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The GTN in 1.2


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The Biometric Crystal Alloy and other materials that can only be obtained through HMs and Ops will no longer be BoP which means the GTN will be flooded with the things and they will not be cheap. What are the thoughts on this?


Which is it, flooded, or not cheap? Those two things generally don't go together.

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I'm rather happy that they're not going ot be BoP anymore. I don't really need anymore of them for my main, but it's going to be nice being able to pass them off to an alt.


I suspect that's going to be the case for a lot of players. You only need so many of them, and then they're useless. It will be nice to be able to do something with them.

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The Biometric Crystal Alloy and other materials that can only be obtained through HMs and Ops will no longer be BoP which means the GTN will be flooded with the things and they will not be cheap. What are the thoughts on this?


So just continue to get them through drops. Those will be there for someone who doesn't want to run the Ops and HMs. As long as they don't lower the drop rate on them I don't see the problem.

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My thoughts are the crybabies got their way and the mats are no longer BOP.


Are you talking about the raiders being the crybabies? Because those were the people asking for this. Typically you only need a few to make the things for yourself, I have guildies who have gobs of these things sitting in storage and nothing to do with them.


I think BW made the change for people like them. So if you are running HM's and ops and no longer need them for yourself, rather than have them rot in storage and be worthless to you, you can sell them to others and make some credits.


Which also addresses a second complaint of raiders, that HM's/ops don't give enough credits to make up for repair bills etc. This is another way to (effectively) increase the credit payouts for those doing endgame PvE content.


A good thing, IMO.

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You guys seem to be forgetting the fact that they're lowering the drop rate on them, there will be less of them to go around. But, on the same note, that may be a moot point since they're removing unlocks on hardmode's so you can run them repeatedly.


Personally, I'm just glad the damn things will stack, and as such, I may begin to hoard them in my cargo hold. I'm pretty sure some other players may do the same as well so we have them ready for later added crew skills requiring them.

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My thought is, "Yay now there's things worth trading/buying/batering/making money off of!".


Thank you for taking a step into the "MMO" part of your game, BW. :)


So requiring you to group with other people to obtain them because they're BoP and drop in hard-mode FP's and Ops... that didn't say "MMO" to you? But allowing you to buy them from other people on the GTN and never have to actually interact or play with another human... that's "taking a step into the 'MMO' part" of the game?



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So requiring you to group with other people to obtain them because they're BoP and drop in hard-mode FP's and Ops... that didn't say "MMO" to you? But allowing you to buy them from other people on the GTN and never have to actually interact or play with another human... that's "taking a step into the 'MMO' part" of the game?




Forcing crafters to raid to craft is what you call an MMO? In that case, hardcore raiders should be forced to win 10 PvP matches a week to get their raid armor, in addition to beating the raid bosses.


Question: have you played an MMO other than WoW for longer than a few days?

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Forcing crafters to raid to craft is what you call an MMO? In that case, hardcore raiders should be forced to win 10 PvP matches a week to get their raid armor, in addition to beating the raid bosses.


Question: have you played an MMO other than WoW for longer than a few days?


First off, Google "straw man argument", because that's what we have here. I didn't say anything at all about what is right or wrong about the current system. I simply pointed out the stupidity of your assessment that making Biometric Crystal Alloy tradable is somehow more MMO-like than requiring grouping to complete a goal.


You don't have to raid to get Biometric Crystal Alloy. It's available in every hard-mode FP, including Black Talon, which is easy enough to 2-man with companions. If you don't want to do any PvE content at all at 50, including FP's, then you don't need Biometric Crystal Alloy anyway. It isn't required for RPing in the cantina.


And lol at "have you played an MMO other than WoW for longer than a few days?" I point out how ridiculous your statement is and you try to insult me by calling me a WoW-tard. I've likely been playing MMOs since they were text-based, little girl. Try again.

Edited by DustomaticGXC
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You don't have to raid to get Biometric Crystal Alloy. It's available in every hard-mode FP, including Black Talon, which is easy enough to 2-man with companions. If you don't want to do any PvE content at all at 50, including FP's, then you don't need Biometric Crystal Alloy anyway. It isn't required for RPing in the cantina.


There are some people who don't want to raid. However, they do like to craft. They would like to make things for guild members or to sell. I am just not sure why I should waste my time doing something I don't want to do just in order to get something I want/need to do in another part of the game.


If the only way I was ever able to craft was by killing things and going on raids, then I could have decided not to do crafting. However, to start crafting and then find out that at the very end I had to participate in a part of the game I don't like is unfair. It would be like requiring the people who want to PvE to all of a sudden go do PvP in order to get something they need for a raid.

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First off, Google "straw man argument", because that's what we have here. I didn't say anything at all about what is right or wrong about the current system. I simply pointed out the stupidity of your assessment that making Biometric Crystal Alloy tradable is somehow more MMO-like than requiring grouping to complete a goal.




You pointed out that people being able to trade with other living beings is somehow less social than forcing them into a specific playstyle they likely wouldn't enjoy doing to do something they do enjoy doing. That raiders making money off raiding (something they usually complain about not being able to do) while granting hardcore crafters something they need but are normally not able to acquire unless doing something they can't or don't want to do is somehow bad.


If you can somehow explain that requiring a crafting character to be level capped, geared enough for end game instances, and dedicated to solely running instances for crafting materials ONTOP of the the time and dedication put into mastering their crafting profession is anything other than an arbitrary time sink, I'm all ears. Until then, here are some tissues for your issues.


