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SWTOR: No fat chicks allowed?


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guys, idk about you, but generally obese people are looked down upon. obesity is a negative thing. its unhealthy and wrong. so why would they encourage that image in a fantasy videogame?


IDK about you..but you can play a fat guy in the game..:p

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Dude, Big girls rock.


They have the most enormous ti-


*notices the females glaring*


-iiiiiimber is a very underutilized resource these days would you look at the time I gotta go bye!


Large breasts don't count when you're fat. Being fat should not be celebrated...I am NOT being offensive here as the US government agrees with me. It's rather unhealthy and we don't encourage smoking do we? Why encourage being fat?

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Large breasts don't count when you're fat. Being fat should not be celebrated...I am NOT being offensive here as the US government agrees with me. It's rather unhealthy and we don't encourage smoking do we? Why encourage being fat?




But smoking is soooooooo gooooooooood


(not really... i quit a year ago and still dream about one every day)

(Dont smoke kids)

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I also want to mention that there are fat women in this game...body type 4 is fat.


Whenever I have a story interaction with a fat women (body type 4) I try to pick the meanest/kill option because they offer no value to me.

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I also want to mention that there are fat women in this game...body type 4 is fat.


Whenever I have a story interaction with a fat women (body type 4) I try to pick the meanest/kill option because they offer no value to me.


Body type 4 for female is not fat. No way near being so. They are curvy and sexy, with larger hips and breasts. The male tho is without question fat. The Fat guy;s belly hangs out over his belt. You donot see that with the body type 4 female.:p

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Because people would only make them as a joke. No one wants to play as or see a fat woman. You can declare that you're ok being enormous and that you want to reflect that in-game but you're lying to someone, yourself more than anything. I know I'm not being politically correct, but such is the way of biology and societal norms and realities.


Would it be fun to make fun of fat people? Yes, yes it would and that's the only reason anyone would make one.


So BioWare made it so you can play a fat guy so others would think it is funny? I have yet to see anyone making fun of those who do pick that option.

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It's because you're a hero. You can't go around saving the universe if you have to take a Rascal Scooter from quest to quest since you can't make it running there without having a stroke.


Hey! I resemble that remark!

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since MMOs are all about lack of self control and misspent real world time, the only reason i can see not to have fat avatars is because thats what 90% of the player base is in real life and they need an escape.


truth hurts, but if you tell them to go be fat somewhere else there goes 90% of the playerbase for MMos.


im in a salty mood today, so im going to go be aesthetic somewhere else before I rant.

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My guess for why there is body type 4 for males, which is a stocky dude with some extra padding, yet nothing equivalent for females is because male and female are different. Don't really see females built like linebackers, sorry.


Now if you're talking about obesity, that should in no way be a desirable thing. Unless diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and gurd are desirable. It wouldn't really set a positive image.


Besides its really only in wealthy 1st world nations that obesity is such a huge problem (badumtish).

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Female body type four has a rather large behind but other than that isn't terribly fleshy. In the Star Wars universe, particularly the era we are looking at, a larger body type would be considered more attractive.


The body type celebrated in modern society would be considered vastly UN attractive. Mind you, I still shriek at the rear end periodically, and I am female, I just wanted a large woman for a Trooper because that made more sense to me than someone who could get blown away by the wind in combat. I wouldn't mind it if she were able to be larger though, I'd just like the rear to be a bit more proportional to the rest of her body, but clearly Bioware loves them some backside. :)

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Fat females don't fit standard comic book bodytypes, which is what TOR uses.


Male 4 isn't fat either, it doesn't actually have a real world analogue since it's the Hulk/Thing/Juggernaut bodytype.

Neither do women with spines.


I'd just like to register my approval that this managed to occur as post #69 for the thread.

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In all seriousness I think it would be great if they had a plus sized body type for female toons. Beauty comes in all sizes and when you love someone you don't care how much they weight.


Then why do family insist that skinny girls are anorexic and big girls are obese and have to go to rehab?


Ahaaaaaaa. Think about that. Weight DOES matter when you love someone.

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Large breasts don't count when you're fat. Being fat should not be celebrated...I am NOT being offensive here as the US government agrees with me. It's rather unhealthy and we don't encourage smoking do we? Why encourage being fat?


It does so count.


Big breasts are are hawt, no matter the cholesterol level.


Bow chicka bow wow!

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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After she saw that she went on a tirade how society never shows fat people in anything but a negative or comedic light and she said she felt discriminated against because society at large wants to "shut her away".


Why doesn't bioware let us customize our characters the way we want? Please.. fat women arent bad people. Don't pretend they don't exist!


Being fat shouldnt be shown as a positive thing, young people should think that its ok to be fat, being fat is unhealthy. Your freind should look to lose some of that fat, pahaps playing as a sith might inspire her to change her life style

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Right, so im not very tall, in fact im quite average for my country (1.75m) and i weigh about 100 or more kilos.

Now, most of that is situated at my butt and my belly... making my shape kinda odd...






wheres my toon looking like a fat bastard? (yes i can use the word bastard, because that is the correct nomenclature for what i am since i was born out of wedlock)


Nowhere, becasue who wants to see that in a game that is about heroes and villains?


just look at movies... where do the people who look grossly overweight go most of the times?

To the extras, or maby to some short 1 or 2 line role with no importance.


Heroes arent obese... thats just the way it is. Deal with it.


(and theyre mainly not obese because they regularly have to run around and do stuff that people who are overweight, not to mention obese, have real trouble doing without getting completely winded and having to stop for a rest every 5 minutes).



PS. for those of you out there that might be concerned, i am working out regularly and watching my diet so im loosing those extra kilos soon.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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