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Why people are so crazy with GTN prices ?


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Simple solution; Make stuff for your own characters, or farm FPs on your 50 for mods to send via legacy to your alts.


I don't buy much of anything from the GTN anymore, not when I can make, or farm, all the armorings, mods, enhancements, earpieces, and implants that I need for myself.


Even a brand new player could keep himself in armorings, and mods as he levels without buying any material from the GTN. They just have to keep the crewskill missions running fairly often.


You have to be really clueless to spend a ton of credits on materials you can easily get yourself.


The high end 50 pieces are another story.

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If Bioware would increase the amount of mat's you get per harvest node prices would drop a lot, but as long as your only getting on average 2 mats per node prices are going to stay high for materials.


It's not fun riding around in circles waiting for nodes to spawn so you can harvest them, it's pretty damn boring and then the fact you get such a pitiful amount per node...


Even sending out companions gets stupid at higher levels, takes them like 45-60 mins to come back with 2-3 materials plus the mission usally costs 1k-2k to run it...


Bioware has done everything they can to gimp crafting.... They prefer if you just live off the quest rewards...


Devils Advocate: If crafted items (especially purples) were easy to craft and the market was flooded with them so people could buy them cheap it would mess up the PvE balance. Anyone who has geared themselves up with all purple crafted gear knows what a huge advantage it gives you PvE'ing.

Edited by Monoth
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A couple of signs that a crafting system is broken:


- raw materials sell for more than the materials they produce

- high level items sell for less than low level ones


That means the alt-market is operating at a higher demand than the main-market, nothing more.

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Why people are so crazy with GTN prices ? Really.


I am playing on Fatman. My crew skill is Cibertech, and many times I need scavenged components and metals, because questing is not enough for me for the quantities I produce. But, for god sake, who in sound mind would pay 1k for one mineral ? Really!


I ussually buy large quantities of stuff because I like to craft and provide people with so neaded augments. And I always charge a fair price: only for materials plus the suggested price of GTN. So the price of my most expensive components are not higher than 5k. Prices usually vary from 100 to 5k. My sells are huge ussuaaly. Easily 30k a day.


But when I need to buy stuff for myself, I usually find staggering prices for mods. 5k for +4 cristal ? Really. I practiced Artifice before, I know how easy you can get raw materials for it. Nothing in comparison with Cibertech where you have to find like 4 different metals to craft one mod.


Enhancements, again everything at 5k for a level 20. For anyone of level 20, 5k is a hefty some of money. Besides the real price of that stuff rarely is arround 1k. I crafted enhacements and I know.


Am I fool for charging for my earpieces some 2k. Should I start charging 10 k instead ? Because if I can´t buy a miserable 20-level cristal, believe me I will.


Are we all crazy ?


Because the GTN economy is crap, crafting system is nearly broken, and we gotsta make monies somehow!

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Say you and everyone else needs Titanium such that I can put it on the GTN for 1000 credits per unit of Titanium and sell it for that price. You will not get any Titanium because you refuse to buy it at that level. On the other hand say I put it on the GTN for 100 credits per unit of Titanium, you still wont get it because someone else will buy it up before you see it and then repost it for 1000 credits a unit.


The problem with that is, that's bordering between insider trade and actual speculation. In market as limited as the GTN it is entirely possible for a relatively limited group of suppliers, to control the entire supply, especially if they are already rich.


If a group of people with relatively much money has the opinion that a certain good should have a certain price, they can easily enforce that price regardless of how big the real supply is, and therefore a true balance of supply and demand does not come to pass.


Now that doesn't mean I am blaming anyone for playing their cards right, even though I am at times pretty frustrated as well, I am just saying that it's certainly anything but a healthy market and a natural balance of supply and demand. Suppliers have no interest in low prices and keeping the prices up is all too easy, because the market can be controlled particularly wealthy suppliers.


The problem is in part the intransperency of the market. If an offerer could see what an item is usually traded for they would offer it for only slightly less, so that such transactions would not be worthwhile, because the market fees would become more expensive than the possible gain. And in that way, the price of a product would slowly level itself to a true balance betwenn supply and demand.


