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What's you're funniest kills?


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Last night, I was chitchatting with my guildies and we came up with a bunch of moronic/funny ways to kill people.


My highlight of the night...



Fight the guy down until Dispatch is sure to finish him.... AWE him... Use your Holocamera to take a picture and then finish him.



Try to pull this one off and see the reaction. It's pure classic!


I only managed to do it once but what a laugh we had...

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I was in void star defending. Imps had made it to the center room with the bridges.


A sorc tried to force speed over the gap to try and get a quick bomb plant without lowering the bridge. As he did the force speed thing I used force stasis. LOL. Stopped him in between the plateforms and he fell to his death. I got some good ol' lols.

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yeah I was running around doing dailies on Ilum and some fresh 50 BH thought he would have a go.


I saw his low health pool, I sent Kira after him (she's in all champion gear) and she pretty much owned his face while I force cammo'd out of his range and he tried to catch me to tracer spam me I would just move out of range when he stopped to cast, kira was just rocking his ****.


it was pretty funny.

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Going AFK in the Belsavis daily area and coming back to see Kira kill off a level 50 Sith who attacked me.


Had the same happen to me in Illum when pets were active. I went AFK at mid for a minute or two; came back and Jaessa had finished off a shadow and was working on a sage healer. I died to the healer since I started the fight at 30% health or so, but the healer was down to 40% health when I went down. DPS pets beating players is actually kind of epic.

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So I was going for the air balloon datacron on Tatooine and just happened to be pvp flagged because I was messing around in the open world pvp area for a while. Well, a couple of low lv imps (lv 26 i think, I was 50) show up to get on the balloon at the same time as me, but they aren't flagged currently. So we sit on the balloon together talking in /say for like 15min til we're near the datacron jumping point. Of course one of the imps then decides to knock me off the balloon to be a douche. I fall, I die....then i get on my speeder and rush back to where the balloon was. I go right underneath it and jump and tab target until i get the guy targetted, then I just keep jumping and spamming force leap cuz I know it is buggy at times and I was hoping it would let me get some revenge. It worked! I leaped up to him in the balloon and 2 shotted him. That was very satisfying! Of course he used his self res to rez on the balloon and immediately do a knockback on me, well I was ready this time and force leaped back to him midair to kill him a 2nd time. In the end, he was a douche and missed the datacron because of it.
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My funniest kill was, unfortunately, myself :(


First time in Dromund Kaas city and was bouncing around not paying attention...and jumped into one of the bottomless pits in the city. My character screamed all the way to her death.


Oh, and yes, this was on my Marauder, not Jedi, but I have a 50 Sentinel and was reading this thread and just had to comment.

Edited by Roshe
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My funniest kill was, unfortunately, myself :(


First time in Dromund Kaas city and was bouncing around not paying attention...and jumped into one of the bottomless pits in the city. My character screamed all the way to her death.


Oh, and yes, this was on my Marauder, not Jedi, but I have a 50 Sentinel and was reading this thread and just had to comment.


You're welcome here. As far as I'm concerned, class forums should be shared between mirrors. So there should be a guardian/jugg forum, sentinel/marauder, sage/sorc, merc/commando, etc.

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This happened earlier at voidstar 2nd area. In the middle with the speed burst buff. saw a BH me as a Vanguard, so both of us have pulls. Harpooned the guy and think the guy was thinking bout the same. i LOL'd a lot. instead of switching places we bumped into each other mid-air and fell to our demise. :p


wooops.. sentinel class forum. MY BAD. :eek:

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Sadly it would be on my alt, my sent just wrecks people, though FLing onto people in fire/acid stunning/stasis them there is fun. lol Anyone ever dispatch someone who at the same time gets knocked off a bridge or ledge... and your lite saber just keeps following them? lol ~_~


Have a FOTM assassin tank alt... was at something like 35% health in a VS match at the middle door (where the bridges go across and such). My whole team got wrecked and me being low health sprint away behind one of those pillars(after realizing there was no health pack on that side up) =( near the ledge on the far side of the bridge...


Well 4 of the opposing team decide to all spank the assassin and all start running to me. I los them around the pole one time positioning them in-between the pole and the edge.. I figured i was dead as a doornail but in the back of my mind i was saying to myself.... i wonder if they would follow me... so i moved to the edge... they all move closer to the edge to kill me.. i move back in quick use knockback sending 3 off the edge, and the 4th was the only one with low HP, and i finish him 1 on 1.


