f2p games suck and they always implant so you can BUY ingame stuff for irl cash making the game to easy or messing it up so those who spend most irl cash will be best not those who have the skills and dont wana ruin the game by PAYING for more ingame content or something like it.

But no this game will never be F2P i pray to whatever god there is that i wont.

but it rly need server merges.

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When I started playing during release it was always fairly easy to group up for four man flashpoints or to find players to run heroics in the open world.


Even during peak weekend hours during the weekend on Vaiden Spacedock there are only 80 players tops. Want to run a "flashpoint"? Forget about it. Operation? No way. Don't even THINK about having enough people on a planet to run heroics, you will be lucky to find 12-19 people.


This game is in no way MASSIVE or MULTIPLAYER. They should merge servers immediately or allow free server transfers. I am paying money monthly for a massively multiplayer online game. It is neither massive nor multiplayer at this point. I'm just paying to access a single player game that requires internet access.


I should not have to re-roll a new character on a more populated server. If I sound like I am whining, guess what, I am. I have every right to. I am paying for this product.


It's absolutely absurd to have a such a low server population with no escape. They hold this "patch" over our head with all sorts of cool content, but even their "legacy" feature is server specific. What a joke. How about server transfers, not new flashpoints and operations I wouldn't have enough people to run anyway. Hilariously poor planning.

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I recently leveled a toon on Trayus Academy and I enjoyed it very much, the landscape and the RPG experience.


I was playing with a few friends and once they leveled 50 they simply said "Ok now I am level 50 I might aswell never play this again"


The servers are too low, it is not a pleasurable experience.

MMORPGs needs alot of people to keep interesting.


Merge the servers please.

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i am on flames of the crucible server. on tatooine doing quests this morning there was 4 people on the whole of tatooine, i go to fleet and 12 people in whole on there. i que for an hour and half to get into pvp and only lasted 5 mins before said closing as not enough people .


i know some will just say reroll on a different server but thats not an option. i play for about 12 hours per week so my lvl 35 and 28 took me a while to lvl. and apart from the story line quests the others get very repeatitive even more if you lvling an alt .


please hurry and merge because if it stays like this even if the game was free to play i wouldnt play, as at mo this game is just a single player game with heroic 2/4 quests i cant do .

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Pretty much having the same problem on my server, Just got my alt to 50 (Empire) and I try to pvp to get some gear and all I get is huttball and the only enemy I face is the already fully geared battlemaster 50s on Empire that have been pvping since the beginning. Making warzones same faction I think is just a scapegoat for server merges. It doesn't matter what warzone I'm in if I just keep getting shut down by insanely geared people. The only answer is to merge servers to balance populations. Equal population will at least give me the chance to destroy the real enemy (Republic) with those geared people on my team.


and then you will be complaining about those insanely geared republic dogs who keep beating you up....

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You think we would be sick of arguing amongst each other. The real question is Why isn't bioware answering this? Oh yea just like the great hype train, they can't because they do not have the knowledge skills or abilities to maintain a top 5 game in one year.
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You think we would be sick of arguing amongst each other. The real question is Why isn't bioware answering this? Oh yea just like the great hype train, they can't because they do not have the knowledge skills or abilities to maintain a top 5 game in one year.


They have answered it. They have announced repeatedly that server TRANSFERS (not mergers) are on the way.


But apparently some players who frequent the forums are:


A) Too impatient to wait, and


B) Too mindless to roll a new character on a new server in the mean time.


I am all out of sympathy for these people. You deserve what you get.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Sick and tired of waiting BW to do something, lots of ppl have lost their hopes and trust on BW, today most of the players on the server i am was saying that they prefer to abandon the game for others coz there are NO PEOPLE anymore! BW dosnt listen to their customers and they will lose all the subscribes if continue like this!
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Sick and tired of waiting BW to do something, lots of ppl have lost their hopes and trust on BW, today most of the players on the server i am was saying that they prefer to abandon the game for others coz there are NO PEOPLE anymore! BW dosnt listen to their customers and they will lose all the subscribes if continue like this!


They won't lose all ..


My guild is still having fun and are looking forward to the new stuff in 1.2 and 1.3 so will still be subbing ..



You should have just put the standard "IRzGONNAQUIT" at the end of your post instead of trying to speak for, as you put it, "all" the people subbing ...

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You think we would be sick of arguing amongst each other. The real question is Why isn't bioware answering this? Oh yea just like the great hype train, they can't because they do not have the knowledge skills or abilities to maintain a top 5 game in one year.


I never tire of arguing those who engage in black-and-white thinking and unsubstantiated, disparaging remarks.

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My question is, if you guys want a server merge... who's going to get to keep their names?


First come first served? /played time? subscribed time?


Honestly, regardless of what Bioware does (server transfers seem to be OK, but there will be lots of people saying it isn't enough) they will be constantly attacked by the people on the forums who hate on this game solely to hate on this game. Sure, they were overzealous with adding new servers, but then again, hindsight is 20/20.


Everyone screams for server merges, but if they were ever implemented, the same people would most likely scream at Bioware for "ruining their immersion," and they're going to quit because they lost their name and legacy.

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My question is, if you guys want a server merge... who's going to get to keep their names?


First come first served? /played time? subscribed time?


Honestly, regardless of what Bioware does (server transfers seem to be OK, but there will be lots of people saying it isn't enough) they will be constantly attacked by the people on the forums who hate on this game solely to hate on this game. Sure, they were overzealous with adding new servers, but then again, hindsight is 20/20.


Everyone screams for server merges, but if they were ever implemented, the same people would most likely scream at Bioware for "ruining their immersion," and they're going to quit because they lost their name and legacy.



The shingles on my roof leak but because my wife likes the looks of them I'll let the house flood.

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