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Trooper Commando is the worst pvp character ever...


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not if skilled as grav spammer. this build actually makes the commando being the worst 1on1 fighter. and even in grp matches you need to be viable in 1on1.


for a commando to be effective in pvp you either need to be healer oder assault (shared tree). the third one with grav round is simply not a good pvp specc.


beside of this, most classes have a tree not very good for pvp. so what?


If all they're doing is using grav round, then of course they're bad.


Anyone who just uses one skill, be it maul, tracer missile, or telekinetic throw, is bad.

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Sub-50, you're totally wrong. Snipers are noticeably more powerful than Mercs (bordering on OP) at lower levels. Mercs are by far the least mobile class in the game (which is a major problem in PvP). They're significantly less mobile than Snipers, even considering Snipers' reliance on cover. Snipers at least have instant attacks they can use when moving between cover points. Mercs don't have any instants that aren't a huge waste of resources, on long cooldowns, or too weak to be useful.


I agree with a lot of the posters in this thread who note that Mercs are excellent if left alone (which mostly means they're supporting an organized team), but that they're relatively weak 1 on 1 or whenever they're under fire (outside of the 12/120 seconds that they can pop their cooldowns).


I honestly feel that if you have a high understanding of you class then you make it very hard to beat in pvp. But in all honesty.... I am very happy with the nerf to commandos simply because no class should be able to dish that kind of damage by spamming one attack.


And this thread actually surprised me. Commandos are the class to beat on my server and make life very difficult for us Imps. When there's several of them around it's a nightmare. You can't interupt three commandos. :(


Also in regards to mercs... The only ones I've seen with low mobility are the ones who spam tracer missile and overload the whole wz.


Commando's and mercs were in serious need of a nerf. I wish it was coming sooner rather than later.

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I honestly feel that if you have a high understanding of you class then you make it very hard to beat in pvp. But in all honesty.... I am very happy with the nerf to commandos simply because no class should be able to dish that kind of damage by spamming one attack.


And this thread actually surprised me. Commandos are the class to beat on my server and make life very difficult for us Imps. When there's several of them around it's a nightmare. You can't interupt three commandos. :(


Also in regards to mercs... The only ones I've seen with low mobility are the ones who spam tracer missile and overload the whole wz.


Commando's and mercs were in serious need of a nerf. I wish it was coming sooner rather than later.


yup they need to learn to use something else then unload/tracer

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Obvious Troll. I played a Commando to level 34. One of the strongest PvP classes in the game....almost to the point of being OP. You want a hard class? Go play a Sniper.


mate you are totally wrong ( at low lvls it seems strong to you ). However let's see you at lvl 50 vs lvl 50 players who have full battlemaster!!! Actually you stop your trolling.


There are realy rare team players at warzones who support the commando class. When a player see the GR ,thy change their target to commando instant,anyway...


I have lvl 50 sniper( marksmanship, lvl 55 pvp tank with full champion set) too. Yes it is realy hard to play too, but more fun to play, you have the best range to give damage from far (but at least we(SNIPERS) can give more damage than commando ;or more nice skills : orbital strike ,series of shots with using rapid fire , knife ... ). Snipers are good at killing the players who is below 30% ( to kill a full hp player with sniper is hard ). I must say I am givining more damage with my sniper than my commando gunnery.


I love trooper so I started this commando class

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I honestly feel that if you have a high understanding of you class then you make it very hard to beat in pvp. But in all honesty.... I am very happy with the nerf to commandos simply because no class should be able to dish that kind of damage by spamming one attack.


And this thread actually surprised me. Commandos are the class to beat on my server and make life very difficult for us Imps. When there's several of them around it's a nightmare. You can't interupt three commandos. :(


Also in regards to mercs... The only ones I've seen with low mobility are the ones who spam tracer missile and overload the whole wz.


Commando's and mercs were in serious need of a nerf. I wish it was coming sooner rather than later.


" You can't interupt three commandos. " you saying this but how many times 3-4 commando we seeing at warzones? what is the possibility of this all time ? and what is your class ;and what is your gear ? say us these info(s) then we can take a look to your comment.


Battlemaster melee ;or battlemaster sors vs. Commando trooper = ? who wins? ofc the melee and sorc. Even the group support the commando , all melee and sorc are attacking/concentratin go to commando(s) are first to kill (even we seem like having a heavy armor we dying too fast ). We are realy bad at 1 vs 1 ,no1 denies it here. at 1.2 we have more nerfs than the other classes I think, it is my opinion, anyway...