Honestly pure luck, but the fact they all fell for it def made it one of my best.

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pvp ones are fine... but the best are PVE kill stories.


I was running the Puzzle boss in KP (droid where you shoot fire to do more damage).


We ran into a situation where we had accidental deaths so we all where just gonna exit area, my friend was nice enough to try and exit under right tower so i had to push the button and /laugh

Edited by Dagimpster
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Once when I came out from WZ into the central of Ilum, there was 3 imps trying to beat the **** out of me. I was at 90% hp when I started moving and I thought I would try to escape.


So I started running towards the cliff, popped valorous call and transendence and threw force exhaustion on one of them (focus FTW!!!). When I touched the ground I had like 2k hp left, but I used my pvp medpac, turned around and leaped to one of the imps behind me (them with aroun 2k hp too).


Quickly awe, some /dance and finally a 4k sweep to finish all the 3 in one blow!


I was laughing so hysterically that it took over a minute for me to explain my guildies what happened over voicechat :p



Might sound like I made up the whole story, but it will be on PVP vid among with other funny kills!




Basilisk Droid

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Huttbal game. Basically I was at 1% HP and was desperately trying to find a place to rest since I didn't want to waste my 30 Centering. I Found one behind one of the big boxes near the first set of upper flames. Some Merc Spots me and decided to show off by casting a tracer missile into my face. It went something like this:


  • I interrupt the Tracer
  • He pauses for a second instead of just hitting me with an instant cast
  • I pop Guarded by the Force and a medipack
  • He tries to Death from Above me. Interupted. Guard fro ma guildie suddenly pops on me as I start to DoT him up.
  • My guildie Guardian reaches Leap Range, Leaps up and Force Pushes him off me
  • We both laugh over vent while a guildie Sage patches me up.
  • He tries to Tracer Missile, intrupted by two Force leaps and a Force Stun.
  • We get a very funny "Sents are OP" /yell when the merc respawns

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I've got one that happened an hour ago on Alderaan. Here's the setup:


I'm level 30, him 32.

I'm a Sent, he's a Sin.

He attacks me when I'm at 70% health, he's at full (I just finished a fight with some mobs).


Now, with all that in mind, it looks like he should totally floor me right? I killed him and had 30% of my health left to spare. I couldn't believe how bad he was. When he jumped me, I thought he had me dead to rights.

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My personal favorite kill was when I was fighting a Juggernaut and a Sorc and I was bouncing back and forth between beating on the juggernaut and beating on the Sorc since hitting the Sorc did damage to the Juggernaut who was guarding him it seemed like a good plan for taking them both out to start focusing on him. By the time the fight was almost over they were both REALLY low on health so when I performed my critical hit dispatch on the Sorc they BOTH died. It was pretty awesome. I think they were fresh 50's and I was in part champion but mostly BM gear at the time.
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I was on civil war, near death. I had no CDs, and use force camo to escape.


A wounded marauder charges at me, his charge damage almost finish me off.


I knew it was about who use their dispatch first.


What I do? I use awe. I bet he was ******** bricks . I use dispatch.



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In huttball I got a poor shadow down to 10% when he got on the vent. I hit dispatch and away it went. He landed ran behind the boxes at the very top corner (to try and de-combat to stealth/heal) when my black/purple light saber that had followed his flight came out of the heavens and smote him.
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I killed someone at 2% HP in another Huttball with Force Leap. He had the ball and was pretty much on our goal line.


Score was 3-2 to us and there was 10 seconds to go after that.


I never got so many MVP vote in my life (7 for if you're wondering).

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I have one for PvE and one for PvP:


PvP: I was in Huttball. I saw a Sniper preparing to kill our ball handler. I Force Leapt at him, interrupting his Snipe, and proceeded to Master Strike him. Before the finishing move in the ability could occur, he leapt off the balcony, weakened as he was from both my attacks and previous engagements, and died in one of the pits. 1 second later: "Spectacular Rotworn play!" XD.


PvE: During the Czerka mission line on Tatooine. I had taken out Leksende's henchmen, but died. I called for the Medprobe, got revived, but it wore off while I was in Leksende's line of sight. So me and Kira fought, and, miraculously, won. And I was at 25% health. XD.

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