Oh and if you're so experienced in MMOs, maybe you can also explain how BOP crafting materials in other MMOs provided a better experience for players compared to MMOs where items were unbound and freely tradeable (such as AO, SWG, EVE, LoTRO), that would be great. This little girl is eager to hear what she's been missing her whole MMO life! Because crafting in the above mentioned MMOs was a blast. In TOR it's a complete waste of time.

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You pointed out that people being able to trade with other living beings is somehow less social than forcing them into a specific playstyle they likely wouldn't enjoy doing to do something they do enjoy doing. That raiders making money off raiding (something they usually complain about not being able to do) while granting hardcore crafters something they need but are normally not able to acquire unless doing something they can't or don't want to do is somehow bad.


If you can somehow explain that requiring a crafting character to be level capped, geared enough for end game instances, and dedicated to solely running instances for crafting materials ONTOP of the the time and dedication put into mastering their crafting profession is anything other than an arbitrary time sink, I'm all ears. Until then, here are some tissues for your issues.


Oh and if you're so experienced in MMOs, maybe you can also explain how BOP crafting materials in other MMOs provided a better experience for players compared to MMOs where items were unbound and freely tradeable (such as AO, SWG, EVE, LoTRO), that would be great. This little girl is eager to hear what she's been missing her whole MMO life! Because crafting in the above mentioned MMOs was a blast. In TOR it's a complete waste of time.


I see you didn't look up the definition of "strawman argument." You really should have. It would have saved you from looking like a fool. I *did not* say "raiders making money off raiding (something they usually complain about not being able to do) while granting hardcore crafters something they need but are normally not able to acquire unless doing something they can't or don't want to do is somehow bad." Nowhere, nohow, not once did I say anything even close. Please quote me if you don't agree.


Pointing out that grouping is more social than interacting with the GTN is it's own point, irrespective of your opinion that the game "forcing" somebody to group to get certain items isn't ideal or anyone else's opinion that it is.


What I will point out to you is that if you are playing a game solely to craft, and the crafting system is complete garbage as you claim TOR's is... you're wasting your money.

Edited by DustomaticGXC
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I see you didn't look up the definition of "strawman argument." You really should have. It would have saved you from looking like a fool. I *did not* say "raiders making money off raiding (something they usually complain about not being able to do) while granting hardcore crafters something they need but are normally not able to acquire unless doing something they can't or don't want to do is somehow bad." Nowhere, nohow, not once did I say anything even close. Please quote me if you don't agree.


Pointing out that grouping is more social than interacting with the GTN is it's own point, irrespective of your opinion that the game "forcing" somebody to group to get certain items isn't ideal or anyone else's opinion that it is.


What I will point out to you is that if you are playing a game solely to craft, and the crafting system is complete garbage as you claim TOR's is... you're wasting your money.


Here, I'll help you out seeing as how you still don't understand what I meant by "taking a step into MMO":


Having less bound items and more freely tradeable items facilitates a more robust, dynamic, and active in game economy. Which is a part of what makes MMOs so appealing.


As far the petty argument on what's "sociable" that YOU brought up, crafters grouping solely to get instance only materials aren't grouping for the social aspects.

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Too bad they are completely worthless now.


Tier 2 Crafting mats are going to go through the roof now since they will be used to make augmented armor and you will need a lot of them to get a crit.


I'd start hording the tier 2 mats if I were you, Raid materials are so 1.1.5

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Here, I'll help you out seeing as how you still don't understand what I meant by "taking a step into MMO":


Having less bound items and more freely tradeable items facilitates a more robust, dynamic, and active in game economy. Which is a part of what makes MMOs so appealing.


As far the petty argument on what's "sociable" that YOU brought up, crafters grouping solely to get instance only materials aren't grouping for the social aspects.


"Which is part of what makes MMOs so appealing"... to YOU, maybe. To most of us, being able to play with literally hundreds of other people is what makes MMOs so appealing.


Massively Multi-player Online... The very definition of "MMO" is to have many, many other players around you playing in the same virtual world. Something being "more MMO-like" would be something that facilitated interaction with other players within the game, not something that allows you to circumvent human interaction (like the GTN does).


So after all that, not only is your original statement, the one I commented on in the first place, about tradable BCA being a step towards that, completely absurd, but you've proven yourself a confrontational doofus who just wants to throw a tantrum and argue even if it means making up a view for somebody else and then arguing against said made-up view... in case you STILL haven't looked up "strawman arguement".


Good day, goon.

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I'm definitely against this. Raid mats should stay with the people who raid.


so just because you some kind of elite raider people want them you against it lol.. nice well i like this .:) if you dont like it pretend the patch dont exist :p

Edited by ninjashadowdark
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I guess I'm one of the cry babies, because I'm excited about this. I don't think any crafting items should be find on pickup, kind of goes against the purpose of crafting imo.


PS, I raid and get the mats.

Edited by HanzBlix
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bop mats are stupid anyways.


To be fair, I'm fine with BoP mats AS LONG as there is some UI to do contracted crafting, where somebody can open some sort of tradelike UI with the crafter, put in the parts they are supplying, along with how much they are paying. The the crafting occurs, the crafter gets his payment, the other person gets his BoP (if any of the mats he supplied were) result.


That being said, creating such an interface is almost certainly far more time consuming, (and likely not worth it) compared to simply removing the BoP.


Especially in a system like TOR where it isn't an instantaneous (or nearly so) click to combine.

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