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its a simple l2p issue. Besides, you are the class that is really worth hunting. Big white armor than i can see from kilometers away, a lot of damage.. you get the idea.



mates you see right? everyone at this game like to kill trooper class first ;but BW is giving the other classes more oppurtunity to do it now at 1.2 patch...


there are many players who are thinking like that , we can see it at the comments of this thread too. I hope you get the point :D

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mate you are totally wrong ( at low lvls it seems strong to you ). However let's see you at lvl 50 vs lvl 50 players who have full battlemaster!!! Actually you stop your trolling.


There are realy rare team players at warzones who support the commando class. When a player see the GR ,thy change their target to commando instant,anyway...


I have lvl 50 sniper( marksmanship, lvl 55 pvp tank with full champion set) too. Yes it is realy hard to play too, but more fun to play, you have the best range to give damage from far (but at least we(SNIPERS) can give more damage than commando ;or more nice skills : orbital strike ,series of shots with using rapid fire , knife ... ). Snipers are good at killing the players who is below 30% ( to kill a full hp player with sniper is hard ). I must say I am givining more damage with my sniper than my commando gunnery.


I love trooper so I started this commando class



So if you are trying to be a tank with your Sniper, does that mean you are trying to stealth or something with your Commando? :rolleyes:


In all seriousness. You should either try Assault spec (I have a commando friend that easily does 600k-700k damage in Assault spec), or realize that you are lacking skill and learn to play.


I also have a sniper friend that does 700k-800k damage in warzones, and can kill someone in heavy armor in under 8 seconds.


You have probably heard this a lot already, but I think you should seriously consider learning to play.

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I honestly feel that if you have a high understanding of you class then you make it very hard to beat in pvp. But in all honesty.... I am very happy with the nerf to commandos simply because no class should be able to dish that kind of damage by spamming one attack.


And this thread actually surprised me. Commandos are the class to beat on my server and make life very difficult for us Imps. When there's several of them around it's a nightmare. You can't interupt three commandos. :(


Also in regards to mercs... The only ones I've seen with low mobility are the ones who spam tracer missile and overload the whole wz.


Commando's and mercs were in serious need of a nerf. I wish it was coming sooner rather than later.

I have to humbly and respectfully disagree. I by no means am the uber PvPer, however like I posted earlier in this thread, I'm not "grav round spammer" and use other commands. Of course I'm biased because my commando is my main and it's been my character since before launch day. I have a lot of PvE (and PvP) time invested in this character.


With personal feelings aside, lets look at the facts. Per SWTOR's definition of a commando is: "Commandos charge battlefields with massive blaster cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower. Whether taking out an enemy bunker with focused fire or driving back an Imperial charge with a hail of concussive bolts, the Commando’s high-powered hardware dominates the scene, laying waste to all unfortunates who fall within its range. "


Ok, that's just story fluff, but a gunnery commando can't heal himself (not effectively), for the majority of skills can not move. The commando isn't a tank. So the only thing the commando can do is "damage" but the damage is being nerfed. Ok, I'll even give you "we don't want commandos to spam GR", first off, who cares? The commando isn't a tank, he can barely move and he can't heal himself? So I believe it's the commandos opponents that have the issue.


Ok, I'll even humor everyone on the spamming of grav round being "un-fair", but several of the other skills depend on it to be beneficial or worth while. So again, the only benefit to being a commando (damaged) is hindered. Demo round is increased, but you really need to spam 2 or 3 GR for it to be valuable.


All I know is on my sever, the commando is a rarity. And then usually they are only Combat Medics. Which we haven't even touched on the nerfing of the commando healer. Even if I want to say "I'm a sucky commando", I don't think EVERY commando is sucky, that just leans towards it being unfair spec.


Like I said before, I'm a 36 valor 50/50 championship/centurion gear commando. I hold my own, especially with a good group (healers and tanks), but I'm barely holding my own. Hell, I actually spend most of my time "stunned". I fear gunnery commandos will become a liability for teams. It's not going to be a good class to play, if no one wants a "useless" commando on their team. I've already faced the fact I can't go to Ilum alone, ever. Anything can kill a commando 1 on 1. I'm not even complaining about that. I'm merely saying don't take away the only thing a commando is good at: massive amounts of damage. Whether it's one command or many, it shouldn't matter if you can exploit the weaknesses (immobility, lack of healing, lack of shielding).


