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What is the point of rolling Republic?


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I'm British and I play the Republic!


I have absolutely no interest in the Empire at all. I rolled a character recently, got to level 2 and just gave up. Not interested, not bothered. Got 50 lightside points :D


I don't want to be evil. Helps I like Huttball :D


I wish there was a better balance but I'm happy where I am.

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I think same faction WZ will hurt this game more.
I generally agree, but what should they do about it? If you remove the ability to have same-faction warzones, you will end up with Imperial players sitting around for a long time waiting for warzones to start -- because the pool of Republic players to play against won't have changed.


As a Republic player, I've never waited longer than 5 minutes for a warzone to start. In peak times, I can't choose to automatically requeue because the timer on the next warzone invite will run out before I finish unloading the previous game. Increasing the pool of possible Imperial players (by removing their same-faction option) won't make any difference to me as there are already more than enough enemies.


(Of course, your experience may vary based on your server).


Same-faction warzones break immersion to some extent, but at least they have been limiting it to non-war situations (Huttball is a game in a neutral area -- it is entirely possible that they could have multiple "Empire" teams in the league).

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Scourge is darker than Vader, get your facts straight, while Praven wasn't outright cruel his strength came from the dark side as well until he converted after almost dying, don't twist this. The only light side pansy is completely non-canon players with the stupid light side sith system... No light side force user uses force lightning or choke or attacks like "vicious Slash"when you kill for killing's sake you're evil.


Reps are better, have more interesting stories and I like Jedi better that's the point. I have characters on the other side though because I'm interested in the stories anyway. Faction pride is an archaic concept.


I just wanted to point out that force powers are not light side powers or dark side powers. There's just the Force, and anyone with Force sensitivity can manipulate it. George Lucas directly states this in an interview (don't have a link atm).


A good canon example of this is when Luke is entering Jabba's palace in RoTJ; you see him briefly use Force choke on a gamorrean guard. However, he didn't kill them with it; he only used it to get past them.

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The problem is that by definition, a Jedi is not someone who kills innocents, bangs every beautiful woman who comes towards him and still calls him a servant of the light. I, myself, feel such a hypocrite every time my Jedi Knight scolds someone for having a relationship/doing something "non-light", when he bangs Kira every time he gets back to the ship. And I'm light V, "the Pure".


A Jedi is not defined by his view of the world. He is defined by his use of the Force and his place in the universe.


Or some crap like that.

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Rolled republic since I could not stand the Empire storylines. It's just felt weird to play a mindless, manipulated drone, getting constantly pushed and yelled at (at least at the beginning).


Could not endure through the amounts of disrespect the imperial 'superiors' showed my character. :D

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Because Republic wins the war or it won't fit canon. What's the point on playing a side that will lose? Plus the items on empire looks like crap specifically inquisitors and everyone looks like skinny emo with dark hair. Oh and the emperor is a psychopath so that kinda ruins everything. Edited by Idunhavaname
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Because Republic wins the war or it won't fit canon. What's the point on playing a side that will lose? Plus the items on empire looks like crap specifically inquisitors and everyone looks like skinny emo with dark hair. Oh and the emperor is a psychopath so that kinda ruins everything.


The Republic didn't win. They lost to the Empire.

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Because my guild is there, and im not 11.


Not until next year anyway eh!


Seriously, the stereotyping of an entire faction into being kids is just *******.


The depth of the quoted statement (or lack of) suggests your brain has some catching up to do if you are indeed an adult.

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Here's a bigger question-- why even bother with the whole backstory of Sith and Republic and a war if all you do is brawl with your own side in Huttball.


None, and that's the trouble.


PVP should be about affecting the war as a whole with territorial and relevant PvP, not just another loot grind. You might as just as well call it Star Wars Civil War if all you do is fight with your own side.

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Here's a bigger question-- why even bother with the whole backstory of Sith and Republic and a war if all you do is brawl with your own side in Huttball.


None, and that's the trouble.


PVP should be about affecting the war as a whole with territorial and relevant PvP, not just another loot grind. You might as just as well call it Star Wars Civil War if all you do is fight with your own side.


Well, I'll say it again.


The Empire battles each other all the time. It's in the lore.


Your power hungry leaders have fought for dominance since the Empire was formed.


If you don't want to kill your brethren, join the Republic.

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Good guys v Bad Guys... I play Alliance, Guardian and now Republic. I tried Horde, Defiant and no doubt I will have a go at Empire, but sadly I just don't want to be the bad guy. And I also don't mind being the underdog, and if 1 699 999 players were Empire I would still be the 1 than plays Republic. The more unique the better and the more challenging the better and the more rare the better. ... Keeping my fingers crossed that the Republic don't 'Strike Back'
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The Republic didn't win. They lost to the Empire.


Well whatever happens in the few thousand years between Old Republic and Episode I the Sith Empire does lose before Palpatine reforms it by the end of Episode III, turning the Republic into the Galactic Empire, then by the end of Episode VI the Rebel Alliance has struck a massive blow to the Empire and begins to reform the Republic.

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Well whatever happens in the few thousand years between Old Republic and Episode I the Sith Empire does lose before Palpatine reforms it by the end of Episode III, turning the Republic into the Galactic Empire, then by the end of Episode VI the Rebel Alliance has struck a massive blow to the Empire and begins to reform the Republic.


Ask the Alderaanians about inevitability.

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Luke and Han would like a word with you.


They were rebels - there was no republic when they where around....well there was but it was called the empire at that point.


So republic becomes the empire. so everyones a winner

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They were rebels - there was no republic when they where around....well there was but it was called the empire at that point.


So republic becomes the empire. so everyones a winner


They were the Republic in Episode I.

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SW A New Hope is a perfect good vs evil fairy tale. It also makes everything from the Imperial rise to power all the way down to the uniforms and ideology resemble the Nazi party a little too closely. It's why the Imperials make great bad guys. I don't want to play a Nazi so I roll Republic. Saying that, I have rolled two Imperial characters to try them out, but have not played much past lvl 10. I just enjoy playing the good guys ridding the galaxy of xenophobic fascists. :jawa_biggrin:


Of course it doesn't mean people playing Imps share their doctrine, they just like role playing - we hope... :jawa_tongue:


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