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What is the point of rolling Republic?


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This is the Old Republic...isn't that what you pointed out?


Episode I, who was in charge?


Republic, because they made the mistake of not checking to see if they destroyed the entire Empire. We came back and conquered the galaxy with a guy who looked like a hot onion and a Sith lord with an asthma problem.


Way to be lazy by the way, Republic. "Are all the Sith gone? Yeah. You sure? I'm....80% sure. Good enough for me!"





Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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yes but they lost. Palpatine takes control of the Rupublic and makes an Empire.


And then we killed him and reformed the Republic.


And in the time from when this game is based and Episode I, we are in control.


That's 3,000 years that you all were in hiding...again.

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Republic, because they made the mistake of not checking to see if they destroyed the entire Empire. We came back and conquered the galaxy with a guy who looked like a hot onion and a Sith lord with an asthma problem.


Way to be lazy by the way, Republic. "Are all the Sith gone? Yeah. You sure? I'm....80% sure. Good enough for me!"






Because the Sith wiping out all the jedi worked so well......


Oh wait the sith managed to miss out a little known green chap called Yoda and Vaders own Master when he was a jedi. Yeh easy to miss those two.


Dont think its that long till the rule of two comes about, the Sith lose so bad they completely reform things give up the up front empire conquest thing and go all sneaky.

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Because the Sith wiping out all the jedi worked so well......


Oh wait the sith managed to miss out a little known green chap called Yoda and Vaders own Master when he was a jedi. Yeh easy to miss those two.


Dont think its that long till the rule of two comes about, the Sith lose so bad they completely reform things give up the up front empire conquest thing and go all sneaky.


Sidious killed the rule of two. Remember rule of two is a EU lore thing that has little to do with the real star wars universe Lucas made. Thats why there were more then one Sith in the movies.

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Because the Sith wiping out all the jedi worked so well......


Oh wait the sith managed to miss out a little known green chap called Yoda and Vaders own Master when he was a jedi. Yeh easy to miss those two.


Dont think its that long till the rule of two comes about, the Sith lose so bad they completely reform things give up the up front empire conquest thing and go all sneaky.


Hey, they still died. Though one was by natural causes.


I'm countin' it.

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And the Republic still comes out on top.


+1 for sneaking in nerf herders!


Actually, from what I remember, they stopped being the New Republic and now call themselves the Galactic Alliance.


What is with everyone calling themselves an Alliance now? Freaking Stormwind Alliance, the Earth Alliance, The LGBT Alliance.


Does no one own a thesaurus anymore? Heck, does no one own a thesaurus APP?



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Actually, from what I remember, they stopped being the New Republic and now call themselves the Galactic Alliance.


What is with everyone calling themselves an Alliance now? Freaking Stormwind Alliance, the Earth Alliance, The LGBT Alliance.


Does no one own a thesaurus anymore? Heck, does no one own a thesaurus APP?




Would you prefer the world "commonwealth"?

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I have been Imperial side since launch and at first the obvious population differences were apparent. Now the differences are a bit better but I still play huttball 90% of the time against other Imps. It was fun at first but I am getting the burnout of the grind. Ilum, mostly dead all day. No one ever fights there save for the few pubs that try to 3 or 4 v me gank. The only reason to go to Ilum is to collect armaments and to grab a buff to que WZs.


It feels that the game is suffering from too many servers, imo. Since the spread from their collosal mistake at launch, it seems that no servers are really full. with many of them barely reaching standard populations. I would like someone to group with in PvE and PvP. many of the original subs have gotten bored, mad, emo, or whateva and have quit. My guild for example was pretty strong at first, with lots of grouping. Now, if 4 people log in it amazing. At night I see just over 100 in Fleet, knowing that the Pubs have less. No one ever wants to group for hours and PvP is getting boring.


I love this game but I can understand why some people are leaving. The content is sparse atm, PvP is a boring grind fighting the same people whom you healed last round. Ilum is dead, and the world PvP is non existant.


Patiently awaiting 1.2

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. The content is sparse atm, PvP is a boring grind fighting the same people whom you healed last round. Ilum is dead, and the world PvP is non existant.
Sounds to me like you need to reroll as Republic. Republic players can always find Empire players to fight.


Be part of the solution.

Edited by sjmc
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i finished sith warrior, and i finished bounty hunter (story) last night i rolled smuggler.


so whats hte point in rolling republic?


for me it was a change of scene


(i'm only at level 7-8 but i am noticing the dark/lightside choices seem to be a bit wishy washy with this story. ie light side give meds to civilians dark side give it back to the rightful owner)

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(i'm only at level 7-8 but i am noticing the dark/lightside choices seem to be a bit wishy washy with this story. ie light side give meds to civilians dark side give it back to the rightful owner)
The choices on that first planet seemed quite odd sometimes, but its not too bad after that.
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On two different realms (dead server re-rolled) I started out Imp, but switched to Repub. Don't think it's any one thing, but a combination of the Jedi story line, play style and the whole oppressive, Sith dark side thing that has me preferring the Republic.
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The Light Side/Dark Side choices are insane sometimes.


End of the Black Talon, you have the choice of giving the guy a quick death and taking the information, or capturing him alive to be imprisoned and tortured until death. Guess which is the Light Side choice...yup, imprisonment and torture.


There was one on the republic side, where you're tasked with finding a runaway kid. He's like, round the corner but totally hooked on drugs. Light Side choice is to give him money to flee off-world, Dark Side is to send him back to his parents to get cleaned up. ***?!

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The light/dark is very double sided in this game. It has absolutely nothing to do a lot of the time as to whether it is morally right or wrong.



I really wish they would have left alignment choices either out of the game, or to serve no purpose other than Dark Side Corruption. The whole gear restriction has really make many people not be able to play a story the way they want to and make logical choices because if they did they would not end up viable in combat.

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The light/dark is very double sided in this game. It has absolutely nothing to do a lot of the time as to whether it is morally right or wrong.



I really wish they would have left alignment choices either out of the game, or to serve no purpose other than Dark Side Corruption. The whole gear restriction has really make many people not be able to play a story the way they want to and make logical choices because if they did they would not end up viable in combat.


You can turn off the showing of ls/ds choices. the game will not tell you till you pick the choice which is which... granted you'll know top is good bottom bad more or less but it doesn't flat out tell you if you don't want it to.

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Stopped reading OP's post at the mention of PvP. :rolleyes:


The ONLY open world PvP is Level 50's GANKING everyone else. :rolleyes:




Well maybe if they made it worthwhile and all the other level 50's aren't all huddled around terminals looking for a raid and too cowardly to set foot in enemy territory it might not be like that.

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Well maybe if they made it worthwhile and all the other level 50's aren't all huddled around terminals looking for a raid and too cowardly to set foot in enemy territory it might not be like that.


Sorry, on my server we dominate. Imps are easy targets.


You have numbers and your precious lightning, we have the Force.

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