Long story short is it's easy to complain about a class you don't play, but when you break it down, there really isn't a need to nerf GR. The Commando is FAR from a FOTM class and doesn't really pose a threat CURRENTLY if you have a bit of skill.


No, I'm not going to quit, or re-roll, or cry. I'll figure out other ways to play my commando. However if the commando can't keep up (on average) then BW will need to "re-balance" or just let it die as a class...

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" You can't interupt three commandos. " you saying this but how many times 3-4 commando we seeing at warzones? what is the possibility of this all time ? and what is your class ;and what is your gear ? say us these info(s) then we can take a look to your comment.


Battlemaster melee ;or battlemaster sors vs. Commando trooper = ? who wins? ofc the melee and sorc. Even the group support the commando , all melee and sorc are attacking/concentratin go to commando(s) are first to kill (even we seem like having a heavy armor we dying too fast ). We are realy bad at 1 vs 1 ,no1 denies it here. at 1.2 we have more nerfs than the other classes I think, it is my opinion, anyway...

I agree ^^^^


That's what I'm saying with my massive post above ^^^.


You seldom see more than 2 commandos in a WZ, hell sometimes I'm the only one!!


And I agree on the fact that we will always suck at 1 v 1! I'm not even complaining that our mortality rate is off the chart! On average I die 3x the amount of other classes at my level. NO it's not that I SUCK, it's that the commando needs to be supported, most players don't "support". So all I'm saying is we are already in the hole to start with, no need of a nerf.


I'm willing to try my best post 1.2, but on paper it doesn't look promising.

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Well OP sadly you are right. When developers fail on class balance they fail hard.

And thats something bioware have done hard. I was on of the first battlemaster

commandos many weeks ago.And i have seen have things how changed.


If developers cant make classes balanced around 1 vs 1 they have failed.

Only a public warzone hero who dont understand how things work in competitive play

will try and clam classes are based around team play.And yes sadly the commando is now only a large team play AC.


With most of the commandos skills needs to be channeled it's a bad class for dualing.

And the "heavy" armor is of course a huge joke against classes like assassins and marauders with 3-4 interrupts.All things beeing "equal" the commando will always lose.


So as i said, yeah blame the devs for loving mele the easy class to play.

Unlike what someplayers belive it actually takes way more skills to survive as a

commando against a marauder then the other way around.


I am lord of mele starfing and have played mele in this game alot. lvl up

a marauder in gametesting almost to endgame + i tried all the other mele

classes in swtor.And they are really easy to play.But i wanted to be a commando

for the lore etc of the class but they killed that for me.


Btw any clueless public hero complaining about commandos beeing OP

why dont you play one and dual alot and then come back and see what

you think.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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You may want to respec to Assault and try that. I'm in no way awesome at PvP but I can hold my own and survive against Maras using assault and I get the added bonus of being to constantly apply damage to them. And sometimes when the moon aligns just right with Jupiter I'll win.
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I have to humbly and respectfully disagree. I by no means am the uber PvPer, however like I posted earlier in this thread, I'm not "grav round spammer" and use other commands. Of course I'm biased because my commando is my main and it's been my character since before launch day. I have a lot of PvE (and PvP) time invested in this character.


With personal feelings aside, lets look at the facts. Per SWTOR's definition of a commando is: "Commandos charge battlefields with massive blaster cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower. Whether taking out an enemy bunker with focused fire or driving back an Imperial charge with a hail of concussive bolts, the Commando’s high-powered hardware dominates the scene, laying waste to all unfortunates who fall within its range. "


Ok, that's just story fluff, but a gunnery commando can't heal himself (not effectively), for the majority of skills can not move. The commando isn't a tank. So the only thing the commando can do is "damage" but the damage is being nerfed. Ok, I'll even give you "we don't want commandos to spam GR", first off, who cares? The commando isn't a tank, he can barely move and he can't heal himself? So I believe it's the commandos opponents that have the issue.


Ok, I'll even humor everyone on the spamming of grav round being "un-fair", but several of the other skills depend on it to be beneficial or worth while. So again, the only benefit to being a commando (damaged) is hindered. Demo round is increased, but you really need to spam 2 or 3 GR for it to be valuable.


