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(Video) here is why they should nerf sorcs! -Punkdout


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They should nerf sorcs because a level 49 one playing against lowbies can beat idiots? Your enemies essentially avoided CCing you, gave you LoS whenever you wanted, and avoided objectives to chase you. Also, I didn't see tanking or healing with you around- essentially you proved that you can beat a dps slowly if there is no support.



Get to max level, fight some BM healer/marauder combos, then we'll see how you do.


You're a good player, compared to most, and you're playing against bads- doesn't really matter what class you play the result will be the same.


Also, I never care for hi-lite videos- you people only take the times where you're at your best against enemies. Show me some full match vids of you against a decent premade and we can talk, show me you facing some good marauders 1v1- as long as you do the same sad old 'the best of' vids, it says nothing except 'this is how we can perform at our best against the worst of the barrel'. Grats to that.

Edited by fungihoujo
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When is the 50 video going to be available? While I agree you played well and used working strategies, it seemed like your opponents were just bad which is expected in the 10-49 bracket.


I hit lvl 50 in that video... umm... 2 days ago. Its gonna take me at least a week or two to get the gear to be on par with the other 50s, Follow me on SWTORMovies.com and I will certainly let you know :)

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Sorcs have (had?) a lot of potential, well done for utilising it.


Most of the "I RATE MY PVP SKILLS AS 9.5/10" people on here don't know their arse from their elbow.


Im not saying my pvp skills are 9.5/10 I'm simply stating that This pvp video is worth watching.

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Im not saying my pvp skills are 9.5/10 I'm simply stating that This pvp video is worth watching.


I doubt he was referring to you bro. You're good. Probably not a 9.5, but neither am I lol.


I still forget to use Recklessness or my adrenals/relics on cooldown at times, but I have gotten much better at it after realizing I was forgetting them. Still working on recognizing other classes' cooldown icons as well.

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What I saw is selected editing of a skilled sorc fighting unskilled terribads. Funny watching them chaining ranged attacks watching absorb, absorb, absorb. Seeing one player just standing there doing nothing while you pwn the other. Watching you sucker one player away from the other. Using LoS and they continue to try to range attack you. I mean, c'mon, give us a break.


Sorry, but let's see the videos where you got your *** pwned by actual skilled players.

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you say that because you are one



sorce/sage is a overpowerd 1 button wonder class and they need toning down a bit


He used a lot more than just 1 button in that video. Besides, Sorcs are getting nerfed badly, not just "toned down." Regardless, that was a pretty decent vid. As others have mentioned, you're 49 playing against bad players, but whatever - when you play bads you should own them completely. Which you did. So congrats.

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What I saw is selected editing of a skilled sorc fighting unskilled terribads. Funny watching them chaining ranged attacks watching absorb, absorb, absorb. Seeing one player just standing there doing nothing while you pwn the other. Watching you sucker one player away from the other. Using LoS and they continue to try to range attack you. I mean, c'mon, give us a break.


Sorry, but let's see the videos where you got your *** pwned by actual skilled players.


lol they were full fight scenes... no selective editing at all..

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I don't think that this shows anything in particular that is OP about the Sorc/Sage. I see a well geared toon being played by someone that is way better than average fighting a bunch of morons (wow, there were a lot of them in there).


The only thing that I think was OP in this vid, and this has been my only real complaint with the class since release, is the fact that it took killing 5 or 6 players in the VS fight before he ran out of resources. Aside from the other force users, no other class can do that. BHs, Troopers, Smugglers, and Agents are all so heavily confined by their resource constraints that they can't put out that kind of damage across multiple foes without resorting to basic attack spamming. Its just impossible.


But good video. And really, MAJOR props for putting in the power rangers song. Well played, sir!

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It was fun to watch . I am not a very good( @ 50 the hands and eye coordination slows -so does alot of other things!) PVP'er . In fact , I just started PVP with this game . Never had the desire in all the MMO's (I have played them all except for the PVP Only MMOs) since EQ. However, I have been having a blast in the 10-49 as a Sorcerer - that will probably change post 49...I compare it to a Golf outing...just that one Birdie makes me want to go back. That one good

Kill ...or taking down two when you think you will lose..

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As a Battlemaster Sorc, here is my opinion. Pre-50 Sorc are pretty OP, however we don't scale well with gear. Once you are in lvl 50 WZ, don't even bother trying to 1v1 any other class equally skill/geared, we are suppose to lose 10 out of 10 times.


So am I saying Sorc are underpowered? No, BW already clearly stated that they do not balance the game around 1v1 PvP. This is a team game and if you want to do well, you will need to play your class in a way that complement its strengths. Sorc's strength right now happens to be sitting in the back while frying noobs that gather around doors/capture points smacking other tanky classes.


Most people are pretty lazy or just not very good. Their thought process doesn't get more complicated than "see a player with low health, go smack him." This is why 99% of WZ end up with melee and tanky people bunching around an objective while healers and range DPSers get to sit in the back and do damage freely. If everyone have the whole "Smack lowest health" mentality, Sorcs/Sages will come out ahead as this is what they are good at. If this is the role you want to play then please roll a Sorc.


A well-geared Sent/Mara ***** me in a few seconds and there is nothing i can do about it. However, you are not going to do very well if you use the same "Smack lowest health" mentality. You have to use your head and pick your targets better.


IMO Sorc's popularity doesn't have that much to do with its ability in PvP. It's storyline and voice actor just blows every other classes' out of the water. You are a freaking Sith Inquisitor! I got this game as a birthday present and did zero research when I started playing. I picked Sith Sorc instantly without hesitation.


I will however have to admit the skill cap on Sorc is pretty low... I guess this explains why bad players think they are OP. I just started a Sith Mara because I think they have the highest skill cap and makes the biggest difference when played right.


Lastly... if you believe this video support the specific nerfs in 1.2 then you have no idea what the changes in 1.2 are. The Sorc in the video is 31 points Madness spec. Instead of a nerf, they actually buffed this spec slightly... This video have nothing to do with the Hybrid Wrath-CL spec or the Corruption spec nerf. Maybe you should consider changing your title.

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I turned it off after the first fight. Why? Because none of the enemies were seriously attacking him. All I saw was auto attacks and one knockback from the commando. No stuns, no big hitting special attacks, no openers from the shadows, nothing.


I call staged.



IMO Sorc's popularity doesn't have that much to do with its ability in PvP. It's storyline and voice actor just blows every other classes' out of the water. You are a freaking Sith Inquisitor! I got this game as a birthday present and did zero research when I started playing. I picked Sith Sorc instantly without hesitation.


Having played 3 classes to 50, I can tell you that the inquisitor storyline is garbage in comparison to every other one, especially the sith warrior story.

Edited by pyrojackelope
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