The other problem is of course that the respective markets are very limited. If SW:TOR had a single server approach with no separation between factions when it comes to the GTN, prices would have developed completely differently and would have been a lot cheaper in many cases, because there would have been too much supply to control it.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Greed. Definitely greed. I know at least that it's that for me.


I log in, put 50 items on the GTN between gifts, scavenging metals, droid parts, ship parts, UT metals, gathering missions and recipes, all of this for around 10-20% more than what it is already being selled.


The next morning i sold 40-45% of it.

Undercutting is the enemy of a good credit influx and i love credits.


Edit: Also if you see all the items being sold at around 5k and then 2-3 at 2,2k, you don't base your prices on those, you base your prices on the 5k ones and sell at either 4.9k or 6k. Don't make that mistake please.

Edited by Spoletta
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If you don't like the prices don't buy the item. People will sell things for what they feel they are worth. If it is an item that is a pain in the *** to get (some of the scavenging items come to mind) then the value of that item is higher then say an easy item to get (like a green color crystal). The OP's own post proves that the things are valuable because he says he himself can't get enough of it. If you things fast you have to pay the price. Just like anything else.
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That means the alt-market is operating at a higher demand than the main-market, nothing more.


Yes. This is a problem MMO's shouldn't run into for years. Months is indicative of a non-functional economy, and a ridiculously easy game, but that's another matter.

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The problem is in part the intransperency of the market. If an offerer could see what an item is usually traded for they would offer it for only slightly less, so that such transactions would not be worthwhile, because the market fees would become more expensive than the possible gain. And in that way, the price of a product would slowly level itself to a true balance betwenn supply and demand.


This does not necessarily stop cartelization. It is still a matter of supply and demand, and it is natural that people who are playing more/spend more time playing or farming have more starting resources to farm sellable resources and influence the market more. You can see this with Eve Online, where the market is pretty transparent (we even have historical price and volume graphs...with Donchian channels!), but supply cartels still exist because of limited global resources that are effectively owned by a few number of guilds.


The other problem is of course that the respective markets are very limited. If SW:TOR had a single server approach with no separation between factions when it comes to the GTN, prices would have developed completely differently and would have been a lot cheaper in many cases, because there would have been too much supply to control it.


The GTN is already cross-faction. The separation between servers just caps the global supply, as each server is it's own market.

Edited by Foobert
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Couldn't agree more.


I just gather Durasteel and Zal, you can make some good money on these. I send my companions out to gather these as well. Dura prices seem to go up then drop right down, Zal alloy seems to hold its price.


Click, Gather, Sell.. Easy

Well I farm it also.I try not to do mission except for underworld or such.I have chrs at different stages and with 15 chrs.I can cover a lot of different mats.

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Answer: Supply vs Demand.


With fewer players actively playing and crafting there is less supply. So costs will continue to rise until probably the F2P goes live and there is an influx of crafters.

Actually, with more players playing now there is a larger buyer base, and we're seeing the time honored divide of characters with credits out the wazoo versus characters having a hard time keeping enough credits to pay for gear modding. I'm selling lowbie customs and purples for a small fortune now because affluent mains are buying them up to twink their alts. I charge big because the toons with credits to burn will pay it.


I think we're amidst part 3 of an MMO's standard economy cycle. After either initial release or an xpac release, prices are high because of initial demand. Once the market saturates the prices drop. Then a second wave of alts come through (where we are now) and the prices go back up to take advantage of twinking. It will eventually settle down until the first xpac with a level cap increase or the introduction of new races or ACs.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Last night i realized that the mats will always be more expensive and sell more than the crafted items themselves.


I had some spare purple underworld metals and fabrics that i placed for sale cutting down the lowest prices in like 5% and selling in bulks of 5 to 10 units each.


In a matter of 30 ~ 45 minutes, i sold all the 25 items i have put in GTM and made around 250.000 Crs.


The first to be purchased were the Krayt Dragon Scales.


Definitely the crafting system is broken (although it still sells a lot). :(

Edited by Haggardbr
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Free economy, enough said (You don't have to sell, you don't have to buy). Although people would be more willing to sell in reasonable prices if they had rent (property tax), electric bill and other expenditures :D


That pretty much sums it up.It is the players choice as it should be.

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