All I know is on my sever, the commando is a rarity. And then usually they are only Combat Medics. Which we haven't even touched on the nerfing of the commando healer. Even if I want to say "I'm a sucky commando", I don't think EVERY commando is sucky, that just leans towards it being unfair spec.


Like I said before, I'm a 36 valor 50/50 championship/centurion gear commando. I hold my own, especially with a good group (healers and tanks), but I'm barely holding my own. Hell, I actually spend most of my time "stunned". I fear gunnery commandos will become a liability for teams. It's not going to be a good class to play, if no one wants a "useless" commando on their team. I've already faced the fact I can't go to Ilum alone, ever. Anything can kill a commando 1 on 1. I'm not even complaining about that. I'm merely saying don't take away the only thing a commando is good at: massive amounts of damage. Whether it's one command or many, it shouldn't matter if you can exploit the weaknesses (immobility, lack of healing, lack of shielding).


Long story short is it's easy to complain about a class you don't play, but when you break it down, there really isn't a need to nerf GR. The Commando is FAR from a FOTM class and doesn't really pose a threat CURRENTLY if you have a bit of skill.


No, I'm not going to quit, or re-roll, or cry. I'll figure out other ways to play my commando. However if the commando can't keep up (on average) then BW will need to "re-balance" or just let it die as a class...


I would like to say I really respect the well thought out response, it's a pleasant and rare sight on these forums. I'm speaking from a view of another player, I have yet to roll a trooper, though I have a level 20 healing spec mecenary. My primary class is a sniper, fresh 50.


Each server is different. My server, Infinite Empire, has a high concentration of commandos and sages. I play in premades and I'm a high ranking officer in a guild with 300+ members... Whenever we face commandos it's a challenge. They do massive damage and can heal back to full life when taken down below half. They don't go down easy and make it hard to win at voidstar when they are on defense. (It's all about how fast you take them out) I've be in matches with six commandos on the same team.


I would like to say I only wish for the game to be balanced and have no interest in seeing classes ruined. Since I don't play commando myself I cannot say if this is too much or too little but I trust BW to try and make things run smoothly.


And as a side note, I don't think that not being able to perform optimally in a pug group is something to count against a class. Only time you can expect to be supported is if you work in a voice program with a balanced team. And I can say from experience, Ops and teams only judge by class on a very surface level. Ability is what really counts so don't worry about commandos being cut out. Also some of my guilds top heals/damagers are mercs and they aren't worried about the patch. If it's not right I'm sure it'll change again.


Sorc's on the other hand... They seem pretty upset. xP

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I would like to say I really respect the well thought out response, it's a pleasant and rare sight on these forums. I'm speaking from a view of another player, I have yet to roll a trooper, though I have a level 20 healing spec mecenary. My primary class is a sniper, fresh 50.

Much respect right back at you. I'm actually embarrassed to say I was expecting a "hater" response, but was presently surprised you took an open minded view of my side. A rarity for sure on these forums.


I guess my main pain is in my MMO history, the only other MMO I've EVER played is Star Wars Galaxies (see a trend? I'm a SW fan, not a gamer). Much like SWTOR, I was a zero day player. I (much like now) picked an obscure class (Squad Leader in SWG). SL was never a "awesome" class or FOTM. MOnths went by and the game was great, but then there was the "combat upgrade". The purpose was to "balance" the game. As you can guess that was the nail in the coffin for SWG.


Being a SW fan and NOT a gamer, it's more important for me for that the game has longevity and variety. As long as there is a place for my class, and not to just take up space, but to really participate in PVP (or PVE) I'm cool. I don't have to be the FOTM or "best class", I just want to compete on a somewhat fair level.


Each server is different. My server, Infinite Empire, has a high concentration of commandos and sages. I play in premades and I'm a high ranking officer in a guild with 300+ members... Whenever we face commandos it's a challenge. They do massive damage and can heal back to full life when taken down below half. They don't go down easy and make it hard to win at voidstar when they are on defense. (It's all about how fast you take them out) I've be in matches with six commandos on the same team.

It's almost like our servers are mirrored! I had the same experience this last weekend. 2 or 3 of us fired for easily 5 minutes straight at a Healer and a Maurader and could not kill them, or I believe once we did, it was 6 on 2. It could have been a gear/valor imbalance, but still, 3 commandos couldn't take these guys down.


I would like to say I only wish for the game to be balanced and have no interest in seeing classes ruined. Since I don't play commando myself I cannot say if this is too much or too little but I trust BW to try and make things run smoothly.

