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Is the story worth it?


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Hello. Currently I play a PT tank, just finishing starting CH 2 but it seems to me after playing around with my buddies' Assassin that it better suits my playstyle. I enjoy playing a LS character but the Inquisitor storyline seems to fit a LS character the least out of the four classes. Is this true? Does the storyline make sense from a LS perspective or is it all hamfisted and out of place?


Storyline and playstyle are the two fun factors for me when it comes to a character.

Edited by Triskelematt
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Personally I leveled a bounty hunter up first and found the storyline awesome, the inquiz storyline I felt was more annoying and I couldn't wait to be done with it. Seems like I may be in the minority as everyone else seemed to enjoy it. Perhaps I was ruined from the fun storyline of the BH
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It's very meh.


Parts of each Act are good, but others are quite simply dull.

An example: Taris is excellent, Hoth is very very bad. I also enjoyed Nar Shaddaa but Balmorra nearly bored me to death (not to mention that one part at the end which is kind of hard, anyone who did it knows what I mean)


That said though, after you leave Belsavis the story gets amazing.


I also think LS fits the SI better than any other Empire class, although DS is a lot more fun.

Edited by JeffrenBrek
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I'd say you could very easily justify a light side or dark side play through of the Inquisitor. As for the story, I liked it a lot, but I will acknowledge that there were some planets that I was pretty "meh" on. I loved all the companions though, so that helped to mollify the dull moments.
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My first char was a Powertech. The story was full blown out awesome. Enjoyed every minute of it. Then I made an Assassin alt, and besides a few high points, the story was mainly repeatitive, boring and bland. Noway near the Hunter story. Class is awesome though.
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The story as a whole is definitely worth it.


I found Act 3 to be very interesting and engaging indeed, and it actually makes



Belsavis and Voss playable, having Rakata technology and Voss mysticism for more than just their own sake.


(non-spoiler) a couple of the planets a lot more interesting.

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Thank you guys for your help. I agree the BH storyline is excellent so far. I'm going to try Inquisitor to see how it goes, just for the playstyle but i'm definately not going to dump my Powertech.


I mean when it comes down to it. How can you resist Blizz?

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I've run through both all the way to the end and found the Inquisitor story, especially the ending more to my liking (my guild leader wanted to run through the last fight with me and was in awe). While the Bounty Hunters wasn't bad, there were parts where I just felt very underwhelmed. To that end though just getting started in Act III on my Jugg and it just feels epic. To that end I almost feel like the Inq and the Warriors story arcs should of been switched but that's something for a different thread.
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While only 2/3 through it currently, I really love how the LS Inquisitor storyline is progressing. In some ways it works out alot better than an LS Warrior because you aren't stuck doing the bidding of a Dark Side Sadist like Baras, and are for the most part your own boss. And the game does recognize you're taking a lighter path.


It does have some funny moments too, though not as many as Bounty Hunter. But overall I'd really reccomend it. Its everything the Consular story should have been.

Edited by CutlassJack
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As for my opinion I like the SI story and I'm on the LS.


Yes there are some planets, maybe 2, that I don't like but what got me into the story is the devious plots of every Sith or officer you encounter.



Like how your Master Zash is preparing you to be an ultimate sacrifice so that she can remain pretty lol, and how Thanaton is trying to kill you because he is scared of what you will become. Its like a mind game for the SI.


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