I agree here too. I'm totally cool with being a human target for a Sith, chop me down and I'll respawn. But then to make it challenging, let me spam you with DPS ;) I actually created a topic in the Commando forum about being optimistic about the changes. Best case is the balance is ok and the commando specific skill balance still deals heavy DPS. In worse case, I hope BW takes notice and tries another re-balance in the future.


I don't mind being killed in PVP. I don't mind not coming in first place in a WZ, my only fear is other classes won't want commandos with them during PVP because of weak output and weak survivability.


Either way I'm here to stay. I've got other characters to level, by my main (commando) will always be my favorite whether he is useful or not.

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Concussion charge is instant, what are you raving about 2 seconds casttime?

Arsenals/Gunnery gets it's damage shifted from Gravround/Tracermissile to other skills, the damage should stay the same.


All healers get nerfed, but as you can see from the testrealm it's not THAT bad.


What was your point again?


Pretty sure he meant Concussive Round

and I disagree about or Damage being the same. We lose 10% damage on Grav Round which is our most used skill and we gain 10% to Demolition Round. I usually use 5 Grav rounds for every Demolition Round. Its not a huge deal but our dps will be lower. The biggest problem was what they did with our survivability. Losing 5% of damage reduction buff and losing 5 seconds on our cooldown of our KB.

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I personally believe it's quite annoying going up against a Trooper (I'm a Sniper) and seeing only one ability used; Grav Round as it's very boring on my side regardless if i win or loose to see an opponent go Grav...interrupt.. ... ... ... Grav Round Grav Round etc.. until out of Ammo, since the damage output of Grav Round, at least against myself, is quite high and can easily kill me if I'm not very careful. Then again, i am a Sniper, so take it for what it is, my personal experience.


I utterly hate when I'm forced to fight Troopers, since it's such a boring and predictable fight. I'm referencing the GR spammers and not the ones who actually have more than 1 button on their bars, i prefer a challenge of skill, not a challenge of whom can hit their one key vs my rotation.


I think it's quit idiotic and frankly disingenuous of BW to create a class that has such a high dependency on a single button to do anything, and on top of that, the damage is very high.


Just to clear things up Dzhokhar

Snipers at least have instant attacks they can use when moving between cover points


Our Instant attacks between cover are: Corrosive Dart (Dot), Followthrough (only usable within 4.5 sec or Ambush or Snipe which are both Cover only abilities, Overload shot ..LOL and Grenade (AoE Tech attack)). none of those, excluding Followthrough, are not worth the resources to use them on any single target as several are our absolute lowest DPE (Damage Per Energy). (From a Marksman spec point of view, Lethality isn't much different and i do not believe Engineering is either, but i have not dealt with Engineering so feel free to correct me where appropriate, or if i miss something.)


To Kanun

how many times 3-4 commando we seeing at warzones


Please come to The Harbinger, every game there is always at least 3-4 Troopers and often times there's about five with the occasional match with the sixth. It honestly feels like FOTM over here.


everyone at this game like to kill trooper class first


For my personal experience, and take it for what it is; If i see a Trooper I'll immediately go for him/her simply due to GR hitting so hard. Often times if i see a single player alone, or turreting, it's game on, unless there's a healer and that generally takes priority. Flashbang is nice during those times, I've got to be at least annoying to the turreting player while I'm buisy.


To the players stating that Troopers (Commando's) have poor survivability, i respectfully disagree. Seeing the annoying Red Shield pop up means that 1/4 of my damage does nothing. You have a self-heal, which i agree is resource demanding and/or on a 3 min CD, but still something to be used to survive long enough for backup.


Try my defensive cool-downs:

3 sec Evasion Shield:

Doesn't work for against 3/4s(?) of the abilities used in the game.

Shield Probe:

Absorbs roughly 1,800 damage, it's scaled off our Tech Power and Power stats, not our main stat Cunning.

Ballistic Shield that reduces damage by 20% for 15 seconds but i have to couple it with a separate cool-down (Entrench) to sustain more than a couple seconds (3-5) of use and that is on a 3 min CD. While i activate this ability i feel like a massive sign says "Look at me, i cant move, please come shoot me. I even feel that way myself when i see opponents use it.


You are far more mobile than I, and if you move your not utterly defenseless (free kill).


Now i do believe Troopers need some love, as do most classes, but to say your totally useless is simply wrong. At least in this players eyes.


I am looking forward to 1.2 as, hopefully, it'll detract from Grav Round spamming and encourage an actual rotation. I enjoy a fight, not a one button wonder that is the vast majority of what i see.


To the players I have quoted, i did not quote out of disrespect, but simply to clarify on some misconceptions, or that i disagree on what you've said, respectfully of course.

Edited by aesirize
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I am looking forward to 1.2 as, hopefully, it'll detract from Grav Round spamming and encourage an actual rotation. I enjoy a fight, not a one button wonder that is the vast majority of what i see.


There's a difference between clicking on one button continuously and clicking on a series of buttons continuously? ;)

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There's a difference between clicking on one button continuously and clicking on a series of buttons continuously? ;)


Just my opinion, but it takes considerably more skill to keep an eye on several abilities, prioritize, manage cool-downs and resource management than to hit one button as fast as you can. :cool:

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There's a difference between clicking on one button continuously and clicking on a series of buttons continuously? ;)


Yes there is. When a skill is obviously overpowered it's used too often and can be frustrating and just plain boring. Although commandos who don't cycle already are not using the class to it's potential as with the grav round you create vortexes which other skills can benefit from.


I usually play medic spec and I don't have the problem that OP does and I'm less geared than him. Obviously when you're with all pugs and no one communicates then of course you're going to get interrupted and your *** handed to you. Like many people have mentioned already, it's a class that requires teammates to work together and 1v1 is pretty much useless in most situations.


I suggest you make some friends and group que or join a guild.


If you have mentioned the above, my apologies. I couldn't finish reading your post, the grammar was all over the place. I'm assuming English isn't your primary language (or at least judging by the thread hope its not)

Edited by ragingcanuck
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Just my opinion, but it takes considerably more skill to keep an eye on several abilities, prioritize, manage cool-downs and resource management than to hit one button as fast as you can. :cool:


we have to use grav round alot if we want to kill someone period. If we dont use grav round atleast 3 to 5 times per fight we will be laughed at then killed. my typical fight starts like this


Tech Override, Reserve Powercell, Plasma Grenade (I do this every 2 minutes), Full Auto, Grav Roundx4, Demoilition Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto.

Then while waiting for Full Auto, Demolition Round & High Impact Bolt to get off cooldown I will spam Grav Round (unless Im low on Ammo) Then I will alternate between Grav Round & Hammer Shot

And I will pepper in my KB's and Cryo Grenade when i have a pesky melee all over me. and If Grav Round gets interrupted I go with Charged Bolts

When I'm Chasing someone down I will throw Sticky Grenade & then spam Explosive Round

used to use a full aoe rotation but it totally kills my ammo so I scratched that all together.


But I completely disagree with original poster. I do not get destroyed in 1 vs 1 except against a handful of much better players. We have great Survivability tools (tho 1.2 will make those not as good). But in no way shape or form do I find myself useless in PVP.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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1) We are not all Grav Round/Tracer Missile spammers.

2) We are not all healers.

3) If you think 1.2 will stop the Grav Round/Tracer Missile spam, you are wrong.

4) We all suck in 1on1, and if your counter argument is "game is not balanced to 1on1", please consider that if you need 2 Commandos to kill 1 anything else, you need 3-4 to kill 2, and 3-5 to kill 3 anything else, and that is hardly balance either.

5) If you are not a Commando/Merc, why would you whine about Grav Round/Tracer Missile, you can Line of Sight it, and you can interrupt it.

6) Interrupts with a long cooldown is better than none, you can use your knockbacks and stun to stop the commando/merc from casting,

7) 450k damage in a wz is the most I have done, I have 3000 healing, and 8-9 medals, a good assassin has 10+ medals, 650k+ damage, 200k protection, and 100k healing, nearly 20k health, and in tank "stance" and WE are getting nerfs because tracer missile is "annoying" - REALLY ?

8) Powertech/Vanguard in Pyro spec, does more damage and is harder to kill, and people are still crying about mercs.

9) Trying to Heal if you are not specced for it, is terrible, and it is NOT advisable to start casting a heal on yourself if your Grav Round/Tracer Missile has been interrupted, it will have 0% pushback resistance and heal you for LESS than the damage you took while casting it.

10) Heat management is a pain, and something glowstick classes wont have to deal with.



Merc - Valor Rank 69

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